
Troubleshoot issues writing data

Learn how to avoid unexpected results and recover from errors when writing to InfluxDB.

Handle write and delete responses

In InfluxDB Cloud, writes and deletes are asynchronous and eventually consistent. Once InfluxDB validates your request and queues the write or delete, it sends a success response (HTTP 204 status code) as an acknowledgement. To ensure that InfluxDB handles writes and deletes in the order you request them, wait for the acknowledgement before you send the next request. Because writes are asynchronous, keep the following in mind:

  • Data might not yet be queryable when you receive success (HTTP 204 status code).
  • InfluxDB may still reject points after you receive success (HTTP 204 status code).

Review HTTP status codes

InfluxDB uses conventional HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. Write requests return the following status codes:

HTTP response codeMessageDescription
204 "Success"If InfluxDB validated the request data format and queued the data for writing to the bucket
400 "Bad request"message contains the first malformed lineIf data is malformed
401 "Unauthorized"If the Authorization: Token header is missing or malformed or if the API token doesn’t have permission to write to the bucket
404 "Not found"requested resource type, e.g. “organization”, and resource nameIf a requested resource (e.g. organization or bucket) wasn’t found
413 “Request too large”cannot read data: points in batch is too largeIf a write request exceeds the maximum global limit
429 “Too many requests”Retry-After header: xxx (seconds to wait before retrying the request)If a read or write request exceeds your plan’s adjustable service quotas or if a delete request exceeds the maximum global limit
500 "Internal server error"Default status for an error
503 “Service unavailable“Series cardinality exceeds your plan’s service quotaIf series cardinality exceeds your plan’s adjustable service quotas

The message property of the response body may contain additional details about the error. If some of your data did not write to the bucket, see how to troubleshoot rejected points.

Troubleshoot partial writes

Because writes are asynchronous, they may fail partially or completely even though InfluxDB returns an HTTP 2xx status code for a valid request. For example, a partial write may occur when InfluxDB writes all points that conform to the bucket schema, but rejects points that have the wrong data type in a field. To check for writes that fail asynchronously, create a task to check the _monitoring bucket for rejected points. To resolve partial writes and rejected points, see troubleshoot failures.

Troubleshoot failures

If you notice data is missing in your bucket, do the following:

Troubleshoot rejected points

InfluxDB may have rejected points even if the HTTP request returned “Success”. InfluxDB logs rejected data points and associated errors to your organization’s _monitoring bucket.

Review rejected points

To get a log of rejected points, query the rejected_points measurement in your organization’s _monitoring bucket. To more quickly locate rejected_points, keep the following in mind:

  • If your line protocol batch contains single lines with multiple fields, InfluxDB logs an entry for each point (each unique field) that is rejected.
  • Each entry contains a reason tag that describes why the point was rejected.
  • Entries for data type conflicts and schema rejections have a count field value of 1.
  • Entries for parsing errors contain an error field (and don’t contain a count field).

rejected_points schema

_fieldcount or error
_value1 or error details
bucketID of the bucket that rejected the point
measurementMeasurement name of the point
fieldName of the field that caused the rejection
reasonBrief description of the problem. See specific reasons in data type conflicts and schema rejections
gotTypeReceived field type: Boolean, Float, Integer, String, or UnsignedInteger
wantTypeExpected field type: Boolean, Float, Integer, String, or UnsignedInteger
<timestamp>Time the rejected point was logged

Find parsing errors

If InfluxDB can’t parse a line (e.g. due to syntax problems), the response message might not provide details. To find parsing error details, query rejected_points entries that contain the error field.

from(bucket: "_monitoring")
    |> range(start: -1h)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "rejected_points")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "error")
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Find data type conflicts and schema rejections

To find rejected_points caused by data type conflicts or schema rejections, query for the count field.

from(bucket: "_monitoring")
    |> range(start: -1h)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "rejected_points")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "count")
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Resolve data type conflicts

When you write to a bucket that has the implicit schema type, InfluxDB compares new points to points that have the same series. If a point has a field with a different data type than the series, InfluxDB rejects the point and logs a rejected_points entry. The rejected_points entry contains one of the following reasons:

type conflict in batch writeThe batch contains another point with the same series, but one of the fields has a different value type.
type conflict with existing dataThe bucket contains another point with the same series, but one of the fields has a different value type.

Resolve explicit schema rejections

If you write to a bucket with an explicit schema, the data must conform to the schema. Otherwise, InfluxDB rejects the data.

Do the following to interpret explicit schema rejections:

Detect a measurement mismatch

InfluxDB rejects a point if the measurement doesn’t match the name of a bucket schema. The rejected_points entry contains the following reason tag value:

measurement not allowed by schemaThe bucket is configured to use explicit schemas and none of the schemas matches the measurement of the point.

Consider the following line protocol data.

airSensors,sensorId=TLM0201 temperature=73.97,humidity=35.23,co=0.48 1637014074
  • Copy
  • Fill window

The line has an airSensors measurement and three fields (temperature, humidity, and co). If you try to write this data to a bucket that has the explicit schema type and doesn’t have an airSensors schema, the /api/v2/write InfluxDB API returns an error and the following data:

  "code": "invalid",
  "message": "3 out of 3 points rejected (check rejected_points in your _monitoring bucket for further information)"
  • Copy
  • Fill window

InfluxDB logs three rejected_points entries, one for each field.

rejected_pointscount1humidityairSensorsmeasurement not allowed by schema
rejected_pointscount1coairSensorsmeasurement not allowed by schema
rejected_pointscount1temperatureairSensorsmeasurement not allowed by schema

Detect a field type mismatch

InfluxDB rejects a point if the measurement matches the name of a bucket schema and the field data types don’t match. The rejected_points entry contains the following reason:

field type mismatch with schemaThe point has the same measurement as a configured schema and they have different field value types.

Consider a bucket that has the following airSensors explicit bucket schema:

 "name": "airSensors",
 "columns": [
     "name": "time",
     "type": "timestamp"
     "name": "sensorId",
     "type": "tag"
     "name": "temperature",
     "type": "field",
     "dataType": "float"
     "name": "humidity",
     "type": "field",
     "dataType": "float"
     "name": "co",
     "type": "field",
     "dataType": "float"
  • Copy
  • Fill window

The following line protocol data has an airSensors measurement, a sensorId tag, and three fields (temperature, humidity, and co).

airSensors,sensorId=L1 temperature=90.5,humidity=70.0,co=0.2 1637014074
airSensors,sensorId=L1 temperature="90.5",humidity=70.0,co=0.2 1637014074
  • Copy
  • Fill window

In the example data above, the second point has a temperature field value with the string data type. Because the airSensors schema requires temperature to have the float data type, InfluxDB returns a 400 error and a message that describes the result:

  "code": "invalid",
  "message": "partial write error (5 accepted): 1 out of 6 points rejected (check rejected_points in your _monitoring bucket for further information)"
  • Copy
  • Fill window

InfluxDB logs the following rejected_points entry to the _monitoring bucket:

rejected_pointscount1a7d5558b880a93datemperatureStringairSensorsfield type mismatch with schemaFloat

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Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB 3 Core and Enterprise are now in Beta

InfluxDB 3 Core and Enterprise are now available for beta testing, available under MIT or Apache 2 license.

InfluxDB 3 Core is a high-speed, recent-data engine that collects and processes data in real-time, while persisting it to local disk or object storage. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial product that builds on Core’s foundation, adding high availability, read replicas, enhanced security, and data compaction for faster queries. A free tier of InfluxDB 3 Enterprise will also be available for at-home, non-commercial use for hobbyists to get the full historical time series database set of capabilities.

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