Sample data
Use sample data to familiarize yourself with time series data and InfluxDB. InfluxData provides many sample time series datasets to use with InfluxDB. You can also use the Flux InfluxDB sample package to view, download, and output sample datasets.
Live datasets
Live sample datasets are continually updated with new data. These sets can be loaded once and treated as a “static” dataset, or you can create an InfluxDB task to periodically collect and write new data.
Air sensor sample data
Size: ~600 KB • Updated: every 15m
Air sensor sample data represents an “Internet of Things” (IoT) use case by simulating temperature, humidity, and carbon monoxide levels for multiple rooms in a building.
To continually download and write updated air sensor sample data to a bucket,
create an InfluxDB task
with the following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample"
option task = {
name: "Collect air sensor sample data",
every: 15m,
} "airSensor")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
Bitcoin sample data
Size: ~700 KB • Updated: every 15m
The Bitcoin sample dataset provides Bitcoin prices from the last 30 days—Powered by CoinDesk.
To continually download and write updated Bitcoin sample data to a bucket,
create an InfluxDB task
with the following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample"
option task = {
name: "Collect Bitcoin sample data",
every: 15m,
} "bitcoin")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
Size: ~1.3 MB • Updated: every 15m
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) dataset provides the latest observations from the NOAA NDBC network of buoys throughout the world.
To continually download and write updated NOAA NDBC sample data to a bucket,
create an InfluxDB task
with the following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample"
option task = {
name: "Collect NOAA NDBC sample data",
every: 15m,
} "noaa")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
USGS Earthquake data
Size: ~6 MB • Updated: every 15m
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake dataset contains observations collected from USGS seismic sensors around the world over the last week.
To continually download and write updated USGS earthquake sample data to a bucket,
create an InfluxDB task
with the following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample"
option task = {
name: "Collect USGS sample data",
every: 15m,
} "usgs")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
Static datasets
Static datasets are fixed datasets from a specific past time range.
Static sample data and bucket retention periods
If writing a static sample dataset to a bucket with a limited retention period, use sample.alignToNow() to shift timestamps to align the last point in the set to now. This will prevent writing points with timestamps beyond the bucket’s retention period. For example:
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample" "birdMigration")
|> sample.alignToNow()
|> to("example-bucket")
Bird migration sample data
Size: ~1.2 MB
Time range: 2019-04-01T13:00:00Z to 2019-04-12T20:00:00Z
Bird migration sample data is adapted from the Movebank: Animal Tracking dataset and represents animal migratory movements throughout 2019.
To download and write the bird migration sample data to a bucket, run the
following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample" "birdMigration")
|> to("example-bucket")
The bird migration sample dataset is used in the Work with geo-temporal data guide to demonstrate how to query and analyze geo-temporal data.
Machine production sample data
Size: ~11.9 MB
Time range: 2021-08-01T00:00:00Z to 2021-08-02T00:00:00Z
The machine production sample dataset includes states and metrics reported from four automated grinding wheel stations on a production line.
To download and write the machine production sample data to a bucket, run the
following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample" "machineProduction")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
The machine production data is used in the IoT sensor common query guide.
NOAA water sample data
Size: ~10 MB
Time range: 2019-08-17T00:00:00Z to 2019-09-17T22:00:00Z
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) water sample dataset is static dataset extracted from NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services data. The sample dataset includes 15,258 observations of water levels (ft) collected every six minutes at two stations (Santa Monica, CA (ID 9410840) and Coyote Creek, CA (ID 9414575)) over the period from August 17, 2019 through September 17, 2019.
To download and write the NOAA water sample data to a bucket, run the
following Flux query.
Replace example-bucket
with your target bucket.
import "influxdata/influxdb/sample" "noaaWater")
|> to(bucket: "example-bucket")
The NOAA water sample dataset is used to demonstrate Flux queries in the Common queries and Common tasks guides.
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