
Replicate data from InfluxDB OSS

Use InfluxDB replication streams (InfluxDB Edge Data Replication) to replicate the incoming data of select buckets to one or more buckets on a remote InfluxDB OSS, InfluxDB Cloud, or InfluxDB Enterprise instance.

Replicate data from InfluxDB OSS to InfluxDB Cloud, InfluxDB OSS, or InfluxDB Enterprise.

Configure a replication stream

Use the influx CLI or the InfluxDB Cloud API to configure a replication stream.

To replicate data to InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB Enterprise, adjust the remote connection values accordingly.

  1. In your InfluxDB OSS instance, use the influx remote create command to create a remote connection to replicate data to.

    Provide the following:

    • Remote connection name
    • InfluxDB Cloud region URL
    • InfluxDB Cloud API token (API token must have write access to the target bucket)
    • InfluxDB Cloud organization ID
    influx remote create \
      --name example-remote-name \
      --remote-url \
      --remote-api-token mYsuP3r5Ecr37t0k3n \
      --remote-org-id 00xoXXoxXX00

    If you already have remote InfluxDB connections configured, you can use an existing connection. To view existing connections, run influx remote list.

  2. In your InfluxDB OSS instance, use the influx replication create command to create a replication stream.

    Provide the following:

    • Replication stream name
    • Remote connection ID
    • InfluxDB OSS bucket ID to replicate writes from
    • InfluxDB Cloud bucket ID to replicate writes to
    influx replication create \
      --remote-id REPLICATION_REMOTE_ID \
      --local-bucket-id INFLUX_BUCKET_ID \
      --remote-bucket REMOTE_INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME

Once a replication stream is created, InfluxDB will replicate all writes to the specified bucket to the InfluxDB Cloudbucket. Use the influx replication list command to view information such as the current queue size, max queue size, and latest status code.

  1. Send a POST request to your InfluxDB OSS /api/v2/remotes endpoint to create a remote connection to replicate data to.

    POST localhost:8086/api/v2/remotes

    Include the following in your request:

    • Request method: POST
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Token scheme with your InfluxDB OSS API token
      • Content-type: application/json
    • Request body: JSON object with the following fields:
      * Required
      • * allowInsecureTLS: All insecure TLS connections
      • description: Remote description
      • * name: Remote connection name
      • * orgID: InfluxDB OSS organization ID
      • * remoteAPIToken: InfluxDB Cloud API token (API token must have write access to the target bucket)
      • * remoteOrgID: InfluxDB Cloud organization ID
      • * remoteURL: InfluxDB Cloud region URL
    curl --request POST http://localhost:8086/api/v2/remotes \
      --header 'Authorization: Token INFLUX_OSS_TOKEN' \
      --data '{
        "allowInsecureTLS": false,
        "description": "Example remote description",
        "name": "Example remote name",
        "orgID": "INFLUX_OSS_ORG_ID",
        "remoteAPIToken": "REMOTE_INFLUX_TOKEN",
        "remoteOrgID": "REMOTE_INFLUX_ORG_ID",
        "remoteURL": ""

    If you already have remote InfluxDB connections configured, you can use an existing connection. To view existing connections, use the /api/v2/remotes endpoint with the GET request method.

    GET localhost:8086/api/v2/remotes

    Include the following in your request:

    • Request method: GET
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Token scheme with your InfluxDB OSS API token
    • Query parameters:
      • orgID: InfluxDB OSS organization ID
    curl --request GET \
      http://localhost:8086/api/v2/remotes?orgID=INFLUX_OSS_ORG_ID \
      --header 'Authorization: Token INFLUX_OSS_TOKEN' \
  2. Send a POST request to your InfluxDB OSS /api/v2/replications endpoint to create a replication stream.

    POST localhost:8086/api/v2/remotes

    Include the following in your request:

    • Request method: POST
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Token scheme with your InfluxDB OSS API token
      • Content-type: application/json
    • Request body: JSON object with the following fields: * Required
      • dropNonRetryableData: Drop data when a non-retryable error is encountered.
      • * localBucketID: InfluxDB OSS bucket ID to replicate writes from.
      • * maxAgeSeconds: Maximum age of data in seconds before it is dropped (default is 604800, must be greater than or equal to 0).
      • * maxQueueSizeBytes: Maximum replication queue size in bytes (default is 67108860, must be greater than or equal to 33554430).
      • * name: Replication stream name.
      • * orgID: InfluxDB OSS organization ID.
      • * remoteBucketID: InfluxDB Cloud bucket ID to replicate writes to.
      • * remoteBucketName: InfluxDB Cloud bucket name to replicate writes to.
      • * remoteID: Remote connection ID

remoteBucketID and remoteBucketName are mutually exclusive.

curl --request POST http://localhost:8086/api/v2/replications \
  --header 'Authorization: Token INFLUX_OSS_TOKEN' \
  --data '{
    "dropNonRetryableData": false,
    "localBucketID": "INFLUX_OSS_BUCKET_ID",
    "maxAgeSeconds": 604800,
    "maxQueueSizeBytes": 67108860,
    "name": "Example replication stream name",
    "orgID": "INFLUX_OSS_ORG_ID",
    "remoteBucketName": "REMOTE_INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME",
    "remoteID": "REMOTE_ID",

Once a replication stream is created, InfluxDB will replicate all writes from the specified local bucket to the InfluxDB Cloudbucket. To get information such as the current queue size, max queue size, and latest status code for each replication stream, send a GET request to your InfluxDB OSS /api/v2/replications endpoint.

GET localhost:8086/api/v2/replications

Include the following in your request:

  • Request method: GET
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Token scheme with your InfluxDB OSS API token
  • Query parameters:
    • orgID: InfluxDB OSS organization ID
curl --request GET \
  http://localhost:8086/api/v2/replications?orgID=INFLUX_OSS_ORG_ID \
  --header 'Authorization: Token INFLUX_OSS_TOKEN' \

Important things to note

  • Only write operations are replicated. Other data operations (like deletes or restores) are not replicated.
  • In InfluxDB OSS, large write request bodies are written entirely. When replicated, write requests are sent to the remote bucket in batches. The maximum batch size is 500 kB (typically between 250 to 500 lines of line protocol). This may result in scenarios where some batches succeed and others fail.

Replicate downsampled or processed data

In some cases, you may not want to write raw, high-precision data to a remote InfluxDB Cloud instance. To replicate only downsampled or processed data:

  1. Create a bucket in your InfluxDB OSS instance to store downsampled or processed data in.

  2. Create an InfluxDB task that downsamples or processes data and stores it in the new bucket. For example:

    import "influxdata/influxdb/tasks"
    import "types"
    // omit this line if adding task via the UI
    option task = {name: "Downsample raw data", every: 10m}
    data = () => from(bucket: "example-bucket")
        |> range(start: tasks.lastSuccess(orTime: -task.every))
    numeric = data()
        |> filter(fn: (r) => types.isType(v: r._value, type: "float") or types.isType(v: r._value, type: "int") or types.isType(v: r._value, type: "uint"))
        |> aggregateWindow(every: task.every, fn: mean)
    nonNumeric = data()
        |> filter(fn: (r) => types.isType(v: r._value, type: "string") or types.isType(v: r._value, type: "bool"))
        |> aggregateWindow(every: task.every, fn: last)
    union(tables: [numeric, nonNumeric])
        |> to(bucket: "example-downsampled-bucket")
  3. Create a replication stream to replicate data from the downsampled bucket to the remote InfluxDB Cloud instance.

View InfluxDB OSS replication service metrics

In addition to replication stream information that you can access using the CLI or API, you can view replication service-level metrics for your InfluxDB OSS instance, such as /api/v2/write error details, the number and duration of calls to the service, and the total number of points queued.

To view replication service-level metrics send a GET request to your local InfluxDB OSS /metrics endpoint.

For more information, see InfluxDB OSS metrics.

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InfluxDB 3 Open Source Now in Public Alpha

InfluxDB 3 Open Source is now available for alpha testing, licensed under MIT or Apache 2 licensing.

We are releasing two products as part of the alpha.

InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. It is a recent-data engine for time series and event data. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security.

For more information on how to get started, check out:

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