
InfluxDB stacks

InfluxDB stacks are stateful InfluxDB templates that let you add, update, and remove templated resources over time, avoid duplicating resources when applying the same or similar templates more than once, and apply changes to distributed instances of InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB Cloud.

Ideal use cases for InfluxDB stacks

Stacks help save time and effort in the following use cases:

Actively develop and extend templates

InfluxDB stacks aid in developing and maintaining InfluxDB templates. Stacks let you modify and update template manifests and apply those changes in any stack that uses the template.

Apply updates from source-controlled templates

You can use a variety of InfluxDB templates from many different sources including Community Templates or self-built custom templates. As templates are updated over time, stacks allow template users to gracefully apply updates without creating duplicate resources.

Apply template updates across multiple InfluxDB instances

In many cases, users have more than one instance of InfluxDB running and apply the same template to each separate instance. By using stacks, you can make changes to a stack on one instance, export the stack as a template and then apply the changes to your other InfluxDB instances.

Manage InfluxDB Stacks

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

Learn about the new v3 enhancements

InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

Talk to us about InfluxDB Clustered

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