
influx replication delete

Replication remotes and replication streams can only be configured for InfluxDB OSS.

The influx replication delete command deletes an InfluxDB replication stream.


influx replication delete [command options] [arguments...]


FlagDescriptionInput typeMaps to ?
-i--idReplication stream ID to deletestring
--hostInfluxDB HTTP address (default http://localhost:8086)stringINFLUX_HOST
--skip-verifySkip TLS certificate verificationINFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY
--configs-pathPath to influx CLI configurations (default ~/.influxdbv2/configs)stringINFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH
-c--active-configCLI configuration to use for commandstring
--http-debugInspect communication with InfluxDB serversstring
--jsonOutput data as JSON (default false)INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON
--hide-headersHide table headers (default false)INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS
-t--tokenInfluxDB API tokenstringINFLUX_TOKEN


Authentication credentials

The examples below assume your InfluxDB host, organization, and token are provided by either the active influx CLI configuration or by environment variables (INFLUX_HOST, INFLUX_ORG, and INFLUX_TOKEN). If you do not have a CLI configuration set up or the environment variables set, include these required credentials for each command with the following flags:

  • --host: InfluxDB host
  • -o, --org or --org-id: InfluxDB organization name or ID
  • -t, --token: InfluxDB API token

Delete a replication

  1. Use influx replication list to get the ID for the replication you want to delete.
    $ influx replication list
    ID			        Name		Org ID
    0ooxX0xxXo0x      	    myreplication    [...]
  2. Use the following command to delete the replication:
    influx replication delete --id 0ooxX0xxXo0x

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