
The WHERE clause

Use the WHERE clause to filter data based on fields, tags, and/or timestamps.


SELECT_clause FROM_clause WHERE <conditional_expression> [(AND|OR) <conditional_expression> [...]]

The WHERE clause supports conditional_expressions on fields, tags, and timestamps.

Note: InfluxDB does not support using OR in the WHERE clause to specify multiple time ranges. For example, InfluxDB returns an empty response for the following query:

SELECT * FROM "mydb" WHERE time = '2020-07-31T20:07:00Z' OR time = '2020-07-31T23:07:17Z'`


field_key <operator> ['string' | boolean | float | integer]

The WHERE clause supports comparisons against string, boolean, float, and integer field values.

Single quote string field values in the WHERE clause. Queries with unquoted string field values or double quoted string field values will not return any data and, in most cases, will not return an error.

Supported operators

=equal to
<>not equal to
!=not equal to
>greater than
>=greater than or equal to
<less than
<=less than or equal to

InfluxQL also supports Regular Expressions.


tag_key <operator> ['tag_value']

Single quote tag values in the WHERE clause. Queries with unquoted tag values or double quoted tag values will not return any data and, in most cases, will not return an error.

Supported operators

=equal to
<>not equal to
!=not equal to


For most SELECT statements, the default time range is between 1677-09-21 00:12:43.145224194 and 2262-04-11T23:47:16.854775806Z UTC. For SELECT statements with a GROUP BY time() clause, the default time range is between 1677-09-21 00:12:43.145224194 UTC and now().

See Time Syntax for information on how to specify alternative time ranges in the WHERE clause.


Select data with specific field key-values

Select data with a specific string field key-value

Select data with a specific field key-value and perform basic arithmetic

Select data with a specific tag key-value

Select data with specific field key-values and tag key-valuest

SELECT * FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE time > now() - 7d

The query returns data from the h2o_feet measurement with timestamps within the past seven days. See Time Syntax for more in-depth information on supported time syntax in the WHERE clause.

Common issues with the WHERE clause

A WHERE clause query unexpectedly returns no data

In most cases, this issue is the result of missing single quotes around tag values or string field values. Queries with unquoted or double quoted tag values or string field values will not return any data and, in most cases, will not return an error.

The first two queries in the code block below attempt to specify the tag value santa_monica without any quotes and with double quotes. Those queries return no results. The third query single quotes santa_monica (this is the supported syntax) and returns the expected results.

SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location" = santa_monica
No results

SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location" = "santa_monica"
No results

SELECT "water_level" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "location" = 'santa_monica'


Name: h2o_feet


The first two queries in the code block below attempt to specify the string field value at or greater than 9 feet without any quotes and with double quotes. The first query returns an error because the string field value includes white spaces. The second query returns no results. The third query single quotes at or greater than 9 feet (this is the supported syntax) and returns the expected results.

SELECT "level description" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "level description" = at or greater than 9 feet
ERR: 400 Bad Request: failed to parse query: found than, expected ; at line 1, char 86

SELECT "level description" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "level description" = "at or greater than 9 feet"
No results

SELECT "level description" FROM "h2o_feet" WHERE "level description" = 'at or greater than 9 feet'


Name: h2o_feet

2019-08-25T04:00:00Zat or greater than 9 feet
2019-08-25T04:06:00Zat or greater than 9 feet
019-08-25T04:12:00Zat or greater than 9 feet
2019-08-25T04:18:00Zat or greater than 9 feet
2019-08-25T04:24:00Zat or greater than 9 feet

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New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

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