InfluxDB tools and integrations
Telegraf configurations
InfluxDB OSS lets you automatically generate Telegraf configurations or upload custom Telegraf configurations that collect metrics and write them to InfluxDB OSS.
Use notebooks to build and annotate processes and data flows for time series data.
InfluxDB templates
InfluxDB templates are prepackaged InfluxDB configurations that contain everything from dashboards and Telegraf configurations to notifications and alerts.
Install and use the influx CLI
Use the influx
and influxd
command line interfaces to interact with and manage InfluxDB.
Use the Interactive Flux REPL
Use the Flux REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop) to execute Flux scripts and interact with InfluxDB and other data sources.
Use the InfluxQL shell
Use the InfluxQL interactive shell to execute InfluxQL queries and interact with InfluxDB.
Use the Flux VS Code extension
The Flux Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension provides Flux syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and a direct InfluxDB OSS server integration that lets you run Flux scripts natively and show results in VS Code.
Use the Flux LSP with Vim
Use the Flux LSP with Vim to add auto-completion, syntax checking, and other language-specific features to your editor.
Use Grafana with InfluxDB OSS
Use Grafana to visualize data from your InfluxDB instance.
Use Chronograf with InfluxDB OSS
Chronograf is a data visualization and dashboarding tool designed to visualize data in InfluxDB 1.x. It is part of the TICKstack that provides an InfluxQL data explorer, Kapacitor integrations, and more. Continue to use Chronograf with InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS 2.x and the 1.x compatibility API.
Use Kapacitor with InfluxDB OSS
Kapacitor is a data processing framework that makes it easy to create alerts, run ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) jobs and detect anomalies. Use Kapacitor with InfluxDB OSS 2.x.
Downsample data with Quix Streams
Use Quix Streams to create Python service that downsamples data stored in InfluxDB.
Use Postman with the InfluxDB API
Use Postman, a popular tool for exploring APIs, to interact with the InfluxDB API.
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