
InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API

The InfluxDB v2 API includes InfluxDB 1.x compatibility endpoints that work with InfluxDB 1.x client libraries and third-party integrations like Grafana and others.

View full v1 compatibility API documentation


InfluxDB 1.x compatibility endpoints require all query and write requests to be authenticated with an API token or 1.x-compatible credentials.

Authenticate with the Token scheme

Token authentication requires the following credential:

Use the Authorization header with the Token scheme to provide your token to InfluxDB.


Authorization: Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN


# Use a token in the Authorization header
# to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.
# Replace INFLUX_API_TOKEN with your InfluxDB API token.

curl --get "http://localhost:8086" \
  --header "Authorization: Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN" \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data-urlencode "db=mydb" \
  --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu_usage"
  * Use the Token authentication scheme
  * to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.
  * Replace INFLUX_API_TOKEN with your InfluxDB API token.

const https = require('https');
const querystring = require('querystring');

function queryWithToken() {
  const queryparams = {
      db: 'mydb',
      q: 'SELECT * FROM cpu_usage',

  const options = {
    host: 'localhost:8086',
    path: "/query?" + querystring.stringify(queryparams),
    headers: {
      'Authorization': 'Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN',
      'Content-type': 'application/json'

  const request = https.get(options, (response) => {
    let rawData = '';
    response.on('data', () => {
      response.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });
    response.on('end', () => {


Authenticate with a username and password scheme

Use the following authentication schemes with clients that support the InfluxDB 1.x convention of username and password (that don’t support the Authorization: Token scheme):

Manage credentials

Username and password schemes require the following credentials:

  • username: 1.x username (this is separate from the UI login username)
  • password: 1.x password or InfluxDB API token.

Password or Token

If you have set a password for the 1.x-compatible username, provide the 1.x-compatible password. If you haven’t set a password for the 1.x-compatible username, provide the InfluxDB authentication token as the password.

For more information, see how to create and manage 1.x-compatible authorizations when manually upgrading from InfluxDB v1 to v2.

Basic authentication

Use the Authorization header with the Basic scheme to provide username and password credentials to InfluxDB.

Most HTTP clients provide a Basic authentication option that accepts the <username>:<password> syntax and encodes the credentials before sending the request.

# Use Basic authentication with an
# InfluxDB 1.x compatible username and password
# to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.
# Replace 
with your 1.x-compatible username.
# Replace
with your InfluxDB API token
# or 1.x-compatible password. ####################################### # Use the default retention policy. ####################################### # Use the --user option with `--user <username>:<password>` syntax # or the `--user <username>` interactive syntax to ensure your credentials are # encoded in the header. ####################################### curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query" \ --user "
--data-urlencode "db=mydb" \ --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu_usage"
  * Use Basic authentication with an
  * InfluxDB 1.x compatible username and password
  * to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.

  * Replace 
with your 1.x-compatible username.
* Replace
with your InfluxDB API token
* or 1.x-compatible password. * Use the default retention policy. */ const https = require('https'); const querystring = require('querystring'); function queryWithUsername() { const queryparams = { db: 'mydb', q: 'SELECT * FROM cpu_usage', }; const options = { host: 'localhost:8086', path: '/query?' + querystring.stringify(queryparams), auth: '
headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, }; const request = https.get(options, (response) => { let rawData = ''; response.on('data', () => { response.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; }); }) response.on('end', () => { console.log(rawData); }) }); request.end(); }

Query string authentication

Use InfluxDB 1.x API parameters to provide credentials through the query string.

Consider when using query string parameters
  • URL-encode query parameters that may contain whitespace or other special characters.
  • Be aware of the risks when exposing sensitive data through URLs.
# Use querystring authentication with an
# InfluxDB 1.x compatible username and password
# to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.
# Replace 
with your 1.x-compatible username.
# Replace
with your InfluxDB API token
# or 1.x-compatible password. # # Use the default retention policy. ####################################### curl --get "http://localhost:8086/query" \ --data-urlencode "u=
--data-urlencode "p=
--data-urlencode "db=mydb" \ --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu_usage"
  * Use querystring authentication with an
  * InfluxDB 1.x compatible username and password
  * to query the InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API.
  * Replace 
with your 1.x-compatible username.
* Replace
with your InfluxDB API token
* or 1.x-compatible password. * * Use the default retention policy. */ const https = require('https'); const querystring = require('querystring'); function queryWithToken() { const queryparams = { db: 'mydb', q: 'SELECT * FROM cpu_usage', u: '
p: '
}; const options = { host: 'localhost:8086', path: "/query?" + querystring.stringify(queryparams) }; const request = https.get(options, (response) => { let rawData = ''; response.on('data', () => { response.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; }); }) response.on('end', () => { console.log(rawData); }) }); request.end(); }

Replace the following:

Replace the following:

    : the email address that you signed up with
    : your InfluxDB API token
InfluxQL support

The compatibility API supports InfluxQL, with the following caveats:

  • The INTO clause (for example, SELECT ... INTO ...) is not supported.
  • With the exception of DELETE and DROP MEASUREMENT queries, which are still allowed, InfluxQL database management commands are not supported.

Compatibility endpoints

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

Learn about the new v3 enhancements

InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

Talk to us about InfluxDB Clustered