
Enable security features

InfluxDB 2.7 provides optional security features that ensure your InfluxDB instance is secure in whatever environment it’s used in.

To enable all additional security features, use the hardening-enabled configuration option when starting InfluxDB.

Security features

Private IP Validation

Some Flux functions (to(), from(),, etc.), template fetching and notification endpoints can require InfluxDB to make HTTP requests over the network. With private IP validation enabled, InfluxDB first verifies that the IP address of the URL is not a private IP address.

IP addresses are considered private if they fall into one of the following categories:

  • IPv4 loopback (
  • RFC1918 (,,
  • RFC3927 (
  • IPv6 loopback (::1/128)
  • IPv6 link-local (fe80::/10)
  • IPv6 unique local (fc00::/7)

Private IP considerations

If your environment requires that these authenticated HTTP requests be made to private IP addresses, omit the use of --hardening-enabled and consider instead setting up egress firewalling to limit which hosts InfluxDB is allowed to connect.

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

Learn about the new v3 enhancements

InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

Talk to us about InfluxDB Clustered