
influxd upgrade

Use the influxd upgrade command to upgrade an instance of InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.7. This command copies all data in databases and retention policies (used in 1.x) over to buckets (used in 2.7).

Be sure to back up all data before upgrading with influx upgrade.

This command performs the following actions:

  1. Creates the InfluxDB 2.x configuration file using 1.x configuration file options. Unsupported 1.x options are reported to standard output. If the configuration file is not available, the 1.x database folder can be passed via th --v1-dir flag.
  2. Copies and upgrades 1.x database files.

The target 2.x database directory is specified by the --engine-path option. If changed, the bolt path can be specified by the --bolt-path option.


influxd upgrade [flags]
influxd upgrade [command]


FlagDescriptionInput type
-m--bolt-pathPath for boltdb database (default ~/.influxdbv2/influxd.bolt)string
-b--bucketPrimary bucket namestring
--config-fileCustom InfluxDB 1.x config file path (default ~/.influxdb/influxdb.conf)string
--continuous-query-export-pathPath for exported 1.x continuous queries (default ~/continuous_queries.txt)string
-e--engine-pathPath for persistent engine files (default ~/.influxdbv2/engine)string
-f--forceSkip the confirmation prompt
-h--helpHelp for influxd upgrade
-c--influx-configs-pathPath for 2.x influx CLI configurations file (default ~/.influxdbv2/configs)
--log-levelSupported log levels are debug, info, warn, and error (default info)string
--log-pathCustom log file path (default ~/upgrade.log)string
-o--orgPrimary organization namestring
--overwrite-existing-v2Overwrite existing files at the output paths instead of aborting the upgrade process
-p--passwordPassword for usernamestring
-r--retentionDuration bucket will retain data (default 0; retains data infinitely)string
-t--tokenToken for username. If not specified, a token is auto-generated.string
-u--usernamePrimary usernamestring
--v1-dirPath to source 1.x db directory containing meta, data, and wal sub-folders (default ~/.influxdb)string
--v2-config-pathDestination path for upgraded 2.x configuration file (default ~/.influxdbv2/config.toml)string
-v--verboseVerbose output

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