
Write data to InfluxDB

Use Chronograf to write data to InfluxDB. Choose from the following methods:

Upload line protocol through the Chronograf UI

  1. Select Explore in the left navigation bar.

  2. Click Write Data in the top right corner of the Data Explorer.

    Write data to InfluxDB with Chronograf
  3. Select the database (if an InfluxQL data source is selected) or database and retention policy (if a Flux data source is selected) to write to.

    Select database and retention policy to write to
  4. Select one of the following methods for uploading line protocol:

    • Upload File: Upload a file containing line protocol to write to InfluxDB. Either drag and drop a file into the file uploader or click to use your operating systems file selector and choose a file to upload.
    • Manual Entry: Manually enter line protocol to write to InfluxDB.
  5. Select the timestamp precision of your line protocol. Chronograf supports the following units:

    • s (seconds)
    • ms (milliseconds)
    • u (microseconds)
    • ns (nanoseconds)
    Select write precision in Chronograf
  6. Click Write.

Use the InfluxQL INTO clause in a query

To write data back to InfluxDB with an InfluxQL query, include the INTO clause in your query:

  1. Select Explore in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select InfluxQL as your data source type.

  3. Write an InfluxQL query that includes the INTO clause. Specify the database, retention policy, and measurement to write to. For example:

    SELECT *
    INTO "mydb"."autogen"."example-measurement"
    FROM "example-db"."example-rp"."example-measurement"
    GROUP BY *
  4. Click Submit Query.

Use InfluxQL to write to InfluxDB 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud

To use InfluxQL to write to an InfluxDB 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud instance, configure database and retention policy mappings and ensure the current InfluxDB connection includes the appropriate connection credentials.

Use the Flux to() function in a query

To write data back to InfluxDB with an InfluxQL query, include the INTO clause in your query:

  1. Select Explore in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select Flux as your data source type.

    To query InfluxDB with Flux, enable Flux in your InfluxDB configuration.

  3. Write an Flux query that includes the to() function. Provide the database and retention policy to write to. Use the db-name/rp-name syntax:

    from(bucket: "example-db/example-rp")
      |> range(start: -30d)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")
      |> to(bucket: "mydb/autogen")
  4. Click Run Script.

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

Learn about the new v3 enhancements

InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

Talk to us about InfluxDB Clustered