
Configure Chronograf alert endpoints

Chronograf alert endpoints can be configured using the Chronograf user interface to create Kapacitor-based event handlers that send alert messages. You can use Chronograf to send alert messages to specific URLs as well as to applications.

This guide offers step-by-step instructions for configuring Chronograf alert endpoints.

Kapacitor event handlers supported in Chronograf

Chronograf integrates with Kapacitor, InfluxData’s data processing platform, to send alert messages to event handlers. Chronograf supports the following event handlers:

To configure a Kapacitor event handler in Chronograf, install Kapacitor and connect it to Chronograf. The Configure Kapacitor page includes the event handler configuration options.

Alert endpoint configurations

Alert endpoint configurations appear on the Chronograf Configure Kapacitor page. You must have a connected Kapacitor instance to access the configurations. For more information, see Kapacitor installation instructions and how to connect a Kapacitor instance to Chronograf.

Note that the configuration options in the Configure alert endpoints section are not all-inclusive. Some event handlers allow users to customize event handler configurations per alert rule. For example, Chronograf’s Slack integration allows users to specify a default channel in the Configure alert endpoints section and a different channel for individual alert rules.


To configure an Alerta alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Alerta tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Environment: Alerta environment. Can be a template and has access to the same data as the AlertNode.Details property. Default is set from the configuration.
    • Origin: Alerta origin. If empty, uses the origin from the configuration.
    • Token: Default Alerta authentication token..
    • Token Prefix: Default token prefix. If you receive invalid token errors, you may need to change this to “Key”.
    • User: Alerta user.
    • Configuration Enabled: Check to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure an BigPanda alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the BigPanda tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • URL: BigPanda alerts API URL. Default is
    • Token: BigPanda API Authorization token (API key).
    • Application Key: BigPanda App Key.
    • Insecure Skip Verify: Required if using a self-signed TLS certificate. Select to skip TLS certificate chain and host verification when connecting over HTTPS.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Kafka alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Kafka tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • ID: Unique identifier for a Kafka cluster. Default is localhost.
    • Brokers: List of Kafka broker addresses, using the host:port format.
    • Timeout: Maximum amount of time to wait before flushing an incomplete batch. Default is 10s.
    • Batch Size: Number of messages batched before sending to Kafka. Default is 100.
    • Batch Timeout: Timeout period for the batch. Default is 1s.
    • Use SSL: Select to enable SSL communication.
    • SSL CA: Path to the SSL CA (certificate authority) file.
    • SSL Cert: Path to the SSL host certificate.
    • SSL Key: Path to the SSL certificate private key file.
    • Insecure Skip Verify: Required if using a self-signed TLS certificate. Select to skip TLS certificate chain and host verification when connecting over HTTPS.
    • Configuration Enabled: Check to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.

To enable Kafka services using TICKscript, see Kafka event handler (Kapacitor).


Note: Support for OpsGenie Events API 1.0 is deprecated (as noted by OpGenie). As of June 30, 2018, the OpsGenine Events API 1.0 is disabled. Use the OpsGenie2 alert endpoint.


Send an incident alert to OpsGenie teams and recipients using the Chronograf alert endpoint.

To configure a OpsGenie alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the OpsGenie tab.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • API Key: API key (or GenieKey). To find the API key, sign into your OpsGenie account and select the Settings menu option in the Admin menu.
    • Teams: List of OpsGenie teams to be alerted.
    • Recipients List of OpsGenie team members) to receive alerts.
    • Select recovery action: Actions to take when an alert recovers:
      • Add a note to the alert
      • Close the alert
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.

See Alert API in the OpsGenie documentation for details on the OpsGenie Alert API

See OpsGenie V2 event handler in the Kapacitor documentation for details about the OpsGenie V2 event handler.

See the AlertNode (Kapacitor TICKscript node) - OpsGenie v2 in the Kapacitor documentation for details about enabling OpsGenie services using TICKscripts.


The original PagerDuty alert endpoint is deprecated. Use the PagerDuty2 alert endpoint.


To configure a PagerDuty alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the PagerDuty tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Routing Key: GUID of your PagerDuty Events API V2 integration, listed as “Integration Key” on the Events API V2 integration’s detail page. See Create a new service in the PagerDuty documentation details on getting an “Integration Key” (routing_key).
    • PagerDuty URL: URL used to POST a JSON body representing the event. This value should not be changed. Valid value is
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable this configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.

See the PagerDuty Events API V2 Overview for details on the PagerDuty Events API and recognized event types (trigger, acknowledge, and resolve).

To enable a new “Generic API” service using TICKscript, see AlertNode (Kapacitor TICKscript node) - PagerDuty v2.


To configure a Pushover alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Pushover tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • User Key: Pushover USER_TOKEN.
    • Token: Pushover API token.
    • Pushover URL: Pushover API URL. Default is
    • Configuration Enabled: Check to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Sensu alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Sensu tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Source: Event source. Default is Kapacitor.
    • Address: URL of Sensu HTTP API.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a ServiceNow alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the ServiceNow tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • URL: ServiceNow API URL. Default is
    • Source: Event source.
    • Username: ServiceNow username.
    • Password: ServiceNow password.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Slack alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Slack tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Nickname this Configuration: Unique name for a Slack endpoint if you have more than one Slack alert endpoint.
    • Slack WebHook URL: (Optional) Slack webhook URL (see Slack webhooks)
    • Slack Channel: (Optional) Slack channel or user to send messages to. Prefix with # to send to a channel. Prefix with @ to send directly to a user. If not specified, Kapacitor sends alert messages to the channel or user specified in the alert rule or configured in the Slack Webhook.
    • Configuration Enabled: Check to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.

To add another Slack configuration:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Slack tab.
  2. Click Add Another Config.
  3. Complete steps 2-4 above.


To configure a SMTP alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the SMTP tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • SMTP Host: SMTP host. Default is localhost.
    • SMTP Port: SMTP port. Default is 25.
    • From Email: Email address to send messages from.
    • To Email: Email address to send messages to.
    • User: SMTP username.
    • Password: SMTP password.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Talk alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Talk tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • URL: Talk API URL.
    • Author Name: Message author name.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Microsoft Teams alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Teams tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Channel URL: Microsoft Teams channel URL.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Telegram alert endpoint:

  1. Set up a Telegram bot and credentials.

  2. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Telegram tab.

  3. Enter the following:

    • Token:
    • Chat ID:
    • Select the alert message format: Telegram message format
      • Markdown (default)
      • HTML
    • Disable link previews: Disable link previews in Telegram messages.
    • Disable notifications: Disable notifications on iOS devices and sounds on Android devices. Android users will continue to receive notifications.
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.


To configure a VictorOps alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the VictorOps tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • API Key: VictorOps API key.
    • Routing Key: VictorOps routing key.
    • VictorOps URL: VictorOps alert API URL. Default is
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.


To configure a Zenoss alert endpoint:

  1. In the Configure Alert Endpoints of the Configure Kapacitor Connection page, click the Zenoss tab.

  2. Enter the following:

    • URL: Zenoss router endpoint URL. Default is
    • Username: Zenoss username. Leave blank for no authentication.
    • Password: Zenoss password. Leave blank for no authentication.
    • Action (Router Name): Zenoss router name. Default is EventsRouter.
    • Router Method: EventsRouter method. Default is add_event.
    • Event Type: Event type. Default is rpc.
    • Event TID: Temporary request transaction ID. Default is 1.
    • Collector Name: Zenoss collector name. Default is Kapacitor.
    • Kapacitor to Zenoss Severity Mapping: Map Kapacitor severities to Zenoss severities.
      • OK: Clear (default)
      • Info: Info (default)
      • Warning: Warning (default)
      • Critical: Critical (default)
    • Configuration Enabled: Select to enable configuration.
  3. Click Save Changes to save the configuration settings.

  4. Click Send Test Alert to verify the configuration.

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