
Prebuilt dashboards in Chronograf

Chronograf lets you import a variety of prebuilt dashboards that visualize metrics collect by specific Telegraf input plugins. The following Telegraf-related dashboards templates are available.

For details on how to import dashboards while adding a connection in Chronograf, see Creating connections.


The Docker dashboard displays the following information:

  • nCPU
  • Total Memory
  • Containers
  • System Memory Usage
  • System Load
  • Disk I/O
  • Filesystem Usage
  • Block I/O per Container
  • CPU Usage per Container
  • Memory Usage % per Container
  • Memory Usage per Container
  • Net I/O per Container


Kubernetes Node

The Kubernetes Node dashboard displays the following information:

  • Total Nodes
  • Total Pod Count
  • Total Containers
  • K8s - Node Millicores
  • K8s - Node Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod Millicores
  • K8s - Pod Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod TX Bytes/Second
  • K8s - Pod RX Bytes/Second
  • K8s - Kubelet Millicores
  • K8s - Kubelet Memory Bytes


Kubernetes Overview

The Kubernetes Node dashboard displays the following information:

  • Total Nodes
  • Total Pod Count
  • Total Containers
  • K8s - Node Millicores
  • K8s - Node Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod Millicores
  • K8s - Pod Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod TX Bytes/Second
  • K8s - Pod RX Bytes/Second
  • K8s - Kubelet Millicores
  • K8s - Kubelet Memory Bytes


Kubernetes Pod

The Kubernetes Pod dashboard displays the following information:

  • Total Nodes
  • Total Pod Count
  • Total Containers
  • K8s - Pod Millicores
  • K8s - Pod Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod Millicores
  • K8s - Pod Memory Bytes
  • K8s - Pod TX Bytes/Second



The Riak dashboard displays the following information:

  • Riak - Total Memory Bytes
  • Riak - Object Byte Size
  • Riak - Number of Siblings/Minute
  • Riak - Latency (ms)
  • Riak - Reads and Writes/Minute
  • Riak - Active Connections
  • Riak - Read Repairs/Minute



The Consul dashboard displays the following information:

  • Consul - Number of Critical Health Checks
  • Consul - Number of Warning Health Checks


Consul Telemetry

The Consul Telemetry dashboard displays the following information:

  • Consul Agent - Number of Go Routines
  • Consul Agent - Runtime Alloc Bytes
  • Consul Agent - Heap Objects
  • Consul - Number of Agents
  • Consul - Leadership Election
  • Consul - HTTP Request Time (ms)
  • Consul - Leadership Change
  • Consul - Number of Serf Events


consul plugin


The Mesos dashboard displays the following information:

  • Mesos Active Slaves
  • Mesos Tasks Active
  • Mesos Tasks
  • Mesos Outstanding Offers
  • Mesos Available/Used CPUs
  • Mesos Available/Used Memory
  • Mesos Master Uptime



The RabbitMQ dashboard displays the following information:

  • RabbitMQ - Overview
  • RabbitMQ - Published/Delivered per Second
  • RabbitMQ - Acked/Unacked per Second



The System dashboard displays the following information:

  • System Uptime
  • CPUs
  • RAM
  • Memory Used %
  • Load
  • I/O
  • Network
  • Processes
  • Swap


VMware vSphere Overview

The VMware vSphere Overview dashboard gives an overview of your VMware vSphere Clusters and uses metrics from the vsphere_cluster_* and vsphere_vm_* set of measurements. It displays the following information:

  • Cluster Status
    • Uptime for :clustername:
    • CPU Usage for :clustername:
    • RAM Usage for :clustername:
    • Datastores - Usage Capacity
    • Network Usage for :clustername:
    • Disk Throughput for :clustername:
  • VM Status
    • VM CPU Usage MHz for :clustername:
    • VM Mem Usage for :clustername:
    • VM Network Usage for :clustername:
    • VM CPU % Ready for :clustername:



The Apache dashboard displays the following information:

  • System Uptime
  • CPUs
  • RAM
  • Memory Used %
  • Load
  • I/O
  • Network
  • Workers
  • Scoreboard
  • Apache Uptime
  • CPU Load
  • Requests per Sec
  • Throughput
  • Response Codes
  • Apache Log



The ElasticSearch dashboard displays the following information:

  • ElasticSearch - Query Throughput
  • ElasticSearch - Open Connections
  • ElasticSearch - Query Latency
  • ElasticSearch - Fetch Latency
  • ElasticSearch - Suggest Latency
  • ElasticSearch - Scroll Latency
  • ElasticSearch - Indexing Latency
  • ElasticSearch - JVM GC Collection Counts
  • ElasticSearch - JVM GC Latency
  • ElasticSearch - JVM Heap Usage



The InfluxDB dashboard displays the following information:

  • System Uptime
  • System Load
  • Network
  • Memory Usage
  • CPU Utilization %
  • Filesystems Usage
  • Measurements

  • nCPU
  • Series

  • Measurements per DB

  • Series per DB

  • InfluxDB Memory Heap
  • InfluxDB Active Requests
  • InfluxDB - HTTP Requests/Min
  • InfluxDB GC Activity
  • InfluxDB - Written Points/Min
  • InfluxDB - Query Executor Duration
  • InfluxDB - Write Errors
  • InfluxDB - Client Errors
  • CQ/Minute



The Memcached dashboard displays the following information:

  • Memcached - Current Connections
  • Memcached - Get Hits/Second
  • Memcached - Get Misses/Second
  • Memcached - Delete Hits/Second
  • Memcached - Delete Misses/Second
  • Memcached - Incr Hits/Second
  • Memcached - Incr Misses/Second
  • Memcached - Current Items
  • Memcached - Total Items
  • Memcached - Bytes Stored
  • Memcached - Bytes Read/Sec
  • Memcached - Bytes Written/Sec
  • Memcached - Evictions/10 Seconds



The NSQ dashboard displays the following information:

  • NSQ - Channel Client Count
  • NSQ - Channel Messages Count
  • NSQ - Topic Count
  • NSQ - Server Count
  • NSQ - Topic Messages
  • NSQ - Topic Messages on Disk
  • NSQ - Topic Ingress
  • NSQ - Topic Egress



The PostgreSQL dashboard displays the following information:

  • System Uptime
  • nCPU
  • System Load
  • Total Memory
  • Memory Usage
  • Filesystems Usage
  • CPU Usage
  • System Load
  • I/O
  • Network
  • Processes
  • Swap
  • PostgreSQL rows out/sec
  • PostgreSQL rows in/sec
  • PostgreSQL - Buffers
  • PostgreSQL commit/rollback per sec
  • Postgres deadlocks/conflicts



The HAProxy dashboard displays the following information:

  • HAProxy - Number of Servers
  • HAProxy - Sum HTTP 2xx
  • HAProxy - Sum HTTP 4xx
  • HAProxy - Sum HTTP 5xx
  • HAProxy - Frontend HTTP Requests/Second
  • HAProxy - Frontend Sessions/Second
  • HAProxy - Frontend Session Usage %
  • HAProxy - Frontend Security Denials/Second
  • HAProxy - Frontend Request Errors/Second
  • HAProxy - Frontend Bytes/Second
  • HAProxy - Backend Average Response Time
  • HAProxy - Backend Connection Errors/Second
  • HAProxy - Backend Queued Requests/Second
  • HAProxy - Backend Average Requests Queue Time (ms)
  • HAProxy - Backend Error Responses/Second



The NGINX dashboard displays the following information:

  • NGINX - Client Connection
  • NGINX - Client Errors
  • NGINX - Client Requests
  • NGINX - Active Client State



The Redis dashboard displays the following information:

  • Redis - Connected Clients
  • Redis - Blocked Clients
  • Redis - CPU
  • Redis - Memory


VMware vSphere VMs

The VMWare vSphere VMs dashboard gives an overview of your VMware vSphere virtual machines and includes metrics from the vsphere_vm_* set of measurements. It displays the following information:

  • Uptime for :vmname:
  • CPU Usage for :vmname:
  • RAM Usage for :vmname:
  • CPU Usage Average for :vmname:
  • RAM Usage Average for :vmname:
  • CPU Ready Average % for :vmname:
  • Network Usage for:vmname:
  • Total Disk Latency for :vmname:


VMware vSphere Hosts

The VMWare vSphere Hosts dashboard displays the following information:

  • Uptime for :esxhostname:
  • CPU Usage for :esxhostname:
  • RAM Usage for :esxhostname:
  • CPU Usage Average for :esxhostname:
  • RAM Usage Average for :esxhostname:
  • CPU Ready Average % for :esxhostname:
  • Network Usage for :esxhostname:
  • Total Disk Latency for :esxhostname:



The PHPfpm dashboard displays the following information:

  • PHPfpm - Accepted Connections
  • PHPfpm - Processes
  • PHPfpm - Slow Requests
  • PHPfpm - Max Children Reached


Win System

The Win System dashboard displays the following information:

  • System - CPU Usage
  • System - Available Bytes
  • System - TX Bytes/Second
  • System - RX Bytes/Second
  • System - Load



The MySQL dashboard displays the following information:

  • System Uptime
  • nCPU
  • MySQL uptime
  • Total Memory
  • System Load
  • Memory Usage
  • InnoDB Buffer Pool Size
  • InnoDB Buffer Usage
  • Max Connections
  • Open Connections
  • I/O
  • Network
  • MySQL Connections/User
  • MySQL Received Bytes/Sec
  • MySQL Sent Bytes/Sec
  • MySQL Connections
  • MySQL Queries/Sec
  • MySQL Slow Queries
  • InnoDB Data



The Ping dashboard displays the following information:

  • Ping - Packet Loss Percent
  • Ping - Response Times (ms)


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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

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InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

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