
Configure Chronograf

Configure Chronograf by passing command line options when starting the Chronograf service. Or set custom default configuration options in the filesystem so they don’t have to be passed in when starting Chronograf.

Start the Chronograf service

Use one of the following commands to start Chronograf:

  • If you installed Chronograf using an official Debian or RPM package and are running a distro with systemd. For example, Ubuntu 15 or later.

    systemctl start chronograf
  • If you installed Chronograf using an official Debian or RPM package:

    service chronograf start
  • If you built Chronograf from source:


Set custom default Chronograf configuration options

Custom default Chronograf configuration settings can be defined in /etc/default/chronograf. This file consists of key-value pairs. See keys (environment variables) for Chronograf configuration options, and set values for the keys you want to configure.


Note: /etc/default/chronograf is only created when installing the .deb or .rpm` package.

Set up security, organizations, and users

To set up security for Chronograf, configure:

After you configure OAuth 2.0 authentication, you can set up multiple organizations, roles, and users. For details, check out the following topics:

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