
Chronograf configuration options

Chronograf is configured using the configuration file (/etc/default/chronograf) and environment variables. If you do not uncomment a configuration option, the system uses its default setting. The configuration settings in this document are set to their default settings. For more information, see Configure Chronograf.


Start the Chronograf service, and include any options after chronograf, where [OPTIONS] are options separated by spaces:

chronograf [OPTIONS]
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Linux examples

  • To start chronograf without options:
sudo systemctl start chronograf
  • Copy
  • Fill window
  • To start chronograf and set options for develop mode and to disable reporting:
sudo systemctl start chronograf --develop --reporting-disabled
  • Copy
  • Fill window

MacOS X examples

  • To start chronograf without options:
  • Copy
  • Fill window
  • To start chronograf and add shortcut options for develop mode and to disable reporting:
chronograf -d -r
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Note: Command line options take precedence over corresponding environment variables.

Chronograf service options


The IP that the chronograf service listens on.

Default value:

Example: --host=

Environment variable: $HOST


The port that the chronograf service listens on for insecure connections.

Default: 8888

Environment variable: $PORT

--bolt-path= | -b

The file path to the BoltDB file.

Default value: ./chronograf-v1.db

Environment variable: $BOLT_PATH

--canned-path= | -c

The path to the directory of canned dashboards files. Canned dashboards (also known as pre-created dashboards or application layouts) cannot be edited. They’re delivered with Chronograf and available depending on which Telegraf input plugins you have enabled.

Default value: /usr/share/chronograf/canned

Environment variable: $CANNED_PATH


Path to directory of sources (.src files), Kapacitor connections (.kap files), organizations (.org files), and dashboards (.dashboard files).

Note: If you have a dashboard with the .json extension, rename it with the .dashboard extension in this directory to ensure the dashboard is loaded.

Default value: /usr/share/chronograf/resources

Environment variable: $RESOURCES_PATH

--basepath= | -p

The URL path prefix under which all chronograf routes will be mounted.

Environment variable: $BASE_PATH


URL of JSON feed to display as a news feed on the client Status page.

Default value:

Environment variable: $STATUS_FEED_URL

--version | -v

Displays the version of the Chronograf service.


$ chronograf -v
2018/01/03 14:11:19 Chronograf 1.10.6 (git: b74ae387)
  • Copy
  • Fill window

InfluxDB connection options

InfluxDB connection details specified via command line when starting Chronograf do not persist when Chronograf is shut down. To persist connection details, include them in a .src file located in your --resources-path.

Only InfluxDB 1.x connections are configurable in a .src file. Configure InfluxDB 2.x and Cloud connections with CLI flags or in the Chronograf UI.


The location of your InfluxDB instance, including the protocol, IP address, and port.

Example: --influxdb-url http://localhost:8086

Environment variable: $INFLUXDB_URL


The [username] for your InfluxDB instance.

Environment variable: $INFLUXDB_USERNAME


The [password] for your InfluxDB instance.

Environment variable: $INFLUXDB_PASSWORD


InfluxDB 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud organization name.

Environment variable: $INFLUXDB_ORG


InfluxDB 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud authentication token.

Environment variable: $INFLUXDB_TOKEN

Kapacitor connection options

Kapacitor connection details specified via command line when starting Chronograf do not persist when Chronograf is shut down. To persist connection details, include them in a .kap file located in your --resources-path.


The location of your Kapacitor instance, including http://, IP address, and port.

Example: --kapacitor-url=

Environment variable: $KAPACITOR_URL


The username for your Kapacitor instance.

Environment variable: $KAPACITOR_USERNAME


The password for your Kapacitor instance.

Environment variable: $KAPACITOR_PASSWORD

TLS (Transport Layer Security) options

See Configuring TLS (Transport Layer Security) and HTTPS for more information.


The file path to PEM-encoded public key certificate.

Environment variable: $TLS_CERTIFICATE


The file path to private key associated with given certificate.

Environment variable: $TLS_PRIVATE_KEY

etcd options

--etcd-endpoints= | -e

List of etcd endpoints.

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
--etcd-endpoints=localhost:2379 \
--etcd-endpoints= \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $ETCD_ENDPOINTS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
  • Copy
  • Fill window


Username to log into etcd.

Environment variable: $ETCD_USERNAME


Password to log into etcd.

Environment variable: $ETCD_PASSWORD


Total time to wait before timing out while connecting to etcd endpoints. 0 means no timeout. The default is 1s.

Environment variable: $ETCD_DIAL_TIMEOUT


Total time to wait before timing out an etcd view or update request. 0 means no timeout. The default is 1s.

Environment variable: $ETCD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT


Path to etcd PEM-encoded TLS public key certificate.

Environment variable: $ETCD_CERTIFICATE


Path to private key associated with specified etcd certificate.

Environment variable: $ETCD_PRIVATE_KEY


Path to root CA certificate for TLS verification.

Environment variable: $ETCD_ROOT_CA

Other service options


Add custom auto-refresh intervals to the list of available auto-refresh intervals in Chronograf dashboards. Provide a semi-colon-delimited list of key-value pairs where the key is the interval name that appears in the auto-refresh dropdown menu and the value is the auto-refresh interval in milliseconds.

Example: --custom-auto-refresh "500ms=500;1s=1000"

Environment variable: $CUSTOM_AUTO_REFRESH

Custom link added to Chronograf User menu options. Useful for providing links to internal company resources for your Chronograf users. Can be used when any OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled. To add another custom link, repeat the custom link option.

Example: --custom-link InfluxData:

--develop | -d

Run the chronograf service in developer mode.

--help | -h

Displays the command line help for chronograf.

--host-page-disabled | -H

Disables rendering and serving of the Hosts List page (/sources/$sourceId/hosts).

Environment variable: $HOST_PAGE_DISABLED

--log-level= | -l

Set the logging level.

Valid values: debug | info | error

Default value: info

Example: --log-level=debug

Environment variable: $LOG_LEVEL

--reporting-disabled | -r

Disables reporting of usage statistics. Usage statistics reported once every 24 hours include: OS, arch, version, cluster_id, and uptime.

Environment variable: $REPORTING_DISABLED

Authentication options

General authentication options


The total duration (in hours) of cookie life for authentication.

Default value: 720h

Authentication expires on browser close when --auth-duration=0.

Environment variable: $AUTH_DURATION


The duration that a token is valid without any new activity.

Default value: 5m

Environment variable: $INACTIVITY_DURATION


The public URL required to access Chronograf using a web browser. For example, if you access Chronograf using the default URL, the public URL value would be http://localhost:8888. Required for Google OAuth 2.0 authentication. Used for Auth0 and some generic OAuth 2.0 authentication providers.

Environment variable: $PUBLIC_URL

--token-secret= | -t

The secret for signing tokens.

Environment variable: $TOKEN_SECRET

GitHub-specific OAuth 2.0 authentication options

See Configuring GitHub authentication for more information.


Required if using Github Enterprise
GitHub base URL. Default is

Environment variable: $GH_URL

--github-client-id | -i

The GitHub client ID value for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $GH_CLIENT_ID

--github-client-secret | -s

The GitHub Client Secret value for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $GH_CLIENT_SECRET

--github-organization | -o

[Optional] Specify a GitHub organization membership required for a user.

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
--github-organization=org1 \
--github-organization=org2 \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $GH_ORGS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Google-specific OAuth 2.0 authentication options

See Configuring Google authentication for more information.


The Google Client ID value required for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID


The Google Client Secret value required for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET


[Optional] Restricts authorization to users from specified Google email domains.

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $GOOGLE_DOMAINS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters,
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Auth0-specific OAuth 2.0 authentication options

See Configuring Auth0 authentication for more information.


The subdomain of your Auth0 client; available on the configuration page for your Auth0 client.


Environment variable: $AUTH0_DOMAIN


The Auth0 Client ID value required for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $AUTH0_CLIENT_ID


The Auth0 Client Secret value required for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET


[Optional] The Auth0 organization membership required to access Chronograf. Organizations are set using an “organization” key in the user’s app_metadata. Lists are comma-separated and are only available when using environment variables.

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
--auth0-organizations=org1 \
--auth0-organizations=org2 \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $AUTH0_ORGS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Heroku-specific OAuth 2.0 authentication options

See Configuring Heroku authentication for more information.


The Heroku Client ID for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $HEROKU_CLIENT_ID


The Heroku Secret for OAuth 2.0 support.

Environment variable: $HEROKU_SECRET


The Heroku organization memberships required for access to Chronograf.

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
--heroku-organization=org1 \
--heroku-organization=org2 \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $HEROKU_ORGS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Generic OAuth 2.0 authentication options

See Configure OAuth 2.0 for more information.


The generic OAuth 2.0 name presented on the login page.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_NAME


The generic OAuth 2.0 Client ID value. Can be used for a custom OAuth 2.0 service.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_CLIENT_ID


The generic OAuth 2.0 Client Secret value.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_CLIENT_SECRET


The scopes requested by provider of web client.

Default value: user:email

CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
--generic-scopes=api \
--generic-scopes=openid \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $GENERIC_SCOPES

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters
  • Copy
  • Fill window


The email domain required for user email addresses.


CLI example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters \
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Environment variable: $GENERIC_DOMAINS

Environment variable example
## Single parameter

## Multiple parameters,
  • Copy
  • Fill window


The authorization endpoint URL for the OAuth 2.0 provider.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_AUTH_URL


The token endpoint URL for the OAuth 2.0 provider.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_TOKEN_URL


The URL that returns OpenID UserInfo-compatible information.

Environment variable: $GENERIC_API_URL


Disable OAuth PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange).

Environment variable: $OAUTH_NO_PKCE

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InfluxDB 3 Core and Enterprise are now in Beta

InfluxDB 3 Core and Enterprise are now available for beta testing, available under MIT or Apache 2 license.

InfluxDB 3 Core is a high-speed, recent-data engine that collects and processes data in real-time, while persisting it to local disk or object storage. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial product that builds on Core’s foundation, adding high availability, read replicas, enhanced security, and data compaction for faster queries. A free tier of InfluxDB 3 Enterprise will also be available for at-home, non-commercial use for hobbyists to get the full historical time series database set of capabilities.

For more information, check out: