
kapacitord run

The kapacitord run starts and runs the Kapacitor server.


kapacitord run [flags]


-blacklist-cidrsBlacklist CIDRs for most HTTP GET/POST operationsComma-separated list of CIDRs
-configPath to Kapacitor configuration fileConfiguration filepath
-disable-handlersDisable alert handlersComma-separated list of alert-handlers
-hostnameOverride the hostname in the Kapacitor configuration fileHostname
-pidfileWrite process ID to a filePID filepath
-log-fileWrite logs to a fileLog filepath
-log-levelSet the log leveldebug, info, or error


Run Kapacitor with default settings

kapacitord run

Run Kapacitor with custom configuration settings

kapacitord run -config /path/to/kapacitor.conf

Disable alert handlers

Disabling alert handlers can be useful for security reasons–for example, disabling the exec handler on a shared system.

kapacitord run -disable-handlers exec,mqtt

Change Kapacitor logging settings

kapacitord run \
  -log-file /path/to/kapacitor.log \
  -log-level debug

Blacklist HTTP GET or POST operations from specific CIDRs

kapacitord run -blacklist-cidrs,

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