
kapacitor record query

The kapacitor record query command records the result of an InfluxQL query. Once the recording is stopped, the command outputs the recording ID. If no recording ID is specified, Kapacitor assigns a random ID.

The command requires the following:

  • InfluxQL query: Use the -query flag
  • Recording type: Use the -type flag and pass either batch or query

To replay the recording, see kapacitor replay.


kapacitor record query [flags]


-queryRequired: Query to record.
-typeRequired: Recording type (stream or batch)
-clusterNamed InfluxDB cluster or instance to query
-no-waitRun recording in the background
-recording-idID to assign to the recording


Record an InfluxQL query

influx record query \
  -query "SELECT temp, hum FROM db.rp.home" \
  -type batch

Record an InfluxQL query and assign a custom recording ID

influx record query \
  -query "SELECT temp, hum FROM db.rp.home" \
  -type batch \
  -recording-id example-query-rec

Record an InfluxQL query for a specific InfluxDB cluster

influx record query \
  -query "SELECT temp, hum FROM db.rp.home" \
  -type batch \
  -cluster influxdb-enterprise

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