
Telegraf template patterns

Template patterns describe how a dot-delimited string should be mapped to and from Telegraf metrics.

A template has the form:

  • Copy
  • Fill window

Where the following keywords can be set:

  • measurement: specifies that this section of the graphite bucket corresponds to the measurement name. This can be specified multiple times.
  • field: specifies that this section of the graphite bucket corresponds to the field name. This can be specified multiple times.
  • measurement*: specifies that all remaining elements of the graphite bucket correspond to the measurement name.
  • field*: specifies that all remaining elements of the graphite bucket correspond to the field name.

Any part of the template that is not a keyword is treated as a tag key. This can also be specified multiple times.

Note the following:

  • measurement must be specified in your template.
  • field* cannot be used in conjunction with measurement*.


Measurement and tag templates

A basic template specifies a single transformation to apply to all incoming metrics:

templates = [
  • Copy
  • Fill window

This results in the following Graphite to Telegraf metric transformation.

us.west.cpu.load 100
=> cpu.load,region=us.west value=100
  • Copy
  • Fill window

You can specify multiple templates and differentiate them using filters.

templates = [
    "*.*.* region.region.measurement", # All 3-part measurements will match this one.
    "*.*.*.*", # All 4-part measurements will match this one.
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Field templates

The field keyword tells Telegraf to give the metric that field name.

separator = "_"
templates = [
  • Copy
  • Fill window

This results in the following Graphite to Telegraf metric transformation. 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east idle_percent=100
  • Copy
  • Fill window

The field key can also be derived from all remaining elements of the graphite bucket by specifying field*:

separator = "_"
templates = [
  • Copy
  • Fill window

This results in the following Graphite to Telegraf metric transformation. 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east idle_percentage=100
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Filter templates

Use glob matching to filter templates to use based on the name of the bucket:

templates = [
    "cpu.* measurement.measurement.region",
  • Copy
  • Fill window

This results in the following transformation: 100
=> cpu_load,region=eu-east value=100

mem.cached.localhost 256
=> mem_cached,host=localhost value=256
  • Copy
  • Fill window

Add tags

To add additional tags to a metric, include them after the template pattern using the InfluxDB line protocol tag format (comma-separated key-value pairs).

templates = [
    "measurement.measurement.field.region datacenter=1a"
  • Copy
  • Fill window

This results in the following Graphite to Telegraf metric transformation. 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east,datacenter=1a idle=100
  • Copy
  • Fill window

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