
telegraf config migrate

The telegraf config migrate command reads the configuration files specified in the --config or --config-directory and attempts to migrate plugins or options that are currently deprecated to the recommended replacements. If no configuration file is explicitly specified, the command reads the default locations and uses those configuration files.

Migrated files are stored with a .migrated suffix at the location of the source configuration files. If migrating remote configurations, the migrated configuration is stored in the current directory using the URL as the filename with a .migrated suffix.

Test migrated configuration files

We strongly recommend testing migrated configuration files before using them in production.


telegraf [global-flags] config migrate [flags]


--forceForces overwriting of an existing migration file
-h--helpShow command help


Migrate a single configuration file

To migrate the file mysettings.conf, run the following command:

telegraf --config mysettings.conf config migrate

Migrate a configuration directory

To migrate all configurations files in the ~/telegraf/conf/ directory, use the following command:

telegraf --config-directory ~/telegraf/conf/ config migrate

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