
telegraf config create

The telegraf config create command returns a full Telegraf configuration containing all plugins as an example. You can also apply section or plugin filters to reduce the output to the plugins you need.


telegraf [global-flags] config create [flags]


--section-filterFilter sections to print separated by : (Valid values are agent, global_tags, outputs, processors, aggregators and inputs)
--input-filterFilter inputs to enable separated by :
--output-filterFilter outputs to enable separated by :
--aggregator-filterFilter aggregators to enable separated by :
--processor-filterFilter processors to enable separated by :
--secretstore-filterFilter secret-stores to enable separated by :
-h--helpShow command help


Create a full configuration

telegraf config create

Create a full configuration as save it to a file

telegraf config create > telegraf.conf

Create a configuration with specific sections and plugins

To print a configuration containing only a Modbus input plugin and an InfluxDB v2 output plugin, run the following:

telegraf config create \
  --section-filter "inputs:outputs" \
  --input-filter "modbus" \
  --output-filter "influxdb_v2"

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