monitor.from() function
retrieves check statuses stored in the statuses
measurement in the
Function type signature
start: A,
?fn: (
r: {
B with
_value: C,
_time: time,
_stop: time,
_start: time,
_measurement: string,
_field: string,
) => bool,
?stop: D,
) => stream[E] where E: Record
For more information, see Function type signatures.
(Required) Earliest time to include in results.
Use a relative duration, absolute time, or integer (Unix timestamp in seconds).
For example, -1h
, 2019-08-28T22:00:00Z
, or 1567029600
Durations are relative to now()
Latest time to include in results. Default is now()
Use a relative duration, absolute time, or integer (Unix timestamp in seconds).
For example, -1h
, 2019-08-28T22:00:00Z
, or 1567029600
Durations are relative to now()
Predicate function that evaluates true or false.
Records or rows (r
) that evaluate to true
are included in output tables.
Records that evaluate to null or false
are not included in output tables.
View critical check statuses from the last hour
import "influxdata/influxdb/monitor"
monitor.from(start: -1h, fn: (r) => r._level == "crit")
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