influxdb.cardinality() function
returns the series cardinality of data stored in InfluxDB.
Function type signature
start: A,
?bucket: string,
?bucketID: string,
?host: string,
?org: string,
?orgID: string,
?predicate: (r: {B with _value: C, _measurement: string, _field: string}) => bool,
?stop: D,
?token: string,
) => stream[{_value: int, _stop: time, _start: time}] where A: Timeable, D: Timeable
Bucket to query cardinality from.
String-encoded bucket ID to query cardinality from.
Organization name.
String-encoded organization ID.
URL of the InfluxDB instance to query.
See InfluxDB Cloud regions or InfluxDB OSS URLs.
InfluxDB API token.
(Required) Earliest time to include when calculating cardinality.
The cardinality calculation includes points that match the specified start time.
Use a relative duration or absolute time. For example, -1h
or 2019-08-28T22:00:00Z
Durations are relative to now()
Latest time to include when calculating cardinality.
The cardinality calculation excludes points that match the specified start time.
Use a relative duration or absolute time. For example, -1h
or 2019-08-28T22:00:00Z
Durations are relative to now()
. Default is now()
Predicate function that filters records.
Default is (r) => true
- Query series cardinality in a bucket
- Query series cardinality in a measurement//
- Query series cardinality for a specific tag
Query series cardinality in a bucket
import "influxdata/influxdb"
influxdb.cardinality(bucket: "example-bucket", start: -1y)
Query series cardinality in a measurement//
import "influxdata/influxdb"
bucket: "example-bucket",
start: -1y,
predicate: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement",
Query series cardinality for a specific tag
import "influxdata/influxdb"
influxdb.cardinality(bucket: "example-bucket", start: -1y, predicate: (r) => r.exampleTag == "foo")
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