
Flux release notes


  • Internal code cleanup.



  • Return to internal string references.
  • Allocate memory for string content.

Bug fixes

  • Join paths correctly in the influxdb source.
  • Optimize string arrays.

Dependency updates

  • Update
  • Update
  • Build on Rust 1.78.


Bug fixes

  • Resolve build error on Rust 1.72.0+.


  • Internal code cleanup.


  • Internal code cleanup.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Make C foreign function interface (FFI) more robust when checking for valid input.



Bug fixes

  • Fix panic caused by chunking outer joins.
  • Remove 64bit reference counter misalignments.



Bug fixes

  • Convert platform-dependent path separators to slashes.
  • use-after-free in optimized String array.


Breaking changes

  • Update iox.sql to detect midstream errors.




  • Associate registry attributes to import statements.



  • Add download headers within the CSV dialect.



  • Add PartialOrd and Ord to ast::Position.
  • Detect undesirable patterns so we can remove them later.

Bug fixes

  • Update attribute syntax to require following element.
  • Add salsaDatabase to list of feature passed to Rust.
  • testing.ShouldError should error when no error occurs.
  • Restore termination defaults for holtWinters to improve performance.
  • Use salsa db when generating documentation.


Bug fixes

  • Correctly handle join operations with large input that exceed the buffer size.



  • Compile the standard library incrementally.
  • Add attribute parsing to the parser.

Bug fixes

  • Allow functions receiving dynamic arguments to do member expressions.



  • Add types.isNumeric() to test for numeric values.
  • Recommend valid arguments in extra argument errors.
  • Add dynamic type support to standard type conversion functions.

Bug fixes

  • When using experimental.unpivot(), don’t add the _field column to the group key by default.
  • Fix compilation error when using Rust 1.64.



Bug fixes

  • Update the toUInt() test to use the correct conversion behavior.
  • Prevent the Flux formatter from losing precision on float values.



  • Add dynamic type.
  • Add dynamic wrapper function.
  • Enable codespan formatting for errors via feature flags.

Bug fixes

  • Pass context in the Run source helper.
  • Handle null vector inputs for _vecFloat.
  • Remove broken contrib packages:
    • contrib/jsternberg/aggregate
    • contrib/jsternberg/math


Bug fixes

  • Remove the stacker dependency.
  • Skip strict null logical evaluator.


  • Internal code cleanup.


Breaking changes

  • Update logical null handling and align all logical operator implementations (vectorized, row-based, as well as “in the interpreter”) to be consistent and representative of the Flux SPEC.


Bug fixes

  • Update SPEC and fix some inconsistencies.
  • Update sort limit to skips chunks with no rows.
  • Don’t report an error about testcases in the LSP.
  • Prevent the metadata map from being concurrently mutated.
  • Don’t stackoverflow on deeply nested expressions.



  • Add support for piped-forward arrays to array.from().
  • Add parameter to experimental.unpivot() for non-field and non-group-key columns.
  • Add a syntax for describing label literals.
  • Don’t display nulls as 0 in the output of experimental.diff().

Bug fixes

  • Fix duplicate definitions and update issue links in the Flux SPEC.
  • Don’t include opening parentheses in invalid call expressions.
  • Improve error message when joining with an empty table.



  • Display yields in fluxtest.
  • Allow experimental.unpivot() to work when the _time column is missing.
  • Add utility to the function package to register a source or transformation.
  • Add Rust binary to sit on top of “headless” REPL backend.

Bug fixes

  • Correct type for fillValueTime.
  • Correct panic in vectorized division by zero.
  • Correct inconsistent runtime typing for logicalVectorEvaluator.
  • Don’t treat errors in SQL syntax as internal.
  • Improve error handling when missing a property on member expressions.
  • Preserve values of non-string group keys in experimental.diff().



  • Add “headless” JSON-RPC based REPL.
  • Support vectorized unary operators.
  • Add experimental/polyline package for downsampling data.
  • Update function library to have its own arguments struct.

Bug fixes

  • Update import path for the Spec package in the “headless” REPL.
  • Update conditional vectorization to handle bad values for test, consequent, or alternate.


  • Internal code cleanup.



  • Rewrite calls to float() as _vectorizedFloat().
  • Reduce the Flux formatter default line length to 100 characters.

Bug fixes

  • Fix logic bug in planner helper method.
  • Don’t include null columns when unpivoting.
  • Don’t error when formatting boolean literals.
  • Sort columns when printing group keys.



  • Add a Stringify utility function for table.Chunk.
  • Add support for vectorized binary equality operations.
  • Update testing.diff() to use experimental.diff() permanently.
  • Add vectorized float() builtin function.
  • Enhance fluxtest to use package name with test and skip flags.
  • Allow any kind of AST fragment to be formatted.
  • Accept Flux feature flags to the test command.

Bug fixes

  • Update testing.shouldError() to use regular expression matching instead of string matching.
  • Temporarily remove duplicates test to avoid conflicts downstream.
  • Update buildinfo documnentation comments to match latest go fmt.
  • Fix aggregate window rules that left query plans in a bad state.
  • Include filename when printing the AST location.



Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • Update strings.substring() to check bounds using rune array instead of string length.



  • Support conditional expressions in vectorized map().
  • Compute minimum required dispatcher concurrency from the plan graph.
  • Add a query planner rule to remove redundant sort nodes.

Bug fixes

  • Guard message processing with mutexes.
  • Update Flux REPL to use unique planner node IDs.



  • Promote various feature-flagged features and optimizations to be used by default.

Bug fixes



Bug fixes

  • When joining data, provide a default schema for unmatched group keys.
  • Update the join package to be resilient to schema changes.


Bug fixes



Bug fixes

  • Update httpWriter struct to skip invalid floats.
  • Update join() to validate group keys.
  • Fix unit tests for covariance().
  • Update all Flux packages to additionally live as Go packages.


Breaking changes

  • Format scripts with a trailing newline by default when running the formatter.


Bug fixes

  • Return an error if the user modifies group key while using join



  • Add multiple new join functions to the join package such as join.full().
  • Add initialZero parameter to the derivative function.
  • Allow features to enable builtin statements.
  • Provide the comments for each Symbol from PackageExports.
  • Suggestions now start off by default and added a new flag.
  • Add builtin function time to the date package to convert any timeable into datetime.
  • Allow vector types to be specified in Flux source.

Bug fixes

  • Replace extra boolean parameter for suggestions with Flux REPL options.
  • Remove testing.load() from testutil.yield().
  • Fix a bug in how sort nodes are created for a new join.
  • Removed extra indentation for test cases.
  • Retain the package for identifier referencing the prelude.
  • Only return an error in tests if an assertion fails.
  • Fix findColumn() to handle multi-buffer tables.
  • Point to the function being piped to on argument mismatches.
  • Visit successors before continuing DFS on node.


Breaking changes

  • Remove testing.loadStorage().


  • Add FromStr to allow the Flux LSP (language server protocol) CLI to run with optional Flux features.
  • Add method to parallelize aggregate transformations.
  • Report unused symbols.
  • Add From implementations for Node/NodeMut.

Bug fixes

  • Pass a seed to the tables generator.
  • Ensure buffers are retained when copying a buffered table.
  • Return an error when using a label variable without the Label constraint.


Bug fixes

  • Require an earlier minimum version of lsp-types.



  • Add a MonoType formatter.

Bug fixes

  • Update vectorized map() to properly handle shadowed columns.



  • Add a _status tag to PagerDuty records.
  • Refactor the operator profile to be in the query statistics.

Bug fixes

  • Ensure that constraints are checked and propagated fully.
  • Fix math for integral with a single value.
  • Add json tags for the transport profiles in statistics.
  • Initialize Metadata in Flux statistics.
  • Return a more helpful error message when an HTTP response body exceeds 100MB.
  • Correct several issues found during the implementation of polymorphic labels.



Bug fixes

  • Attach type when constructing logical expressions.
  • Fix panic with half-diamond logical plan.



  • Allow default types to be specified for default arguments.
  • Add date.scale() to allow for dynamic duration changes.
  • Expose aggregate window spec fields for use by the query planner.
  • Add experimental.preview().

Bug fixes

  • Update date.add() and date.sub() to work correctly with timezones enabled.
  • Fix failing continuous integration tests.
  • Update hourSelection() to support overnight time ranges.
  • Fix logic error in aggregate window planner rule preserve the rule if table.fill is present.
  • Use MultiplicativeOperator in MultiplicativeExpression.



  • Add InfluxData semantic commit and pull request title validator.
  • Add an Expr node to the visitor API.
  • Add label polymorphism.
  • Vectorize remaining arithmetic operators.

Bug fixes

  • Remove JoinOpSpec.TableNames in favor of JoinOpSpec.params to stay consistent inside tableFind().
  • Fix SortLimit for empty input group.



  • Add support for options in the testcase extension.
  • Vectorize addition operations in map().
  • Add location support to date.truncate().
  • Accept string literals in properties of a record type.
  • Add trace option to the flux CLI.
  • Add EquiJoinPredicateRule.

Bug fixes

  • Update map() test case to include a range.
  • Don’t set BaseLocation.file to Some("").
  • Fix strings.joinStr panic when it receives a null value.
  • Remove 64bit misalignment.
  • Fix memory releases and add checked allocator to the end of tests.


Bug fixes

  • Remove an extraneous go generate statement.



  • Allow Go to pass compilation options to Rust.

Bug fixes

  • Do not assume integers are 64bit integers.
  • Update prometheus.scrape type signature to correctly return a stream.



  • Report skipped tests.

Bug fixes

  • Update transformation transport adapter to always invoke finish.
  • Add support for “soft paragraphs” (paragraphs that contain single newline characters) in inline Flux documentation.



  • Add OpenTracing spans to the Flux runtime.
  • Add the cffi feature to reduce WASM binary size.
  • Replace the main flux CLI with a new flux CLI that starts a Flux REPL by default or executes a Flux script via stdin.
  • Track freed memory with SetFinalizer.
  • Move addDuration() and subDuration() from the experimental package to the date package.

Bug fixes

  • Improve error messages for column conflicts in pivot operations.
  • Create OpenTracing spans for transformations using the proper context.
  • Add errors to OpenTracing spans created for transformations.
  • Restore required features hidden behind the cffi feature.



  • Re-enable the dialer pool and update dependency injection.

Bug fixes



  • Remove the concurrencyLimit feature flag and keep it in the dependencies.
  • Add MQTT Docker integration test.
  • Enable dialer pool.
  • Add an IOx-specific unpivot function to the internal package.

Bug fixes

  • Update join() to properly handle divergent schemas.
  • Fix line endings in the testcase format to prevent unnecessarily nesting the body of a test case.
  • Make strings.substring() check bounds correctly.
  • Fix duration and integer literal scanning.
  • Make testcase a semantic check instead of an error.
  • Skip parallel merge when selecting the result name based on side effects.
  • Add metadata headers to inline documentation.



  • Added a finish state to parallel-merge and always protect with a mutex lock.

Bug fixes

  • Use a fork of the gosnowflake library to prevent file transfers.
  • When encoding Flux types as JSON, encode dictionary types as JSON objects.
  • Upgrade Apache Arrow to v7.



  • Add inline documentation to the universe package.
  • Factor parallel execution into the concurrency quota calculation.

Bug fixes

  • Add parallel merges with no successors to the results set.
  • Correctly use range in an updated map() test.



  • Update fill() to use narrow transformation.
  • Add an attribute-based instantiation of parallel execution nodes.
  • Expose the Record::fields iterator.
  • Allow the estimate_tdigest method in quantile() to process any numeric value.
  • Optimize aggregateWindow() for specific aggregate transformations.

Bug fixes

  • Update vectorized map() to handle missing columns.
  • Remove duplicate line in Makefile.
  • Fix cargo doc build errors.
  • Reclassify CSV-decoding errors as user errors.
  • Update iox.from() and generate.from() to use proper stream annotation.



  • Add second pass to physical planner for parallelization rules.
  • Separate streams from arrays in the type system.
  • Add function to internal/debug to check feature flag values.
  • Allow feature flags to record metrics if configured.
  • Add extra verbose level to dump AST of test.
  • Explain what [A], [A:B] etc means in errors.

Bug fixes

  • Make buckets() function return a stream.
  • Remove unnecessary TableObject guards.
  • Copy TagColumns in to() that may get modified into the transformation.
  • Update tests to use explicit yields.


Bug fixes

  • Update tests to use an explicit yield.



Bug fixes

  • Add stop parameter to InfluxDB schema functions.
  • Remove os.Exit calls and allow defer executor.Close to run.
  • Properly handle time zone transitions when there is no daylight savings time in the specified time zone.



  • Add requests.peek() to return HTTP response data in a table.
  • Add display() to represent any value as a string.
  • Create a version of map() that is columnar and supports vectorization.
  • Support vectorized functions.

Bug fixes

  • Add time vector to the values package.
  • Set the correct type for vectorized functions.



  • Connect language server protocol (LSP) features through the Flux crate.
  • Add conversion from flux.Bounds to plan/execute.Bounds.
  • Re-index all bound variables to start from 0.

Bug fixes

  • Int feature flags work properly when returned as floats.



Bug fixes

  • Revert update to the dependencies package.
  • Return false if contains gets invalid value.



  • Update to Rust 1.58.1.



  • Expose MonoType::parameter and MonoType::field.

Bug fixes

  • Support writing unsigned integers with the http provider.


Bug fixes

  • Remove duplicate die builtin in the universe package.



  • Update inline documentation in the following packages:
    • date
    • experimental
    • testing
    • timezone
    • types

Bug fixes

  • Make iterating the hashmap deterministic.
  • Quote SQL identifiers to mitigate the risk of SQL injection.



  • Add Get methods to metadata.
  • Optimized sort |> limit operations.
  • Add location option support to the date package.
  • Use reference equality for Symbol.
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • socket
    • sql
    • strings

Bug fixes

  • Do not attempt IP validation for BigQuery data source names (DSNs).



  • Report multiple errors from a single unify call.
  • Update to transformation to use narrow transformation.
  • Provide specific error information on function calls.
  • Allow errors to be formatted via codespan.
  • Add an internal/debug.opaque function.
  • Provide which package exported a symbol.
  • Add timeable support to experimental.addDuration() and experimental.subDuration().
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • interpolate
    • json
    • kafka
    • math
    • regexp
    • runtime
    • sampledata
    • slack
    • system
    • pagerduty
    • profiler
    • pushbullet

Bug fixes

  • Classify IP validation failures as Invalid.
  • Relocate the mutex in the optimized union to avoid a data race.
  • Split the entire pipe chain into multiple lines (if necessary).



Bug fixes

  • Add mutex to the optimized union transformation.
  • Ensure arrays are not table streams before calling Len().
  • Disable flakey geo.filterRows tests.



  • Update pkg-config to support aarch64-apple-darwin.
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • experimental/geo
    • experimental/http
    • experimental/influxdb
    • experimental/json
    • experimental/mqtt
    • experimental/oee

Bug fixes

  • Update the default epsilon parameter for testing.diff to 0.000001.
  • Fix unsigned integer conversion tests to correctly use an defined conversion.



  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • experimental/aggregate
    • experimental/array
    • experimental/bigtable
    • experimental/bitwise
    • experimental/csv

Bug fixes

  • Return an error from join operations if a column is not found in the schema.



  • Add location and message methods to semantic::Error.
  • Return multiple errors from conversions.
  • Add a vectorized field to semantic graph, FunctionExpr.

Bug fixes

  • Set GOPATH in Dockerfile_build.


Bug fixes

  • Add targets to rust-toolchain.


Breaking changes


  • Don’t introduce constraints for default arguments.
  • Make error messages more consistent.
  • Use new versions of sort() and derivative() by default.
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • contrib/anaisdg/anomalydetection
    • contrib/anaisdg/statsmodels
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/victorops
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/zenoss
    • contrib/jsternberg/influxdb
    • contrib/rhajek/bigpanda
    • contrib/sranka/telegram
    • experimental

Bug fixes

  • Validate examples in inline documentation as part of CI linting process.
  • Correctly handle trailing dollar signs in string expression.
  • Improve fluxdoc error messages.
  • Fix panic when length() is given a stream of tables.
  • Fix panic when json.encode() is given a stream of tables.



  • Default to erroring dependencies

Bug fixes

  • Fix Queryd panic when using the experimental/geo package.



  • Add is_type to query the runtime type.
  • Add ability to read options from the Context.
  • Ignore documentation for values prefixed with an underscore (_).
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • contrib/RohanSreerama5/naiveBayesClassifier
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/alerta
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/hex
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/servicenow
    • contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript
    • contrib/chobbs/discord
    • contrib/jsternberg/rows/
    • contrib/sranka/opsgenie
    • contrib/sranka/sensu/
    • contrib/sranka/teams
    • contrib/sranka/webexteams
    • contrib/tomhollingworth/events
    • generate
    • http
    • influxdata/influxdb
    • influxdata/influxdb/monitor
    • influxdata/influxdb/sample
    • influxdata/influxdb/schema
    • influxdata/influxdb/secrets
    • influxdata/influxdb/tasks
    • influxdata/influxdb/v1

Bug fixes

  • Propagate the element type through array constructors.
  • Catch unsupported input types in aggregate transformations.
  • Support pipe parameters (<-) in fluxdoc.
  • Fix documentation errors when running cargo doc.
  • Reduce the amount of extra parse errors.



  • Support reporting unlimited diagnostics.
  • Support type inference running on invalid ASTs.
  • Add erroring versions for each dependency.
  • Report multiple errors from type inference.
  • Add fluxdoc formatting documentation.
  • Add inline documentation to the following packages:
    • array
    • csv
    • dict

Bug fixes

  • Handle errors when executing inline examples.
  • Convert fixed array to slice.
  • Compare sorted join keys.
  • Make multiline-formatting consistent.
  • Fix invalid syntax formatting.
  • Improve error checking for null and invalid types.



  • Continue type inference through errors at runtime.

Bug fixes

  • Revert and related updates.



  • Create a BigTable dependency to let Flux mimic or control BigTable API usage.
  • Report multiple type inference errors.
  • Add bitwise operations.

Bug fixes

  • Update fill() to return tables unchanged when using usePrevious to fill a non-existent column.
  • Add to return the same time throughout a script execution.



Bug fixes

  • Correctly handle HTTP errors from the InfluxDB writer.



  • Enable executable examples to documentation generated by fluxdoc.
  • Enforces IP validation and timeouts when using mqtt.
  • Add an alternate flux CLI that starts the REPL if no argument is given.
  • Update lint formatting.
  • Add contrib/bonitoo-io/servicenow package and support for ServiceNow events.
  • Add component and customDetails parameters to pagerduty.sendEvent().
  • Update the fluxdoc parser to capture more data.
  • Create a formatter for semantic graph.

Bug fixes

  • Add contrib/bonitoo-io/servicenow to the list of fluxdoc exceptions.
  • Disable write retries for the InfluxDB http provider.



  • Add a disposable interface for transformations.

Bug fixes

  • Improve error message when regrouping is required in map().



  • Add short mode to fluxdoc dump command.
  • Add Analyzer API to libflux.
  • Add timezone package with fixed offset location.
  • Add record.get() function to dynamically retrieve record properties.
  • Embed the compiled standard library instead of compiling at runtime.

Bug fixes



Bug fixes

  • Add range() before window() to set query time bounds in tests.
  • Use a new Fresher instance for each package.



Bug fixes

  • Update null check with clear error message.
  • Report errors from function parameters.
  • Propagate all inferred properties to a function argument.
  • Fix Staticcheck linter in executetest.
  • Reformat non-formatted Flux files.
  • Make builds reproducible by ordering package members in the doc package.
  • Prevent the optimized derivative() from attempt to replicate a non-existent bug.
  • Update events.duration() to properly handle multiple buffers.



Bug fixes



  • Add narrow state transformation transport.



  • Make flux-dump-docs use a nested documentation structure.

Bug fixes

  • Add boolean package to prelude.
  • Delete obsolete Go formatter code.
  • Fix unknown type panic when using difference().




Bug fixes

  • Add FormatDuration method that can be exported in other repositories.


Bug fixes

  • Remove flux wasm crate and moved it to lsp.
  • Delete obsolete packages.
  • Add _time to status sorting.
  • Fix panic with unknown type invalid in reduce() function.


Bug fixes

  • limit() correctly resets the offset after processing a partial buffer.



  • Create an executable to retrieve all stdlib documentation and updated WASM functions.
  • Implement transport in aggregate transformations.
  • Add documentation site links and fix flux_types issue.

Bug fixes

  • fill() function fails when the specified fill column doesn’t exist.
  • Add link parameter to function structs.



  • Update filter() to use narrow transformation.

Bug fixes

  • Return JSON for WASM.
  • Check both dynamic types and static values in strings package.
  • Check both dynamic types and static values in regexp package.
  • Change die error code to invalid.



  • Add feature flag library as an internal package.
  • Add narrow transformation transport.
  • Add transport-aware dataset.
  • Simplify the transport interface and add a transformation adapter.
  • Add contrib/sranka/webexteams package.
  • Add optimized repeat function for arrow arrays.
  • Add two additional internal message types.

Bug fixes

  • Update transformation adapter to return an error when receiving a flush key for a table that is not present.
  • Fix pivot operations when no data is left to operate on.
  • Update join() to produce columns of equivalent length when combining mismatched schemas.



  • Update the string array builder to support constant data.
  • Expand message interface with message lifetime controls.
  • Create internal Flux array package.

Bug fixes

  • Register sortedPivot and update sortedPivot kind.
  • Derive Copy on ast::Position.
  • Update to() function to properly close the writer on error.
  • Update libflux include paths to use pkg-config.
  • Properly copy record types with no extends parameter.


Breaking changes

  • Remove the sleep() function.




  • Add --skip flag to the flux test command to skip specific tests.




  • Add inline Flux function documentation.



  • Bootstrap documentation methods.

Bug fixes

  • Reverse math.atan2() parameters.
  • Fix documentation headers in stdlib.
  • Distinct testcase should not use testing.load().
  • movingAverage() creates columns with the same length when n is the size of the input.
  • Allow work queue to be resized when work exceeds queue length.
  • distinct() appends null values without creating invalid tables.


  • Add inline Flux function documentation.


  • Internal code cleanup.



  • Add exclude parameter to pagerduty.dedupKey().

Bug fixes

  • Ensure PagerDuty tests include a _value column.
  • Add length check to CSV annotation parsing.
  • Change FunctionLiteral precedence to preserve parentheses.


  • Internal code cleanup.


Bug fixes

  • Remove tabstop processing from formatter.
  • Support dividing IEEE float values by zero.
  • Fix multiline collapse when formatting function parameters.
  • Reclassify map type error as user error.
  • Fix acceptance tests to catch different timestamps.


Bug fixes

  • Update group_no_agg_table acceptance test to run in a consistent order.
  • Remove release dependency.
  • Fix staticcheck linter failures.
  • Replace erroneous line deletions.



  • to() function writes to a remote InfluxDB instance.

Bug fixes

  • Fix unexpected behavior caused by going over the Go/Rust boundary multiple times using JSON serialization.
  • Update Assert_eq! output.
  • Update comrak dependency.
  • Set CARGO_HOME after removing privileges.
  • Log uneven columns found when processing tables.
  • Audit and clean up the Docker build image.
  • Switch default InfluxDB port from 9999 to 8086.
  • Add tests for window offset behavior.
  • Update formatting for conditional expressions.
  • Fix string interpolation for basic types.



  • Add Jaeger tracing information to profile metadata.
  • Add flux fmt step to the continuous integration pipeline.
  • Update the window implementation to use interval.Window.
  • Add today() function.

Bug fixes

  • Remove deadlock when an error occurs while the dispatcher is stopping.
  • Prevent errors caused by the the auto-formatter removing brackets around if expressions.
  • Auto-format remaining Flux files.



Bug fixes

  • Refactor semantic printing of types.
  • Do not remove escape characters when auto-formatting.
  • Add to URL validator.
  • Add new display API for values.
  • Auto-format Flux files in stdlib/testing.


Bug fixes

  • Upgrade mssqldb dependency for Go 1.16.
  • Format Flux files in stdlib.



Bug fixes

  • Format Flux files in stdlib and stdlib/testing.
  • Update the macOS SDK for Go 1.16.
  • Revert check for uneven columns.
  • Wait for the dispatcher to finish before finishing query.
  • Remove codecov job.



  • Add ported table test.
  • Create astutil package for AST utilities such as formatting.

Bug fixes

  • Update expected output for acceptance test group_no_agg_table.


Bug fixes

  • Add Comment fields to Go AST structs to preserve comments in the AST.



Bug fixes

  • Use new crate name in buildinfo.
  • Add bounded time ranges to fix test cases.
  • Move derive helper attribute after derive macro.



Bug fixes

  • When finding the parent directory’s root, skip the current directory.
  • Fix if else statement in aggregate.window().


Bug fixes

  • Perform testing checks as part of query done.
  • Delimited multi-result encoder properly releases results before checking for errors.



  • Add support for null values in string interpolation.
  • Add support for all basic datatypes in string interpolation.
  • Add support for parsing CSV files without annotations.
  • Support formatting the AST from libflux.

Bug fixes

  • Add error handling for wrong number of fields for raw CSV.
  • Change Rust version to be updated manually.


  • Internal code cleanup.



Bug fixes

  • Classify “Option not found error” as internal.
  • Remove as_user parameter from slack.message payload.



Bug fixes

  • Update CSV package to handle large files.
  • Add tests and fix the NoHeader configuration for the csv decoder.
  • Remove interval package and documentation.
  • Disable line wrap linter.
  • Fix typo in comment.



Bug fixes

  • Switch from HashMap to BTreeMap in the conversion functions from AST to semantic.
  • Track and reduce memory used by tdigest.
  • Detect and break infinite loops while parsing arrays.



  • Add interval package to window transformation.



  • Reintroduce IsZero method on time windows.

Bug fixes

  • Break parse loop when invalid array item is found.



  • Add testing/expect package for test expectations.

Bug fixes

  • Change the default test discovery path from ./stdlib to ..



  • Add fluxdoc command to generate JSON and HTML from Flux source code.
  • Improve performance of random access group lookup by utilizing xxhash.
  • Improve performance for accessing data within a Value.

Bug fixes

  • Clean up interval package.



  • Validate IP addresses from the dialer Control function.
  • Expose test command to be used by external libraries.



  • Add ability to execute tests from .tar and .zip archives.

Bug fixes

  • Fix endpoint examples in source code.



  • Evaluate dictionary literals.
  • Infer the type of dictionary literals.
  • Parse and format dictionary literals.
  • Add a pure Flux test runner.

Bug fixes

  • Ensure csv.from() only returns one result.
  • Change extern parsing code to return a more descriptive error message.
  • Do not allow containers within a record to be null.
  • Retrieve now option before running a Flux script.
  • Fix misspellings in the Flux README.



  • Transform testcase AST into pure flux.
  • Added Rust scanner.

Bug fixes

  • Substring method now works on more indices.
  • Fix typos in Dockerfile_build.



  • Add dict package for interacting with dictionaries.
  • Added Ragel 7 to the Dockerfiles.
  • Add support for testcase statement.
  • Add Dictionary type syntax.
  • Add Dictionary type unification rule.



  • Create a Dictionary type interface and implementation.
  • Add Dictionary type (dict) to the semantic flatbuffers.



  • Use tabwriter to vertically align tab stops.

Bug fixes

  • Format types in error messages according to Flux grammar.



  • Add “everything” Rust benchmark.

Bug fixes

  • Add multiline support to the Flux formatter.
  • Format types using letters instead of numbers.



  • Ensure query plan nodes have unique IDs.



Bug fixes

  • Do not panic when the value column for pivot() does not exist.
  • Properly truncate timestamps to beginning of window bounds.
  • Updates operator precedence in formatter.
  • Do not panic when a string expression evaluates to null.
  • Add support for multiline conditional logic.



  • Aggregate results for operator profiler.
  • Add contributed events package.
  • Use tableFind and related functions with profiler results.
  • Add duration support to orTime parameter of lastSuccess().

Bug fixes

  • Configure the profiler even if operator profiler is not enabled.
  • Update formatter to handle newline characters in write_string.
  • Make formatter use spaces instead of tabs.
  • Update formatter double spacing rules.
  • Add support for multiline type expressions.
  • Update influxdata/influxdb/tasks package with new location of execute dependencies.
  • Improve multiline and parentheses support in formatter.



Bug fixes

  • Verify dependencies in Dockerfile_build.
  • Fix panic in experimental.join.



  • Add support for SAP HANA databases.
  • Add support for comments preceding builtin statements in code formatting.



  • Move functions from v1 package to schema package.

Bug fixes

  • Fix field type error in test.
  • Update buildinfo script to handle new and deleted files.
  • Sets default quantile method when not specified.
  • Improve security of Dockerfile for build scripts.


Bug fixes

  • Fetch ragel dependency over HTTPS.
  • Ensure ast.TextPart is properly escaped when formatting.
  • Elapsed with multiple buffers per table.



  • Linear interpolation.
  • Type signature for linear interpolate function.

Bug fixes

  • Fix compiler type inference with extended records.
  • Colm Flux grammar updates: keywords, string interpolation, and UTF-8 IDs.
  • Exponent operator have higher precedence.



  • Add operator profiler.
  • Add duration conversion.
  • Add naive bayes classification.

Bug fixes

  • Reset pointer after scanning invalid Unicode.
  • Catch references to non-existent columns.
  • Propagate span context to source.Run.



  • Add Aggregate.window for an alternative windowing aggregate.

Bug fixes

  • Remove months parameter.


Breaking changes

  • Remove time-column parameters from range() function and update type signature.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure meta columns are never part of group key.


Bug fixes

  • Single value integral interpolation.



Bug fixes

  • Update builtin statement for integral().
  • Add Rust JSON tests.
  • CSV no longer deadlocks when next transformation does not consume table.




  • Internal code cleanup.



  • Add the profiler package.
  • Add a documentation URL field to Flux errors.
  • Check InfluxDB schema compatibility.

Bug fixes

  • Panic when a map object property contains an invalid type.



  • Delete old parser.
  • Add function to indicate duplicate option assignments.

Bug fixes

  • Calculate distinct key values.
  • Handle pipe arguments inside of compiler.



  • Add nulls parameter to gen.tables().

Bug fixes

  • Revert the timeable constraint for integer.
  • Make socket/sql URL test robust.



  • Add array.from() function to convert Flux values into a table.

Bug fixes

  • Add bounds to Geo package end-to-end tests.


Breaking changes

  • Removed correlationKey parameter from geo.toRows and geo.shapeData.


  • Add functions to convert semantic monotype to AST type.
  • Add BigQuery support.
  • Rust flatbuffer serialization for MonoType and TypeExpression.
  • Extend with Geo package with GIS functions and unit support.

Bug fixes

  • String interpolation in arrays.


Bug fixes

  • Write tests and fix issues with



  • Add a faster map() function (user-contributed /contrib/jsternberg/rows package).
  • Add an function (user-contributed).
  • Flatbuffer deserialization for type expression AST nodes.
  • Flatbuffer types for monotype and type expression AST nodes.
  • Go AST nodes for type expression syntax.
  • Get all options and properties.
  • Add parse_function in parser/
  • Add an alternative aggregate package to user-contributed packages.

Bug fixes

  • Fix string interpolation in arrays.


Bug fixes

  • Fix data race in metadata.



  • Add query plan to query metadata.



  • Update parse_record to return MonoType for consistent results from functions used by parse_monotype.
  • Internal command utility for comparing CSV tables.
  • Update with parse_record.
  • Add planner tests for window min and max.
  • CRUD options and properties.
  • Update with parse_constraints.
  • Update with ArrayType and add Array to the Monotype enumeration.

Bug fixes

  • Statuses are always sorted by source timestamp.
  • Multiple do calls will fail with an empty table.



  • Add discord.endpoint() function.
  • Enhance the static table API.
  • Update with parse_type_expression and other supporting functions.
  • Expose static table package and table diff functions.
  • Find_var_type() API.
  • Add stringify method for a table and a diff utility.
  • Added range to end-to-end tests.
  • Add types grammar to SPEC.

Bug fixes

  • Normalize Monotype.



  • Add parameter for applying substitution to top-level environment.
  • Add MergeFilterRule to universe.filter

Bug fixes

  • Use query strings instead of AST for remote InfluxDB queries. This lets you query remote InfluxDB instances in the Flux REPL.


Bug fixes

  • Correctly classify “duplicate yield” error.



  • Update from() to use Timeable.

Bug fixes

  • Fix appending an array of booleans with null values.
  • Pass the context to the planner when using the table object compiler.
  • Add diff output to release script on error.
  • Appending empty tables to a buffered builder normalizes the schema.
  • Remove bad_sqlite_path1 test.
  • Classify spec build errors as user errors.
  • Verify index expression bounds in evaluation.
  • Substitute array element types correctly.


Bug fixes

  • Add a check to ensure every is non-negative.



  • Apply Timeable constraint to integer type to support integer values in time-related function parameters.
  • Implement schema mutation functions without performing any copies.
  • Add http.pathEscape() function.



Bug fixes

  • Move semantic analysis to the finalize step.
  • Fix check for stream equality.
  • Fix the compiler’s return type when with operator is used.
  • Include stdlib Flux dependencies from the Flux
  • Include a hash of the sources for libflux.
  • Flux test for experimental json.parse().
  • Reorder go generate call to libflux in stdlib.


Bug fixes

  • Include a hash of sources for libflux.


Bug fixes

  • Fix experimental json.parse() test.



Bug fixes

  • Adjust error handling in Flux date package.


This version of Flux introduces an updated type inference system that improves performance, error messaging, and usability of the Flux Language Server Protocol (LSP).

Breaking Changes

  • Change signature of group() function.


  • Add fieldKeys() and measurementFieldKeys() to v1 package.
  • Add a context to plantest.RuleTestCase.
  • Add Snowflake support to SQL package.
  • Add experimental.chain() function.
  • Add semantic nodes for bad statement and bad expression.
  • Add findColumn() and findRecord() functions.
  • Return false if contains() is called with an empty set.
  • Various performance optimizations.
  • Add a dynamically linked Valgrind test.
  • Add location information to type error messages.
  • Add all Linux cross-compilation tools to release Docker image.
  • Support remote buckets() and v1.databases() calls.
  • Add support for static linking.
  • Add influxdb source.
  • Add support for pkg-config.
  • Transform semantic nodes back to AST nodes.
  • Handle multi-file packages.
  • Make Eval() and EvalAST() use libflux for parsing and analysis.
  • Add lookuptype function for stdlib builtins.

Bug Fixes

  • Re-enable Clippy linter rule match single binding.
  • Fix bug in object equal method.
  • Add builtin formatting.
  • Implement TimeBounds for influxdb.fromRemote.
  • Inject the URL validator into NewDefaultClient.
  • Fix race condition in the filter() function.
  • Validate HTTP redirects against private IPs.
  • Hide DNS information in HTTP.
  • Fix concurrent map write in filter() transformation.
  • Copy all fields of WindowProcedureSpec in Copy().
  • Run go generate on libflux when go generate is run on stdlib.
  • Fix panic when map() overwrites group column.
  • Support execution contexts in the REPL.
  • Apply substitution fully when compiling lambda.
  • Planner rewrite rules take a context.
  • Fix panics when functions operate on null values.
  • Fix logic for merging packages with no package clause.
  • Compute function’s return type after substitution.
  • Resolve member expressions.
  • Improve error message descriptions.
  • Check types of parts when evaluating StringExpression.
  • Bind appropriate interpreter when evaluating functions.
  • Tweak Rust JSON serialization and add tests.
  • Pivot sends update watermark and processing time exactly once.
  • Calculate diff’s watermark using both predecessors.
  • Add length check to avoid allocs checking for JSON null.
  • Make compilers robust to null keyword in extern field.
  • Address issues in RemoveTrivialFilterRule.
  • Bind appropriate interpreter when evaluating functions.
  • Convert HashMap in semantic package to BTreeMap.
  • Use static linking when creating the Valgrind test.
  • Update flatbuffers dependency.
  • Fix JSON serialization of Rust AST.
  • Remove unused environment variables.
  • Make merge_packages allow no package clauses.
  • Do not call CheckKind when evaluating logical expressions.
  • Force the Go libflux wrapper to rebuild using go generate.
  • Adjust test-bench config for Circle CI.
  • Fix Valgrind test code.
  • Let Rust parser parse with file name.
  • Remove Algorithm-W to-do list.
  • JoinStr returns a string, not an empty record.
  • Only add visible properties to output of map().
  • Serialize the correct sign duration literal.
  • Remove code in semantic package that depends on Rust/Cgo code.
  • Remove component field from API.
  • Remove unused notification rule fields from Slack and PagerDuty APIs.
  • Array builders accept array types as input.
  • Enable map() tests with null values.
  • Remove tests for marshalling semantic graph.
  • Run make generate to generate stdlib.
  • Fix type error in benchmark test.
  • Update TableObject test.
  • Do not call LocalRange on nil scope.
  • Type assertion error in length() tests.
  • Update type inference test case with test for union().
  • Make non-test CI steps pass.
  • Fix semantic check for option reassignment.
  • Type inference tests for binary comparison operators.
  • Fix typo in builtins.
  • Update holtWinters() to make seasonality optional.
  • Fix type errors in tests.
  • Remove default value from notify data.
  • Allow options to be set in scope.
  • Replace ScopeComparer with ScopeTransformer.
  • Use LocalRange in compile tests.
  • Add missing parameter to type of to().
  • Get TableObject test case to compile.
  • Fix typo in test case.
  • Update TableObjects to type Array.
  • Use array type method correctly.
  • Update schema mutators.
  • Return proper types for type conversion functions.
  • Enable complete package to compile and pass tests.
  • Make stdlib compile.
  • Expect monotypes for function values.
  • Require successful lookup of stdlib builtins or panic.
  • Optimize lookup function using hashmap.
  • Include function type when deserializing function expressions.



  • Planner Pattern interface supplies a set of ProcedureKind as root.
  • Initial prototype of a table-based Flux.
  • Evaluate and store “now” in execution dependencies for tableFind() to use.
  • Static analysis tool for listing entry points to Flux.
  • Pass context to rewrite rules in the planner.

Bug fixes

  • Pivot sends update watermark and processing time exactly once.
  • system.time() checks context for override.
  • Add bounds to alignTime tests.


Bug fixes

  • Add bounds to alignTime() tests.



Bug fixes

  • Use RandomAccessGroupLookup in testing.diff().
  • Address deleted state GroupLookup.
  • Add test case for errors when AST is bad.
  • Reduce memory usage during CI testing.



  • Add experimental.join() function.
  • Store comments in the AST and preserve on format.
  • Add shapeData() function to Geo package.
  • Expose format to Wasm users.

Bug fixes

  • Reimplement stateChanges() function.
  • Remove the set -x in the xcc script.
  • Publishes Flux as a public npm package.
  • Pivot message passing.



  • Hand-transpile elapsed() aggregate.
  • Hand-transpile cumulative_sum().
  • Experimental csv package.

Bug fixes

  • Add response reader as dependency to tune response size.
  • Handle unfinished option statement without panic.
  • Simplify libflux C API and resolve memory leaks.
  • Don’t construct a compiler.compilerScope with a nil value.Scope as base.
  • Influxql-decode to handle the case without tag set.



  • Experimental geo package.
  • Initial grammar for Flux and a partial grammar for InfluxQL.



  • InfluxQL decode and series aggregation tests.

Bug fixes

  • Properly categorize parse errors as “invalid”.
  • Fail gracefully when tableFind does not have an execution context.



  • Add experimental aggregate package with rate() function.

Bug fixes

  • Deserialize the default vector if array elements are null.
  • Allow array and row types to be equatable.



  • Add experimental query package.
  • Create a Docker environment for Flux releases.
  • Validate there are no free type variables in prelude/stdlib build.
  • Add formatter library.

Bug fixes

  • derivative() works properly across multiple buffers.
  • Fix free type variable found in tripleExponentialDerivative().
  • Update type of window() function.
  • Freshen row types using deterministic property order.
  • Libflux JSON deserialization uses type properly.
  • Expose the builtin polytypes when analyzing a stdlib package.
  • Deserialize call expressions when arguments are missing.
  • Handled malformed data as well as EOF.
  • Allow unsigned integers to be subtractable.
  • Link both libflux and liblibstd for flux-config.
  • Link libstd into the lib directory instead of libflux.
  • Flux-config correctly copies stdlib when using a module.
  • Add 169.254/16 range to URL validator.
  • Update uuid library to improve security.
  • Handle invalid string literals.
  • Remove ’tags’ line from local tags.


Bug fixes

  • derivative() works properly across multiple buffers.


Bug fixes

  • Revert window optimizations to fix regression in output row sorting.


Bug fixes

  • Remove tags line from local tags.
  • Handle malformed data as well as EOF.


Bug fixes

  • Link both libflux and libstd for flux-config.


Bug fixes

  • Link libstd into the lib directory instead of libflux.


Bug fixes

  • Flux-config correctly copies stdlib when using a module.
  • UUID security.



  • Add Go/Rust API for getting semantic graph.
  • Optimize limit() transformation.
  • Optimize group() transformation.

Bug fixes

  • AST json serialization glitches.
  • Better messaging for malformed CSV.
  • Skip stdlib symlink was removed erroneously.
  • Ensure stdlib directory is created.
  • Correctly skip the stdlib symlink in libflux.
  • Ensure that stdlib is present when building with flux-config.


Bug fixes

  • Skip stdlib symlink was removed erroneously.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure stdlib directory is created.


Bug fixes

  • Correctly skip the stdlib symlink in libflux.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure that stdlib is present when building with flux-config.



  • Serialize semantic graph flatbuffers.
  • Implement onEmpty parameter for filter().
  • Serialize Flux standard library types as part of build process.
  • Add type declarations for universe.
  • Methods for type checking package dependencies.
  • Add type declarations for strings.

Bug fixes

  • Expose tracing flag.
  • Update count builtin type.
  • Update experimental.set builtin type.
  • Update the type of to be a passthrough.
  • Update fill builtin type.
  • Remove redundant clones found by a new version of Clippy.
  • Fix durations in Rust semantic graph.
  • Removes unnecessary rc clone in semantic serializer.
  • Do not stall forever in flux-config when an error happens with verbose.
  • Update function block return statements to produce a stmt and not an expression.
  • Fix token location for scan_with_regex.
  • Cache environment variable for performance.
  • Fix a couple errors in builtin types.
  • Annotate variable assignment with polytype (not monotype).



  • Categorize more Flux errors with codes.
  • Teach flux-config how to download the sources when using vendor.
  • Opentracing in query execution runtime.
  • Reduce memory allocations for operations in values.
  • Translate FlatBuffers semantic graph to Go.
  • Add types for some universe builtins.
  • Add type declarations for builtins.
  • Add Numeric and Row kind constraints.

Bug fixes

  • Enable strict mode by default.



  • Crate for typing Flux standard library.
  • Serialize type environment.
  • Improve filter performance when filtering on values.
  • Update usage duration test to exclude queue and requeue time.
  • Add types for some built-ins.
  • Add timeout parameter to experimental http.get().

Bug fixes

  • Properly use a fake version with flux-config when no version is present.
  • Address Clippy lints.
  • Add bytes monotype to Rust semantic module.
  • Allow underscores (_) in type expressions.


Bug fixes

  • Fix e2e usage test so that their queries are properly pushed down.


Breaking changes

  • Expand the interface for BufferedTable.


  • Expose optimized pivot() function.
  • Create utility program for building libflux.
  • Create a tool that measures performance of calling Rust from Go.
  • Inject types in the semantic graph.
  • MonoType and PolyType flatbuffer encodings.
  • MonoType and PolyType flatbuffer schemas.
  • Update Rust flatbuffers to more closely match Rust semantic graph.
  • Flatbuffers AST to Go AST.
  • Port immutable walk and fix mutable walk.
  • Define the flatbuffers schema for semantic graph.
  • Infer imported package types.
  • Unify and infer function types.
  • Add support for safely converting bytes to strings.
  • Add sqlite3 support.
  • Add internal table utility for streaming tables.

Bug fixes

  • Update semantic graph FlatBuffers schema for identifiers.
  • Ignore order when comparing record types.
  • Operands for <= and >= are comparable AND equatable.
  • Constrain unary expressions to be same type as operand.



  • Expose function to analyze from string.
  • Added semantic expression constraints to libflux.
  • Custom PartialEq for polytypes.
  • Extensible record unification.
  • Semantic.Walk.

Bug fixes

  • Do not constrain type variables with empty kinds.
  • Update usage tests to filter on _field.
  • Record labels are scoped and fields are ordered.
  • Parse row variables.
  • Update make release to confirm remote and local are in sync.
  • Make walk_rc public.


Breaking changes

  • Interpret months as part of the semantic duration.


  • Macros for type inference tests.
  • Let-polymorphism with test example.
  • Generalization, instantiation, and constraint solving.
  • Type environment.
  • Convert Rust AST to FlatBuffers format.
  • Allow lexing and parsing of string polytypes according to polytype grammar rules.
  • Add month support when adding durations to a time value.
  • Interpret months as part of the semantic duration.

Bug fixes

  • Type variable constraints.
  • Apply sub to both sides of constraint before unifying.
  • Instantiate quantified vars, not free vars.



  • Visitor uses Rc for nodes.
  • Add EvalOptions.

Bug fixes

  • Correctly lex µs.


Breaking changes

  • Update the Flux SPEC to remove duration addition and subtraction.
  • Turn duration value into a vector.


  • Implementations for type substitutions and constraints.
  • Add semantic analysis.
  • Updated the duration value to include months and negative flag.
  • Create a flatbuffers schema for AST.
  • Add initial C binding for parsing an AST.
  • Create a tool for updating .flux tests in-place.
  • Add walk implementation.
  • Turn duration value into a vector.
  • Define initial Flux data types.

Bug fixes

  • Update libflux parser to match the Go parser.
  • Allow data collected by prometheus.scrape() to be used by histogramQuantile().
  • Remove mock allocator.
  • Validate URL for sql.from(),, and socket.from().


Bug fixes

  • Make keep() and drop() throw an error if merging tables with different schemas.


Bug fixes

  • Add annotated errors to the execute package where it affects normal usage.
  • Reorder variables in the allocator for atomic operations.



  • Add experimental/prometheus package.
  • Add a memory manager to the memory allocator.
  • Add an internal function for generating data.
  • Switch to using discarding mode for transformations.
  • Group key join on _time.

Bug fixes

  • Require data parameter in monitor.check().
  • Return the EOF error when reading metadata.
  • Re-add missing import.
  • Fix broken links in SPEC.
  • Return error from cache.
  • Update the universe package to use flux errors throughout.
  • Parse escape characters in string interpolation expressions.
  • Improve CSV error message for serialized Flux error.
  • Have the interpreter return annotated Flux errors.



  • Optimize filter() to pass through tables when possible.
  • Additional arrow builder utilities.
  • Add a benchmark() function to the testing package.
  • Add an arrow backed version of the table buffer.

Bug fixes

  • Fix sql.from() connection leak.
  • Fix some of the memory leaks within the standard library.
  • Fix topic parameter.


Breaking changes

  • Convert the Flux memory allocator into an arrow allocator.


  • New dependency injection framework.
  • Add planner options to Flux language.
  • Make Flux internal/promql/quantile behavior match PromQL quantile aggregate.

Bug fixes

  • Passing context to WalkIR.
  • Make join() reject input tables lacking on columns.


Bug fixes

  • Pass dependencies to WalkIR


Bug fixes

  • Introduce ParenExpression.
  • Make fmt runs cargo fmt on Rust directories.
  • Update Hex.Dump to hex.EncodeToString.
  • Integrate the Promql transpiler into Flux.


Bug fixes

  • Make to use URL validator.
  • Add filesystem to default test dependencies.


Bug fixes

  • Add a filesystem service.
  • Do a pointer comparison for table objects instead of a deep compare.



  • Replace EnvironmentSecretService with EmptySecret….
  • Source location for rust parser.

Bug fixes

  • Push error for bad string expression.
  • Remove token parameter from pagerduty.endpoint.


Bug fixes

  • Push the tag before running goreleaser.
  • Additional opentracing spans for debugging query flow.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure respects the context.



  • Added Google Bigtable from().

Bug fixes

  • Add pagerduty.severityFromLevel() helper function.
  • Sleep function now gets canceled when the context is canceled.
  • Categorize the undefined identifier as an invalid status code.
  • Panic from CheckKind in memberEvaluator.



  • Add http.basicAuth function.
  • Add measurement filters to monitor.from and monitor.logs.

Bug fixes

  • changed the default HTTP client to be more robust.



  • PagerDuty endpoint for alerts and notifications.



  • Add stateChanges function.

Bug fixes

  • Race condition in looking up types in map.
  • Support bool equality expressions.
  • Calculating a type variable’s free type variables.
  • Do not generate fresh type variables for member expressions.
  • Array instantiation.



  • Add ability to validate URLs before making requests.
  • Evaluate string interpolation.
  • Implement the secrets.get function.
  • Added secret service interface.
  • Add secrets package that will construct a secret object.
  • Added a SecretService interface and a new dependencies package and a basic test of functionality.
  • Add Slack endpoint.

Bug fixes

  • Make reset() check for non-nil data before calling Release().
  • Add test case for notify function.
  • Add missing math import to test case.
  • Make packages aware of options.
  • Resolved holtWinters panic.
  • Use non-pointer receiver for interpreter.function.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved holtWinters() panic.


Bug fixes

  • Use non-pointer receiver for interpreter.function.


Breaking changes

  • Update compiler package to use true scope.
  • Add http and json to prelude.


  • Add alerts.check() function.
  • Add alerts.notify function.
  • Add kaufmansER() and kaufmansAMA() functions.
  • Add function.
  • Add experimental.set() function to update entire object.
  • Add experimental.objectKeys() function.
  • Add tripleExponentialDerivative() function.
  • Add json.encode() function.
  • Add function.
  • Add Bytes type.
  • Update compiler package to use true scope.
  • Add http endpoint.
  • Add post method implementation.
  • String interpolation.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid wrapping table errors in the CSV encoder.
  • Remove irrelevant TODOs.
  • mode() now properly considers nulls when calculating the mode.
  • Add http and json to prelude.
  • Rename all Flux test files to use _test.flux.


In Flux 0.39.0, holtWinters() can cause the query engine to panic. Flux 0.40.2 resolves this panic.

Breaking changes

  • Implement the scanning components for string expressions.


  • Add tail() function.
  • Add framework for function.
  • Implement deadman() function.
  • Time arithmetic functions.
  • Alerts package.
  • Add an experimental group() function with mode extend.
  • Implement the scanning components for string expressions.
  • Add chandeMomentumOscillator() function.
  • Add hourSelection() function.
  • Add date.year() function

Bug fixes

  • Update object to use Invalid type instead of nil monotypes.
  • Make it so the alerts package can be defined in pure Flux.
  • Close connection after



  • Update selectors to operate on time columns.
  • Add relativeStrengthIndex() transformation.
  • Add double and triple exponential average transformations (doubleEMA() and tripleEMA()).
  • Add holtWinters() transformation.
  • Add keepFirst parameter to difference().
  • DatePart equivalent functions.
  • Add runtime package.
  • Add and subtract duration literal arithmetic.
  • Allow keep() to run regardless of nonexistent columns. If all columns given are nonexistent, keep() returns an empty table.
  • Scanner returns positioning.

Bug fixes

  • Function resolver now keeps track of local assignments that may be evaluated at runtime.
  • Fixed InfluxDB test errors.
  • Add range to tests to pass in InfluxDB.
  • Allow converting a duration to a duration.
  • Catch integer overflow and underflow for literals.


  • General cleanup of internal code.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed InfluxDB test errors.
  • Add range to tests to pass in InfluxDB.



  • Add PromQL to Flux transpiler and Flux helper functions.
  • Add mutable arrow array builders.
  • Created date package.
  • Return query and result errors in the multi result encoder.
  • Add exponentialMovingAverage().
  • Add full draft of Rust parser.
  • Implement more production rules.
  • AST marshalling.
  • Parse statements.
  • Parse integer and float literals.
  • Add initial Rust implementation of parser.


Bug fixes

  • Add helper methods for comparing entire result sets.
  • Map will not panic when a record is null.


Bug fixes

  • Add range call to some end-to-end tests.
  • Fix implementation of strings.replaceAll.



  • Updated movingAverage() and added timedMovingAverage.
  • elapsed() function.
  • mode() function.
  • sleep() function.
  • Modify error usage in places to use the new enriched errors.
  • Enriched error interface.
  • End-to-end tests that show how to mimic pandas functionality.
  • End-to-end tests for string functions.

Bug fixes

  • Fix difference() so that it returns an error instead of panicking when given a _time column.
  • Added end-to-end tests for type conversion functions.
  • Make map() error if return type is not an object.
  • Fixed miscounted allocations in the ColListTableBuilder.
  • Support formatting with.

Breaking changes

  • Updated movingAverage() to timedMovingAverage and added new movingAverage() implementation.


Bug fixes

  • Re-add mergeKey parameter to map() in deprecated state.


Breaking changes

  • Remove mergeKey parameter from the map() function.


  • Add function.
  • Add movingAverage() function.
  • Add strlen() and substring() functions to the strings package.

Bug fixes

  • Remove mergeKey parameter from the map() function.
  • Parse float types with PostgreSQL.


Bug fixes

  • Parse float types with PostgreSQL.



  • Add custom PostgreSQL type support.
  • Added MySQL type support.
  • Nulls work in table and row functions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed boolean literal type conversion problem and added tests.
  • Diff should track memory allocations when it copies the table.
  • Copy table will report if it is empty correctly.


Bug fixes

  • Use strings.Replace instead of strings.ReplaceAll for compatibility.


Bug fixes

  • Copy table will report if it is empty correctly.


Breaking changes

  • Implement nulls in the compiler runtime.


  • Add Go regexp functions to Flux.
  • Add the exists operator to the compiler runtime.
  • Implement nulls in the compiler runtime.
  • Add nullable kind.
  • Support “with” syntax for objects in row functions.
  • Port several string functions from go strings library to Flux.
  • Add exists unary operator.

Bug fixes

  • Add range to map_extension_with.flux.
  • Row function resets records map with each call to prepare.
  • Fix joinStr, including adding an EndToEnd Test.
  • Fix string_trimLeft and string_trimRight so that they pass in InfluxDB.
  • Add length check for empty tables in fill.


Bug fixes

  • Identify memory limit exceeded errors in dispatcher.


Breaking changes

  • Remove the control package.

Bug fixes

  • Changelog generator now handles merge commits better.
  • Return count of errors when checking AST.


Bug fixes

  • Do not call done after calling the function.


Breaking changes

  • Copy the table when a table is used multiple times.


  • Support for dynamic queries.

Bug fixes

  • Copy the table when a table is used multiple times.



  • Support for dynamic queries.


Breaking changes

  • Make on a required parameter to join().


Bug fixes

  • Properly use RefCount to reference count tables.
  • Remove the race condition within the (*Query).Done method.
  • Fix table functions test.
  • Add column parameter to median().
  • Modify median to work with aggregateWindow().
  • pivot() now uses the correct column type when filling nulls.
  • Add error handling for property list.
  • Return the error from the context in the executor.


Bug fixes

  • Fix request results labels to count runtime errors.
  • An error when joining could result in two calls to finish.


Bug fixes

  • Preallocate data when constructing a new string array.


Bug fixes

  • Make executor respect memory limit from caller.



  • Allow choosing sample/population mode in stddev().

Bug fixes

  • Fix reduce() so it resets the reduce value to the neutral element value for each new group key and reports an error when two reducers write to the same destination group key.



  • Add trimSuffix and trimPrefix functions to the strings package.
  • Add support for conditional expressions to compiler.
  • Add conditional expression handling to interpreter.

Bug fixes

  • Enforce memory and concurrency limits in controller.
  • Format conditional expression.
  • tagKeys should include a call to distinct.


Breaking changes

  • Aggregates now accept only a column parameter. columns not used.


  • Add handling for conditional expressions to type inference.
  • Add if/then/else syntax to Flux parser.
  • Added a WalkIR function that external programs can use to traverse an opSpec structure.
  • Add planner options to compile options.
  • Add example on how to use Flux as a library.
  • duplicate() will now overwrite a column if the as label already exists.

Bug fixes

  • Format right child with good parentheses.
  • Make staticcheck pass.
  • Rename json tag so go vet passes.
  • The controller pump could reference a nil pointer.
  • Create a DependenciesAwareProgram so controller can assign dependencies.
  • Make Program.Start start execution synchronously.
  • Read the metadata channel in a separate goroutine.
  • Remove dead code in controller so staticcheck passes.
  • Allow Flux unit tests to pass.
  • Require a Github token to perform a release.
  • Change example name to make go vet pass.
  • Make csv.from return decode error.


Breaking changes

  • Fix logical operators (and, or) precedence.

Bug fixes

  • Omit space between unary operator and operand.
  • Format AST preserving operator precedence.


Breaking changes

  • Rename percentile() function to quantile().

Bug fixes

  • Handle when a non-call expression is parsed as the pipe destination.
  • Add error message to Compile methods for empty Spec.


Breaking changes

  • Remove unused statistics from the struct.


  • Define comparison operators between time types.
  • Parse signed duration.
  • Added reduce() function and supporting go API for implementation.
  • Fix for recognizing locally scoped objects and arrays in a row function.

Bug fixes

  • Columns in percentile signature and more strict param checking.
  • Report the error received when parsing a bad regex literal.
  • Remove unused statistics from the struct.



  • Added a math package and ported all 64 bit go math library functions.

Bug fixes

  • Make read-like access patterns for objects thread-safe.


Bug fixes

  • Test union.flux correctly uses sort.
  • Pivot orders rowKey and columnKey by the input parameters, rather than the table column order.
  • Deterministic sorting of input tables in join.
  • Group key comparison works regardless of column ordering.


Bug fixes

  • Fix test to pass in InfluxDB.
  • Write table and result name in each row of CSV output.
  • Make time() function accept any format that parser accepts.
  • Return errors when evaluating functions.
  • Prevent a deadlock in the array expression parser.


Bug fixes

  • Add AST compiler to mappings.


Bug fixes

  • Make ASTCompiler marshalable.
  • Fix a controller test to be less flaky.
  • from() must send deep table copies to its downstream transformations.


Breaking changes

  • Support attaching arbitrary query metadata from the executor.


  • Support attaching arbitrary query metadata from the executor.
  • Socket source.

Bug fixes

  • Add locks to make diff threadsafe.



  • AST match.
  • Generate ASTs from Flux test files for external consumption.
  • Add compile subcommand that compiles Flux to spec.

Bug fixes

  • Change loadStorage and loadMem to be options so that they are modifiable.
  • Generate skipped tests; skip in test driver.


Breaking changes

  • Make window() parameters match SPEC.
  • Split FromProcedureSpec into logical and physical specs.


  • Add contains() function to check for membership in lists.
  • test keyword.

Bug fixes

  • Raw query test case.



  • Add strings package with functions to trim/change string case.
  • Make duration conversion public.
  • Add assertEmpty method and use it with testing.test.
  • Expose literal parsers used within the parser.
  • Add testing.diff function.
  • Execute command.

Bug fixes

  • Refactor the controller to remove data races.
  • Member expressions using a string literal use the incorrect end bracket.
  • Skip lambda evaluation when referencing nulls.
  • Options editor should use ast.Expression.
  • Fix decoder bug where a default table ID is given when none is required.
  • Add close to SourceIterator.



  • Checks for option dependencies.
  • Add query success and error metrics.
  • Track nested blocks in the parser.
  • Update aggregateWindow() to include createEmpty as parameter to allow for null results.
  • Add query function count metrics.

Bug fixes

  • Multiplicative operators are above additive operators in precedence.
  • Fix panic when copying lambda.
  • Only print a package’s public exports.
  • Cannot access imports of imports.
  • Check for schema collision when appending columns to a table.
  • Process test helper had bad logic to check for errors.
  • Handle rune errors correctly when decoding an illegal token.


Bug fixes

  • Copy packages for importer copy.



  • Adds various v1 meta queries helper functions

Bug fixes

  • Fixes various UX issues.
  • Object polytype.
  • Fix edge case panic in assertEquals.
  • Check for equality in time columns correctly.
  • Fix bug where assertEquals did not check tables without a match in both streams.
  • Clear return for each REPL command.



  • Add rule to remove filter true nodes.
  • Checks for variable reassignment and option declarations below package block.

Bug fixes

  • Move a test file into the testing/testdata folder.


Breaking changes

  • Implement and require builtin statements.
  • Fix keys to output group key.
  • Organizes builtin code into Flux packages.
  • Change flux command to be a REPL.


  • Implement and require builtin statements.
  • Added a new utility library for generating test data.
  • columns() function.
  • Add fill function to set a default value for null values in a column.
  • Organizes built-in code into Flux packages.
  • Change flux command to be a REPL.
  • Refactored the table builder interfaces to support null value creation.
  • Aggregates process empty/all-null tables by creating a null row.
  • Show nulls in REPL as empty string.
  • Add ability to define built-in packages.
  • Treat omitted values with no defaults as nil in CSV.
  • Build arrow columns with null values.
  • Converting limit to use arrow arrays.
  • TableBuilder interface and ColListTableBuilder implementation support creation of nil values.

Bug fixes

  • Count nulls in the count aggregate.
  • Fix keys to output group key.
  • Adding test for type mismatch in group.
  • Nest extern blocks for each level in scope.
  • Memory leak in limit when slicing.
  • Prettier formatting for package.
  • Change Package.Path to be json omitempty.


Breaking changes

  • Add File and Package nodes to the AST.


  • Embed errors into the ast from the parser.
  • Add no-points optimization for from() |> keys().
  • Add File and Package nodes to the AST.
  • Add a function for checking for errors within the AST.

Bug fixes

  • Remove unneeded use of memory allocator.
  • Allow the memory allocator to be nil for arrow arrays.
  • Fix several bugs in copy methods add tests.
  • Fix a flaky test in the controller shutdown.



  • Slice utils.
  • Parse string literal object keys.
  • Add tests for multi-line and escaped strings.
  • Arrow helper method.
  • Converting all aggregates to use arrow arrays.

Bug fixes

  • Embed plan.DefaultCost in input and output functions.
  • Side effect statements are now copied between related interpreter scopes.



  • Add utility methods for converting a slice into an arrow array buffer.

Bug fixes

  • Do not panic with unbalanced parenthesis.
  • Respect positive timeout for toHTTP.


Breaking changes

  • Change “label” to “column” for state tracking functions.


  • Plan validation.
  • Testing framework no longer checks output.
  • Integrate arrow arrays into the table builder.
  • Support packages and imports.

Bug fixes

  • Cancel all queries after timeout elapses.
  • makefile for generating the scanner after clean was incorrect.



  • Option Editor.

Bug fixes

  • Return the source attribute in the location correctly.



  • Rule to chain group operations.
  • Add package and import support to the semantic graph.
  • Add assertEquals function to transformations.
  • Parse import and package statements
  • Walk pattern for AST.
  • AST formatting.
  • Switch over to the new parser.

Bug fixes

  • Make controller return planner failures.
  • Collision between external and fresh type vars.
  • fmt for import and package.
  • Add import/package nodes to ast.Walk.
  • Improve panic message when the wrong column type is used.
  • Check nil results when computing stats.
  • Suppress group push down for _time and _value.
  • Terminal output functions must produce results.
  • Fix race in interpreter.doCall.
  • Fix ast.Walk for Assignment rename.
  • Improve error message for missing object properties.
  • Add unary logical expression to the parser.
  • Variable declarator node needs to duplicate the location information.


Bug Fixes

  • Add missing comparison operators.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix the ident statement to use expression suffix.

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