
SQL time and date functions

InfluxDB’s SQL implementation supports time and date functions that are useful when working with time series data.


Returns the current UTC date.

current_date returns a DATE32 Arrow type, which isn’t supported by InfluxDB. To use with InfluxDB, cast the return value to a timestamp.

The current_date() return value is determined at query time and will return the same date, no matter when in the query plan the function executes.


View current_date query example


Returns the current UTC time.

current_date returns a TIME64 Arrow type, which isn’t supported by InfluxDB. To use with InfluxDB, cast the return value to a string.

The current_time() return value is determined at query time and will return the same time, no matter when in the query plan the function executes.


View current_time query example


Calculates time intervals and returns the start of the interval nearest to the specified timestamp. Use date_bin to downsample time series data by grouping rows into time-based “bins” or “windows” and applying an aggregate or selector function to each window.

For example, given an input timestamp of 2023-01-01T18:18:18Z, if you bin data into 15-minute intervals, the output timestamp is 2023-01-01T18:15:00Z–the start of the 15-minute bin that includes the input.

date_bin(interval, expression[, origin_timestamp])
  • interval: Bin interval.
  • expression: Time expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function.
  • origin_timestamp: Starting point used to determine bin boundaries. Default is the Unix epoch.

The following intervals are supported:

  • nanoseconds
  • microseconds
  • milliseconds
  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
  • century

View date_bin query example


Calculates time intervals and returns the start of the interval nearest to the specified timestamp. If no rows exist in a time interval, a new row is inserted with a time value set to the interval start time, all columns in the GROUP BY clause populated, and null values in aggregate columns.

Use date_bin_gapfill with interpolate or locf to fill gaps in data at specified time intervals.

date_bin_gapfill(interval, expression[, origin_timestamp])

date_bin_gapfill requires time bounds in the WHERE clause.

  • interval: Bin interval.
  • expression: Time expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function.
  • origin_timestamp: Starting point used to determine bin boundaries. Default is the Unix epoch.

The following intervals are supported:

  • nanoseconds
  • microseconds
  • milliseconds
  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
  • century

interpolate, locf

View date_bin_gapfill query examples


Truncates a timestamp value to a specified precision.

date_trunc(precision, expression) 
  • precision: Time precision to truncate to. The following precisions are supported:

    • year
    • month
    • week
    • day
    • hour
    • minute
    • second
  • expression: Time expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function.

  • datetrunc

View date_trunc query examples


Alias of date_trunc.


Returns the specified part of the date as an integer.

date_part(part, expression)
  • part: Part of the date to return. The following date parts are supported:

    • year
    • month
    • week (week of the year)
    • day (day of the month)
    • hour
    • minute
    • second
    • millisecond
    • microsecond
    • nanosecond
    • dow (day of the week)
    • doy (day of the year)
  • expression: Time expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function.

  • datepart

View date_part query examples


Alias of date_part.


Returns a sub-field from a time value as an integer. Similar to date_part, but with different arguments.

extract(field FROM source)
  • field: Part or field of the date to return. The following date fields are supported:

    • year
    • month
    • week (week of the year)
    • day (day of the month)
    • hour
    • minute
    • second
    • millisecond
    • microsecond
    • nanosecond
    • dow (day of the week)
    • doy (day of the year)
  • source: Source time expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function.

View extract query example


Converts an integer to RFC3339 timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000000Z). Input is parsed as a Unix nanosecond timestamp and returns the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

  • expression: Integer expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.

View from_unixtime query example


Returns the current UTC timestamp.

The now() return value is determined at query time and will return the same timestamp, no matter when in the query plan the function executes.


View now query example


Converts a value to RFC3339 timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z). Supports timestamp, integer, and unsigned integer types as input. Integers and unsigned integers are parsed as Unix nanosecond timestamps and return the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

  • expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.

View to_timestamp query example


Converts a value to RFC3339 millisecond timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z). Supports timestamp, integer, and unsigned integer types as input. Integers and unsigned integers are parsed as Unix millisecond timestamps and return the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

to_timestamp_millis(expression[, ..., format_n])
  • expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
  • format_n: Rust strftime pattern to use to parse the string expression. Formats are attempted in the order that they appear. The function returns the timestamp from the first format to parse successfully. If no formats parse successfully, the function returns an error.

View to_timestamp_millis query example

View to_timestamp_millis example with string format parsing


Converts a value to RFC3339 microsecond timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000Z). Supports timestamp, integer, and unsigned integer types as input. Integers and unsigned integers are parsed as Unix microsecond timestamps and return the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

to_timestamp_micros(expression[, ..., format_n])
  • expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
  • format_n: Rust strftime pattern to use to parse the string expression. Formats are attempted in the order that they appear. The function returns the timestamp from the first format to parse successfully. If no formats parse successfully, the function returns an error.

View to_timestamp_micros query example

View to_timestamp_micros example with string format parsing


Converts a value to RFC3339 nanosecond timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000000Z). Supports timestamp, integer, and unsigned integer types as input. Integers and unsigned integers are parsed as Unix nanosecond timestamps and return the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

to_timestamp_nanos(expression[, ..., format_n])
  • expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
  • format_n: Rust strftime pattern to use to parse the string expression. Formats are attempted in the order that they appear. The function returns the timestamp from the first format to parse successfully. If no formats parse successfully, the function returns an error.

View to_timestamp_nanos query example

View to_timestamp_nanos example with string format parsing


Converts a value to RFC3339 second timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z). Supports timestamp, integer, and unsigned integer types as input. Integers and unsigned integers are parsed as Unix second timestamps and return the corresponding RFC3339 timestamp.

to_timestamp_seconds(expression[, ..., format_n]) 
  • expression: Expression to operate on. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
  • format_n: Rust strftime pattern to use to parse the string expression. Formats are attempted in the order that they appear. The function returns the timestamp from the first format to parse successfully. If no formats parse successfully, the function returns an error.

View to_timestamp_seconds query example

View to_timestamp_seconds example with string format parsing

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