
oee.APQ() function

oee.APQ() is experimental and subject to change at any time.

oee.APQ() computes availability, performance, quality (APQ) and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in producing parts.

Provide the required input schema to ensure this function successfully calculates APQ and OEE.

Required input schema

Input tables must include the following columns:

  • _stop: Right time boundary timestamp (typically assigned by range() or window()).
  • _time: Timestamp of the production event.
  • state: String that represents start or stop events or the production state.
  • partCount: Cumulative total of parts produced.
  • badCount: Cumulative total of parts that do not meet quality standards.

Output schema

For each input table, oee.APQ outputs a table with a single row that includes the following columns:

  • _time: Timestamp associated with the APQ calculation.
  • availability: Ratio of time production was in a running state.
  • oee: Overall equipment effectiveness.
  • performance: Ratio of production efficiency.
  • quality: Ratio of production quality.
  • runTime: Total nanoseconds spent in the running state.
Function type signature
    <-tables: stream[D],
    idealCycleTime: A,
    plannedTime: B,
    runningState: C,
) => stream[{
    E with
    runTime: G,
    quality: float,
    performance: float,
    oee: float,
    availability: float,
    _time: F,
    _stop: F,
}] where C: Equatable, D: Record

For more information, see Function type signatures.



(Required) State value that represents a running state.


(Required) Total time that equipment is expected to produce parts.


(Required) Ideal minimum time to produce one part.


Input data. Default is piped-forward data (<-).

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