
telegram package

The telegram package is a user-contributed package maintained by the package author.

The telegram package provides functions for sending messages to Telegram using the Telegram Bot API. Import the contrib/sranka/telegram package:

import "contrib/sranka/telegram"
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Set up a Telegram bot

The Telegram Bot API requires a bot token and a channel ID. To set up a Telegram bot and obtain the required bot token and channel ID:

  1. Create a new Telegram account or use an existing account.

  2. Create a Telegram bot. Telegram provides a bot token for the newly created bot.

  3. Use the Telegram application to create a new channel.

  4. Add the new bot to the channel as an Administrator. Ensure the bot has permissions necessary to post messages.

  5. Send a message to bot in the channel.

  6. Send a request to$token/getUpdates.

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    Find your channel ID in the id field of the response.


option telegram.defaultDisableWebPagePreview = false

option telegram.defaultParseMode = "MarkdownV2"

option telegram.defaultSilent = true

option telegram.defaultURL = ""
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defaultDisableWebPagePreview - Use Telegram web page preview by default. Default is false.


defaultParseMode is the default Telegram parse mode. Default is MarkdownV2.


defaultSilent - Send silent Telegram notifications by default. Default is true.


defaultURL is the default Telegram bot URL. Default is


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