
tickscript.alert() function

tickscript.alert() is a user-contributed function maintained by the package author.

tickscript.alert() identifies events of varying severity levels and writes them to the statuses measurement in the InfluxDB _monitoring system bucket.

This function is comparable to TICKscript alert().

Function type signature
    <-tables: stream[M],
    check: {A with tags: E, _type: D, _check_name: C, _check_id: B},
    ?crit: (r: {F with _time: H, _measurement: G}) => bool,
    ?details: (r: {I with id: J, _check_name: C, _check_id: B}) => K,
    ?id: (r: {I with _check_name: C, _check_id: B}) => J,
    ?info: (r: {F with _time: H, _measurement: G}) => bool,
    ?message: (
        r: {
            F with
            _type: D,
            _time: H,
            _time: time,
            _source_timestamp: int,
            _source_measurement: G,
            _measurement: G,
            _measurement: string,
            _level: string,
            _check_name: C,
            _check_id: B,
    ) => L,
    ?ok: (r: {F with _time: H, _measurement: G}) => bool,
    ?topic: string,
    ?warn: (r: {F with _time: H, _measurement: G}) => bool,
) => stream[{
    F with
    _type: D,
    _time: H,
    _time: time,
    _source_timestamp: int,
    _source_measurement: G,
    _message: L,
    _measurement: G,
    _measurement: string,
    _level: string,
    _check_name: C,
    _check_id: B,
}] where E: Record, I: Record, M: Record

For more information, see Function type signatures.



(Required) InfluxDB check data. See tickscript.defineCheck().


Function that returns the InfluxDB check ID provided by the check record. Default is (r) => "${r._check_id}".


Function to return the InfluxDB check details using data from input rows. Default is (r) => "".


Function to return the InfluxDB check message using data from input rows. Default is (r) => "Threshold Check: ${r._check_name} is: ${r._level}".


Predicate function to determine crit status. Default is (r) => false.


Predicate function to determine warn status. Default is (r) => false.


Predicate function to determine info status. Default is (r) => false.


Predicate function to determine ok status. Default is (r) => true.


Check topic. Default is "".


Input data. Default is piped-forward data (<-).


Store alert statuses for error counts

import "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

option task = {name: "Example task", every: 1m}

check = tickscript.defineCheck(id: "000000000000", name: "Errors", type: "threshold")

from(bucket: "example-bucket")
    |> range(start: -task.every)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "errors" and r._field == "value")
    |> count()
    |> tickscript.alert(
        check: {check with _check_id: "task/${r.service}"},
        message: "task/${r.service} is ${r._level} value: ${r._value}",
        crit: (r) => r._value > 30,
        warn: (r) => r._value > 20,
        info: (r) => r._value > 10,

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