Complete list of Flux functions
This list below contains all documented Flux functions. For more information about Flux function types, behaviors, and categories, see Flux function types and categories.
The icon indicates the function is experimental.
- aggregate.rate()
- aggregateWindow()
- alerta.alert()
- alerta.endpoint()
- anomalydetection.mad()
- array.concat()
- array.concat() – (deprecated)
- array.filter()
- array.filter() – (deprecated)
- array.from()
- array.from() – (deprecated)
- – (deprecated)
- array.toBool()
- array.toDuration()
- array.toFloat()
- array.toInt()
- array.toString()
- array.toTime()
- array.toUInt()
- bigpanda.endpoint()
- bigpanda.sendAlert()
- bigpanda.statusFromLevel()
- bigtable.from()
- bitwise.sand()
- bitwise.sand() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.sclear()
- bitwise.sclear() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.slshift()
- bitwise.slshift() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.snot()
- bitwise.snot() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.sor()
- bitwise.sor() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.srshift()
- bitwise.srshift() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.sxor()
- bitwise.sxor() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.uand()
- bitwise.uand() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.uclear()
- bitwise.uclear() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.ulshift()
- bitwise.ulshift() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.unot()
- bitwise.unot() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.uor()
- bitwise.uor() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.urshift()
- bitwise.urshift() – (deprecated)
- bitwise.uxor()
- bitwise.uxor() – (deprecated)
- bool()
- bottom()
- boundaries.friday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.friday()
- boundaries.monday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.monday()
- boundaries.month() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.month()
- boundaries.saturday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.saturday()
- boundaries.sunday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.sunday()
- boundaries.thursday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.thursday()
- boundaries.tuesday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.tuesday()
- boundaries.wednesday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.wednesday()
- boundaries.week() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.week()
- boundaries.yesterday() – (deprecated)
- boundaries.yesterday()
- buckets()
- bytes()
- chandeMomentumOscillator()
- clickhouse.query()
- columns()
- contains()
- count()
- cov()
- covariance()
- csv.from()
- csv.from() – (deprecated)
- cumulativeSum()
- date.add()
- date.hour()
- date.microsecond()
- date.millisecond()
- date.minute()
- date.month()
- date.monthDay()
- date.nanosecond()
- date.quarter()
- date.scale()
- date.second()
- date.sub()
- date.time()
- date.truncate()
- date.week()
- date.weekDay()
- date.year()
- date.yearDay()
- debug.feature()
- debug.getOption()
- debug.null()
- debug.opaque()
- debug.pass()
- debug.sink()
- debug.slurp()
- derivative()
- dict.fromList()
- dict.get()
- dict.insert()
- dict.remove()
- die()
- difference()
- discord.endpoint()
- discord.send()
- display()
- distinct()
- doubleEMA()
- drop()
- duplicate()
- duration()
- dynamic.asArray()
- dynamic.dynamic()
- dynamic.isType()
- dynamic.jsonEncode()
- dynamic.jsonParse()
- elapsed()
- events.duration()
- expect.planner()
- experimental.addDuration() – (deprecated)
- experimental.alignTime()
- experimental.catch()
- experimental.chain()
- experimental.count()
- experimental.diff()
- experimental.distinct()
- experimental.fill()
- experimental.first()
- experimental.histogram()
- experimental.histogramQuantile()
- experimental.integral()
- experimental.join() – (deprecated)
- experimental.kaufmansAMA()
- experimental.last()
- experimental.max()
- experimental.mean()
- experimental.min()
- experimental.mode()
- experimental.objectKeys()
- experimental.preview()
- experimental.quantile()
- experimental.set()
- experimental.skew()
- experimental.spread()
- experimental.stddev()
- experimental.subDuration() – (deprecated)
- experimental.sum()
- – (deprecated)
- experimental.unique()
- experimental.unpivot()
- experimental.window()
- exponentialMovingAverage()
- fill()
- filter()
- findColumn()
- findRecord()
- first()
- float()
- from()
- from()
- gen.tables()
- generate.from()
- geo.asTracks()
- geo.filterRows()
- geo.getGrid()
- geo.getLevel()
- geo.gridFilter()
- geo.groupByArea()
- geo.s2CellIDToken()
- geo.s2CellLatLon()
- geo.shapeData()
- geo.ST_Contains()
- geo.ST_Distance()
- geo.ST_DWithin()
- geo.ST_Intersects()
- geo.ST_Length()
- geo.ST_LineString()
- geo.stContains()
- geo.stDistance()
- geo.stLength()
- geo.strictFilter()
- geo.toRows()
- geo.totalDistance()
- getColumn()
- getRecord()
- group()
- hash.b64()
- hash.cityhash64()
- hash.hmac()
- hash.md5()
- hash.sha1()
- hash.sha256()
- hash.xxhash64()
- hex.bytes()
- hex.string()
- hex.uint()
- highestAverage()
- highestCurrent()
- highestMax()
- histogram()
- histogramQuantile()
- holtWinters()
- hourSelection()
- http.basicAuth()
- http.endpoint()
- http.get() – (deprecated)
- http.pathEscape()
- increase()
- influxdb.api()
- influxdb.cardinality()
- influxdb.wideTo()
- int()
- integral()
- interpolate.linear()
- iox.from()
- iox.sql()
- iox.sqlInterval()
- join.full()
- join.inner()
- join.left()
- join.right()
- join.tables()
- join.time()
- join() – (deprecated)
- json.encode()
- json.parse()
- kaufmansAMA()
- kaufmansER()
- keep()
- keys()
- keyValues()
- last()
- length()
- limit()
- linearBins()
- logarithmicBins()
- logql.query_range()
- lowestAverage()
- lowestCurrent()
- lowestMin()
- map()
- math.abs()
- math.acos()
- math.acosh()
- math.asin()
- math.asinh()
- math.atan()
- math.atan2()
- math.atanh()
- math.cbrt()
- math.ceil()
- math.copysign()
- math.cos()
- math.cosh()
- math.dim()
- math.erf()
- math.erfc()
- math.erfcinv()
- math.erfinv()
- math.exp()
- math.exp2()
- math.expm1()
- math.float64bits()
- math.float64frombits()
- math.floor()
- math.frexp()
- math.gamma()
- math.hypot()
- math.ilogb()
- math.isInf()
- math.isNaN()
- math.j0()
- math.j1()
- math.jn()
- math.ldexp()
- math.lgamma()
- math.log()
- math.log10()
- math.log1p()
- math.log2()
- math.logb()
- math.mInf()
- math.mMax()
- math.mMin()
- math.mod()
- math.modf()
- math.NaN()
- math.nextafter()
- math.pow()
- math.pow10()
- math.remainder()
- math.round()
- math.roundtoeven()
- math.signbit()
- math.sin()
- math.sincos()
- math.sinh()
- math.sqrt()
- math.tan()
- math.tanh()
- math.trunc()
- math.y0()
- math.y1()
- math.yn()
- max()
- mean()
- median()
- min()
- mode()
- monitor.check()
- monitor.deadman()
- monitor.from()
- monitor.log()
- monitor.logs()
- monitor.notify()
- monitor.stateChanges()
- monitor.stateChangesOnly()
- monitor.write()
- movingAverage()
- mqtt.publish()
- naiveBayesClassifier.naiveBayes()
- now()
- oee.APQ()
- oee.computeAPQ()
- opsgenie.endpoint()
- opsgenie.respondersToJSON()
- opsgenie.sendAlert()
- pagerduty.actionFromLevel()
- pagerduty.actionFromSeverity()
- pagerduty.dedupKey()
- pagerduty.endpoint()
- pagerduty.sendEvent()
- pagerduty.severityFromLevel()
- pearsonr()
- pivot()
- polyline.rdp()
- prometheus.histogramQuantile()
- prometheus.scrape()
- promql.changes()
- promql.emptyTable()
- promql.extrapolatedRate()
- promql.holtWinters()
- promql.instantRate()
- promql.join()
- promql.labelReplace()
- promql.linearRegression()
- promql.promHistogramQuantile()
- promql.promqlDayOfMonth()
- promql.promqlDayOfWeek()
- promql.promqlDaysInMonth()
- promql.promqlHour()
- promql.promqlMinute()
- promql.promqlMonth()
- promql.promqlYear()
- promql.quantile()
- promql.resets()
- promql.timestamp()
- pushbullet.endpoint()
- pushbullet.pushData()
- pushbullet.pushNote()
- quantile()
- query.filterFields()
- query.filterMeasurement()
- query.fromRange()
- query.inBucket()
- range()
- record.get()
- reduce()
- regexp.compile()
- regexp.findString()
- regexp.findStringIndex()
- regexp.getString()
- regexp.matchRegexpString()
- regexp.quoteMeta()
- regexp.replaceAllString()
- regexp.splitRegexp()
- relativeStrengthIndex()
- rename()
- – (deprecated)
- requests.get()
- requests.get() – (deprecated)
- requests.peek()
- requests.peek() – (deprecated)
- – (deprecated)
- runtime.version()
- sample.alignToNow()
- sample.list()
- sample()
- sampledata.bool()
- sampledata.float()
- sampledata.numericBool()
- sampledata.string()
- sampledata.uint()
- schema.fieldKeys()
- schema.fieldsAsCols()
- schema.measurementFieldKeys()
- schema.measurements()
- schema.measurementTagKeys()
- schema.measurementTagValues()
- schema.tagKeys()
- schema.tagValues()
- secrets.get()
- sensu.endpoint()
- sensu.event()
- sensu.toSensuName()
- servicenow.endpoint()
- servicenow.event()
- set()
- skew()
- slack.endpoint()
- slack.message()
- slack.validateColorString()
- socket.from()
- sort()
- spread()
- sql.from()
- stateCount()
- stateDuration()
- stateTracking()
- statsmodels.linearRegression()
- stddev()
- string()
- strings.containsAny()
- strings.containsStr()
- strings.countStr()
- strings.equalFold()
- strings.hasPrefix()
- strings.hasSuffix()
- strings.index()
- strings.indexAny()
- strings.isDigit()
- strings.isLetter()
- strings.isLower()
- strings.isUpper()
- strings.joinStr()
- strings.lastIndex()
- strings.lastIndexAny()
- strings.repeat()
- strings.replace()
- strings.replaceAll()
- strings.split()
- strings.splitAfter()
- strings.splitAfterN()
- strings.splitN()
- strings.strlen()
- strings.substring()
- strings.title()
- strings.toLower()
- strings.toTitle()
- strings.toUpper()
- strings.trim()
- strings.trimLeft()
- strings.trimPrefix()
- strings.trimRight()
- strings.trimSpace()
- strings.trimSuffix()
- sum()
- system.time()
- table.fill()
- tableFind()
- tail()
- tasks.lastSuccess()
- teams.endpoint()
- teams.message()
- telegram.endpoint()
- telegram.message()
- testing.assertEmpty()
- testing.assertEquals()
- testing.assertEqualValues()
- testing.assertMatches()
- testing.diff()
- testing.load()
- testing.shouldError()
- testing.shouldErrorWithCode()
- testutil.makeAny()
- testutil.makeRecord()
- testutil.yield()
- tickscript.alert()
- tickscript.compute()
- tickscript.deadman()
- tickscript.defineCheck()
- tickscript.groupBy()
- tickscript.join()
- tickscript.selectWindow()
- time()
- timedMovingAverage()
- timeShift()
- timeWeightedAvg()
- timezone.fixed()
- timezone.location()
- to()
- toBool()
- today()
- toFloat()
- toInt()
- top()
- toString()
- toTime()
- toUInt()
- tripleEMA()
- tripleExponentialDerivative()
- truncateTimeColumn()
- types.isNumeric()
- types.isType()
- uint()
- union()
- unique()
- usage.from()
- usage.limits()
- v1.databases()
- v1.fieldKeys() – (deprecated)
- v1.fieldsAsCols() – (deprecated)
- v1.json()
- v1.measurementFieldKeys() – (deprecated)
- v1.measurements() – (deprecated)
- v1.measurementTagKeys() – (deprecated)
- v1.measurementTagValues() – (deprecated)
- v1.tagKeys() – (deprecated)
- v1.tagValues() – (deprecated)
- victorops.alert()
- victorops.endpoint()
- webexteams.endpoint()
- webexteams.message()
- window()
- yield()
- zenoss.endpoint()
- zenoss.event()
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