
influxd-ctl remove-meta

The influxd-ctl remove-meta command removes a meta node from an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster. By default, the local meta node is used to remove the specified node. If -bind is specified, the bound address will be used.

To force-remove a meta node, bind to an existing meta node and include the the -tcpAddr and -force flags along with the meta node’s HTTP bind address. Force removing a meta node should only be used if the meta node is no longer reachable and is unrecoverable. If the node is restarted after being force removed, it may interfere with the cluster.

This command is destructive

influxd-ctl remove-meta erases all metadata in the specified meta node. Only use this command if you want to permanently remove a meta node from your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.

This command doesn’t delete metadata related to the removed meta node from other nodes in the cluster. To remove all metadata about the removed meta node, use influxd-ctl leave.


influxd-ctl remove-meta [flags] <meta-http-bind-addr>


  • meta-http-bind-addr: HTTP bind address of the meta node to remove


-forceForce the removal of a meta node (useful if the node is unresponsive)
-tcpAddrTCP bind address of the meta node to remove
-yAssume yes to all prompts


Remove the local meta node running on :8091

influxd-ctl remove-meta localhost:8091

Remove the meta node running on meta2:8091

influxd-ctl remove-meta meta2:8091

Forcefully remove an unresponsive meta node from the local meta node

In the following example, the influxd-ctl remove-data command forcefully removes the meta node running at the TCP address meta2:8089 and HTTP address meta2:8091 from the cluster.

influxd-ctl remove-meta -force -tcpAddr meta2:8089 meta2:8091

Forcefully remove an unresponsive meta node through a remote meta node

In the following example, the influxd-ctl remove-data command uses the meta node at meta1:8091 to forcefully remove the meta node running at the TCP address meta2:8089 and HTTP address meta2:8091 from the cluster.

influxd-ctl -bind meta1:8091 remove-meta -force -tcpAddr meta2:8089 meta2:8091

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