influxd-ctl ldap sample-config
The influxd-ctl ldap sample-config
command prints a sample InfluxDB Enterprise
LDAP configuration to stdout.
influxd-ctl ldap sample-config
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View sample LDAP configuration
# Sample TOML for ldap config.
# First, save this file and edit it for your LDAP server.
# Then test the config with: influxd-ctl ldap verify -ldap-config /path/to/ldap.toml
# Finally, upload the config to the cluster with: influxd-ctl ldap set-config /path/to/ldap.toml
# Note: the meta nodes must be configured with meta.ldap-allowed = true
# and the data nodes must be configured with http.auth-enabled = true
enabled = true
host = ""
port = 389
# Credentials to use when searching for a user or group.
bind-dn = "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com"
bind-password = "read-only-admin password"
# Base DNs to use when applying the search-filter to discover an LDAP user.
search-base-dns = [
# LDAP filter to discover a user's DN.
# %s will be replaced with the provided username.
search-filter = "(uid=%s)"
# On Active Directory you might use "(sAMAccountName=%s)".
# Base DNs to use when searching for groups.
group-search-base-dns = ["ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"]
# LDAP filter to identify groups that a user belongs to.
# %s will be replaced with the user's DN.
group-membership-search-filter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember=%s))"
# On Active Directory you might use "(&(objectClass=group)(member=%s))".
# Attribute to use to determine the "group" in the group-mappings section.
group-attribute = "ou"
# On Active Directory you might use "cn".
# LDAP filter to search for groups during cache warming.
# %s will be replaced with the "group" value in the group-mappings section.
group-search-filter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(ou=%s))"
# Attribute on group objects indicating membership.
# Used during cache warming, should be same as part of the group-membership-search-filter.
group-member-attribute = "uniqueMember"
# Groups whose members have admin privileges on the influxdb servers.
admin-groups = ["influx-admins"]
# Mappings of LDAP groups to Influx roles.
# All Influx roles need to be manually created to take effect.
group = "app-developers"
role = "app-metrics-rw"
group = "web-support"
role = "web-traffic-ro"
meta1:/# influxd-ctl ldap sample-config -h
# Sample TOML for ldap config.
# First, save this file and edit it for your LDAP server.
# Then test the config with: influxd-ctl ldap verify -ldap-config /path/to/ldap.toml
# Finally, upload the config to the cluster with: influxd-ctl ldap set-config /path/to/ldap.toml
# Note: the meta nodes must be configured with meta.ldap-allowed = true
# and the data nodes must be configured with http.auth-enabled = true
enabled = true
host = ""
port = 389
# Credentials to use when searching for a user or group.
bind-dn = "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com"
bind-password = "read-only-admin password"
# Base DNs to use when applying the search-filter to discover an LDAP user.
search-base-dns = [
# LDAP filter to discover a user's DN.
# %s will be replaced with the provided username.
search-filter = "(uid=%s)"
# On Active Directory you might use "(sAMAccountName=%s)".
# Base DNs to use when searching for groups.
group-search-base-dns = ["ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"]
# LDAP filter to identify groups that a user belongs to.
# %s will be replaced with the user's DN.
group-membership-search-filter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember=%s))"
# On Active Directory you might use "(&(objectClass=group)(member=%s))".
# Attribute to use to determine the "group" in the group-mappings section.
group-attribute = "ou"
# On Active Directory you might use "cn".
# LDAP filter to search for groups during cache warming.
# %s will be replaced with the "group" value in the group-mappings section.
group-search-filter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(ou=%s))"
# Attribute on group objects indicating membership.
# Used during cache warming, should be same as part of the group-membership-search-filter.
group-member-attribute = "uniqueMember"
# Groups whose members have admin privileges on the influxdb servers.
admin-groups = ["influx-admins"]
# Mappings of LDAP groups to Influx roles.
# All Influx roles need to be manually created to take effect.
group = "app-developers"
role = "app-metrics-rw"
group = "web-support"
role = "web-traffic-ro"
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