
influxd-ctl join

The influxd-ctl join command joins a meta or data node data node to an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster. The command searches for influxd and influxd-meta processes running on the local machine bound to specific ports and determines if that process is an InfluxDB meta or data node.

  • 8088: Data node
  • 8091: Meta node

If the InfluxDB data or meta processes are running on non-default ports, the join operation cannot detect them.


influxd-ctl join [flags] <meta-node-http-bind-address>


  • meta-node-http-bind-address: HTTP bind address of a meta node in an existing cluster. Use this argument to add un-joined meta or data node to an existing cluster.


-pAdd the data node as a passive node
-vPrint verbose information when joining


Join a meta and data node into a cluster

In the following example, influxd-ctl join command detects a meta node process running at cluster-node-03:8091 and a data node process running at cluster-node-03:8088 and joins them into a new cluster.

influxd-ctl join
Command output
Joining meta node at localhost:8091
Searching for meta node on cluster-node-03:8091...
Searching for data node on cluster-node-03:8088...

Successfully created cluster

  * Added meta node 1 at cluster-node-03:8091
  * Added data node 2 at cluster-node-03:8088

  To join additional nodes to this cluster, run the following command:

  influxd-ctl join cluster-node-03:8091

Join a meta and data node to an existing cluster

In the following example, influxd-ctl join detects a meta node process running at cluster-node-03:8091 and a data node process running at cluster-node-03:8088. It uses the meta node running at cluster-meta-node-02:8091 in an existing cluster to join the newly detected meta and data nodes to the cluster.

influxd-ctl join cluster-meta-node-02:8091
Command output
Joining meta node at cluster-meta-node-02:8091
Searching for meta node on cluster-node-03:8091...
Searching for data node on cluster-node-03:8088...

Successfully joined cluster

  * Added meta node 3 at cluster-node-03:8091
  * Added data node 4 at cluster-node-03:8088

Join a meta node to an existing cluster

In the following example, influxd-ctl join detects a meta node process running at cluster-meta-node-03:8091, but does not detect a data node process. It uses the meta node running at cluster-meta-node-02:8091 in an existing cluster to join the newly detected meta node to the cluster.

influxd-ctl join cluster-meta-node-02:8091
Command output
Joining meta node at cluster-meta-node-02:8091
Searching for meta node on cluster-meta-node-03:8091...
Searching for data node on cluster-meta-node-03:8088...

Successfully joined cluster

  * Added meta node 18 at cluster-meta-node-03:8091
  * No data node added.  Run with -v to see more information

Troubleshoot influxd-ctl join

Common problems when attempting to join nodes to InfluxDB Enterprise clusters:

  • The influxd or influxd-meta processes are using non-standard ports and can’t be detected.
  • The influxd or influxd-meta processes are not running. Check the logs for startup errors.

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