
influxd-ctl backup

The influxd-ctl backup command backs up an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster’s metastore and shard data at that point in time and stores the copy in the specified directory.

To back up only the cluster metastore, use the -strategy only-meta flag. Backups are incremental by default, meaning they create a copy of the metastore and shard data that have changed since the previous incremental backup. If there are no existing incremental backups, the system automatically performs a complete backup.

Backup strategies

InfluxDB Enterprise supports the following backup strategies:

  • only-meta: Back up metastore data only, including users, roles, databases, continuous queries, and retention policies. This strategy does not back up shards.
  • full: Back up metastore and all shard data.
  • incremental: (Default) Back up metastore and shard data that has changed since the last incremental backup. If there are no existing incremental backups, the system automatically performs a full backup.


influxd-ctl backup [flags] <backup-dir>


  • backup-dir: Directory to store backup files in


-dbDatabase to backup
-endEnd date for backup (RFC3339 timestamp)
-estimateEstimate the size of the requested backup
-fromData node TCP address to prefer when backing up
-fullPerform an full backup (deprecated in favour of -strategy full)
-rpRetention policy to backup
-shardShard ID to backup
-startStart date for backup (RFC3339 timestamp)
-strategyBackup strategy to use (only-meta, full, or incremental)


Perform an incremental backup

influxd-ctl backup /path/to/backup-dir

Perform a full backup

influxd-ctl backup -full /path/to/backup-dir

Estimate the size of a backup

influxd-ctl backup -estimate

Backup data from a specific time range

influxd-ctl backup \
  -start 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z \
  -end 2023-06-01T00:00:00Z \

Backup a specific shard

influxd-ctl backup -shard 00 /path/to/backup-dir

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