Flux data scripting language
Flux is a functional data scripting language designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on time series data. Its takes the power of InfluxQL and the functionality of TICKscript and combines them into a single, unified syntax.
Flux v0.65 is production-ready and included with **InfluxDB Enterprise v1.8+. The InfluxDB v1.8 implementation of Flux is read-only and does not support writing data back to InfluxDB.
Flux design principles
Flux is designed to be usable, readable, flexible, composable, testable, contributable, and shareable. Its syntax is largely inspired by 2018’s most popular scripting language, JavaScript, and takes a functional approach to data exploration and processing.
The following example illustrates pulling data from a bucket (similar to an InfluxQL database) for the last five minutes,
filtering that data by the cpu
measurement and the cpu=cpu-total
tag, windowing the data in 1 minute intervals,
and calculating the average of each window:
from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen")
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r.cpu == "cpu-total")
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean)
Execute Flux queries
Use the InfluxDB CLI, API, and the Chronograf Data Explorer to execute Flux queries.
Query data with Flux
Guides that walk through both common and complex queries and use cases for Flux.
Optimize Flux queries
Optimize your Flux queries to reduce their memory and compute (CPU) requirements.
Enable Flux
Instructions for enabling Flux in your InfluxDB configuration.
Flux vs InfluxQL
Flux is an alternative to InfluxQL and other SQL-like query languages for querying and analyzing data. Flux uses functional language patterns making it incredibly powerful, flexible, and able to overcome many of the limitations of InfluxQL. This article outlines many of the tasks possible with Flux but not InfluxQL and provides information about Flux and InfluxQL parity.
Possible with Flux
- Joins
- Math across measurements
- Sort by tags
- Group by any column
- Window by calendar months and years
- Work with multiple data sources
- DatePart-like queries
- Pivot
- Histograms
- Covariance
- Cast booleans to integers
- String manipulation and data shaping
- Work with geo-temporal data
InfluxQL has never supported joins. They can be accomplished using TICKscript,
but even TICKscript’s join capabilities are limited.
Flux’s join()
function lets you
to join data from any bucket, any measurement, and on any columns as long as
each data set includes the columns on which they are to be joined.
This opens the door for really powerful and useful operations.
Get started with Flux
Get started with Flux, InfluxData’s new functional data scripting language. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the basics and get you on your way.
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