
View InfluxDB Cloud Serverless data usage

View the statistics of your data usage and rate limits (reads and writes) on the InfluxDB Cloud Serverless UI Usage page. For more information, see limits and adjustable quotas.

To view your InfluxDB Cloud Serverless data usage, do the following:

  1. Click on your organization in the header near the top of the page.

  2. Select Usage from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select a time range to review data usage (by default, Past 24h), and then select one of the following:

    • Data In: Total data in MB written to your InfluxDB Cloud instance. Data in and write requests do not count towards your query count.
    • Query Count: Total number of individual query operations, which include queries from external clients.
    • Storage: Total disk usage in gigabytes.
    • Data Out: Total data in MB sent as responses to queries from your InfluxDB Cloud Serverless instance.

A line graph displays usage for the selected vector for the specified time period.

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InfluxDB Cloud Serverless