SQL comparison operators
Comparison operators evaluate the relationship between the left and right
operands and returns true
or false
The =
operator compares the left and right operands and, if equal, returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 123 = 123
Int64(123) = Int64(123) |
true |
!=, <>
The !=
and <>
operators compare the left and right operands and, if not equal,
returns true
. Otherwise returns false
SELECT 123 != 456
Int64(123) != Int64(456) |
true |
SELECT 123 <> 456
Int64(123) != Int64(456) |
true |
The >
operator compares the left and right operands and, if the left operand
is greater than the right operand, returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 3 > 2
Int64(3) > Int64(2) |
true |
The >=
operator compares the left and right operands and, if the left operand
is greater than or equal to the right operand, returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 3 >= 2
Int64(3) >= Int64(2) |
true |
The <
operator compares the left and right operands and, if the left operand
is less than the right operand, returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 1 < 2
Int641(1) < Int64(2) |
true |
The <=
operator compares the left and right operands and, if the left operand
is less than or equal to the right operand, returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 1 <= 2
Int641(1) <= Int64(2) |
true |
The ~
operator compares the left string operand to the right regular expression
operand and, if it matches (case-sensitive), returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 'abc' ~ 'a.*'
Utf8(“abc”) ~ Utf8(“a.*”) |
true |
The ~*
operator compares the left string operand to the right regular expression
operand and, if it matches (case-insensitive), returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 'Abc' ~* 'A.*'
Utf8(“Abc”) ~* Utf8(“A.*”) |
true |
The !~
operator compares the left string operand to the right regular expression
operand and, if it does not match (case-sensitive), returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 'abc' !~ 'd.*'
Utf8(“abc”) !~ Utf8(“d.*”) |
true |
The !~*
operator compares the left string operand to the right regular expression
operand and, if it does not match (case-insensitive), returns true
Otherwise returns false
SELECT 'Abc' !~* 'a.*'
Utf8(“Abc”) !~* Utf8(“a.*”) |
false |
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