View tokens
View API tokens and permissions using the InfluxDB user interface (UI),
the influx
command line interface (CLI), or the InfluxDB API.
To follow best practices for secure API token generation and retrieval, InfluxDB Cloud Serverless enforces access restrictions on API tokens.
- InfluxDB UI only allows access to the API token value immediately after the token is created.
- You can’t change access (read/write) permissions for an API token after it’s created.
- Tokens stop working when the user who created the token is deleted.
We recommend the following for managing your tokens:
- Create a generic user to create and manage tokens for writing data.
- Store your tokens in a secure password vault for future access.
View tokens in the InfluxDB UI
In the navigation menu on the left, select Load Data > API Tokens.
Click a token description in the list to view the token status and a list of access permissions.
View tokens using the influx CLI
Use the influx auth list
to view tokens.
Provide the following flags:
: API token with permission to read authorizations
influx auth list --token API_TOKEN
Filtering options such as filtering by authorization ID, username, or user ID are available.
See the influx auth list
for information about other available flags.
View tokens using the InfluxDB API
Use the /api/v2/authorizations
InfluxDB API endpoint to view tokens and permissions.
Include the following in your request:
- Headers:
- Authorization:
(API token with theread: authorizations
permission) - Content-type:
- Authorization:
curl --request GET \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Token API_TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-type: application/json'
View a single token
To view a specific authorization and token, include the authorization ID in the URL path.
Include the following in your request:
- Headers:
- Authorization:
(API token with theread: authorizations
permission) - Content-type:
- Authorization:
curl --request GET \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Token API_TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-type: application/json'
Filter the token list
InfluxDB returns authorizations from the same organization as the token used in the request.
To filter tokens by user, include userID
as a query parameter in your request.
# The example below uses the common `curl` and `jq` command-line tools
# with the InfluxDB API to do the following:
# 1. Find a user by username and extract the user ID.
# 2. Find the user's authorizations by user ID.
# 3. Filter for `active` authorizations that have `write` permission.
function list_write_auths() {
curl "$1" \
--header "Authorization: Token API_TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' | \
jq --arg USER $1 '.users[] | select(.name == $USER) | .id' | \
xargs -I '%' \
curl "" \
--header "Authorization: Token API_TOKEN" \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' | \
jq '.authorizations[]
| select(.permissions[] | select(.action=="write"))
| select(.status=="active")'
list_write_auths 'iot_user_1'
See the /authorizations
endpoint documentation
for more information about available parameters.
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Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB Cloud Serverless and this documentation. To find support, use the following resources:
Customers with an annual or support contract can contact InfluxData Support.