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InfluxDB v2 HTTP API for InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated

The InfluxDB v2 HTTP API provides a v2-compatible programmatic interface for writing and managing data stored in an InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated database.

Use the InfluxDB v2 HTTP API /api/v2 endpoints to manage retention policy mappings and write data to an InfluxDB 3 instance.

This documentation is generated from the InfluxDB OpenAPI specification.

Quick start

See the Get Started tutorial to get up and running authenticating with tokens, writing to databases, and querying data.

InfluxDB API client libraries and Flight clients are available to integrate InfluxDB APIs with your application.

API compatibility

Write data

InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated provides the following HTTP API endpoints for writing data:

  • Recommended: /api/v2/write endpoint for new write workloads or for bringing existing InfluxDB v2 write workloads to InfluxDB 3.
  • /write endpoint for bringing existing InfluxDB v1 write workloads to InfluxDB 3.

Both endpoints accept the same line protocol format and process data in the same way.

Query data

InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated provides the following protocols for executing a query:

InfluxDB v2 compatibility

The HTTP API /api/v2/write endpoint works with the Bearer and Token authentication schemes and existing InfluxDB 2.x tools and code for writing data.

See how to use the InfluxDB v2 HTTP API with InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated.

InfluxDB v1 compatibility

The HTTP API /write endpoint and /query endpoint work with InfluxDB 1.x username/password authentication schemes and existing InfluxDB 1.x tools and code.

See how to use the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API with InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated.


Use one of the following schemes to authenticate to the InfluxDB API:


Basic authentication scheme

Use the Authorization header with the Basic scheme to authenticate v1 API /write and /query requests. When authenticating requests, InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated checks that the password part of the decoded credential is an authorized database token. InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated ignores the username part of the decoded credential.


Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded [USERNAME]:DATABASE_TOKEN>

Replace the following:

  • [USERNAME]: an optional string value (ignored by InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated).
  • DATABASE_TOKEN: a database token.
  • Encode the [USERNAME]:DATABASE_TOKEN credential using base64 encoding, and then append the encoded string to the Authorization: Basic header.


The following example shows how to use cURL with the Basic authentication scheme and a database token:

# Use Basic authentication with a database token
# to query the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API
# Use the --user option with `--user username:DATABASE_TOKEN` syntax

curl --get "" \
  --user "":"DATABASE_TOKEN" \
  --data-urlencode "db=DATABASE_NAME" \
  --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM MEASUREMENT"

Replace the following:

  • DATABASE_NAME: your InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated database
  • DATABASE_TOKEN: a database token with sufficient permissions to the database
Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme basic


Use the Querystring authentication scheme with InfluxDB 1.x API parameters to provide credentials through the query string.

Query string authentication

In the URL, pass the p query parameter to authenticate /write and /query requests. When authenticating requests, InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated checks that p (password) is an authorized database token and ignores the u (username) parameter.



The following example shows how to use cURL with query string authentication and a database token.

# Use an InfluxDB 1.x compatible username and password
# to query the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API
# Use authentication query parameters:

curl --get "" \
  --data-urlencode "p=DATABASE_TOKEN" \
  --data-urlencode "db=DATABASE_NAME" \
  --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM MEASUREMENT"

Replace the following:

  • DATABASE_NAME: your InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated database
  • DATABASE_TOKEN: a database token with sufficient permissions to the database
Security Scheme Type API Key
Query parameter name: u=&p=


Use the OAuth Bearer authentication scheme to authenticate to the InfluxDB API.

In your API requests, send an Authorization header. For the header value, provide the word Bearer followed by a space and a database token.


Authorization: Bearer INFLUX_TOKEN


# Use the Bearer token authentication scheme with /api/v2/write
# to write data.

curl --request post "" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer DATABASE_TOKEN" \
  --data-binary 'home,room=kitchen temp=72 1463683075'

For examples and more information, see the following:

Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer
Bearer format "JWT"


Use the Token authentication scheme to authenticate to the InfluxDB API.

In your API requests, send an Authorization header. For the header value, provide the word Token followed by a space and a database token. The word Token is case-sensitive.


Authorization: Token INFLUX_API_TOKEN


# Use the Token authentication scheme with /api/v2/write
# to write data.

curl --request post "" \
  --header "Authorization: Token DATABASE_TOKEN" \
  --data-binary 'home,room=kitchen temp=72 1463683075'
Security Scheme Type API Key
Header parameter name: Authorization


InfluxDB HTTP API endpoints use standard HTTP request and response headers. The following table shows common headers used by many InfluxDB API endpoints. Some endpoints may use other headers that perform functions more specific to those endpoints--for example, the POST /api/v2/write endpoint accepts the Content-Encoding header to indicate the compression applied to line protocol in the request body.

HeaderValue typeDescription
AcceptstringThe content type that the client can understand.
AuthorizationstringThe authorization scheme and credential.
Content-LengthintegerThe size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the database.
Content-TypestringThe format of the data in the request body.

Response codes

InfluxDB HTTP API endpoints use standard HTTP status codes for success and failure responses. The response body may include additional details. For details about a specific operation's response, see Responses and Response Samples for that operation.

API operations may return the following HTTP status codes:

 Code StatusDescription
201CreatedOne or more resources are created. The response body contains details about the resource.
204No contentThe request is successful and no data is returned. For example, The /write and /api/v2/write endpoints return this status code if all data in the batch is written and queryable.
400Bad requestInfluxDB can't parse the request due to an incorrect parameter or bad syntax. For writes, the error may indicate one of the following problems:
  • Rejected points
  • Authorization header is missing or malformed or the API token doesn't have permission for the operation.
401UnauthorizedMay indicate one of the following:
  • Authorization: Token header is missing or malformed
  • API token value is missing from the header
  • API token doesn't have permission. For more information about token types and permissions, see Manage tokens
404Not foundRequested resource was not found. message in the response body provides details about the requested resource.
405Method not allowedThe API path doesn't support the HTTP method used in the request--for example, you send a POST request to an endpoint that only allows GET.
422Unprocessable entityRequest data is invalid. code and message in the response body provide details about the problem.
500Internal server error
503Service unavailableServer is temporarily unavailable to process the request. The Retry-After header describes when to try the request again.


Get the status of the instance

Reports the InfluxQL bridge querier health and the InfluxDB version of the instance.

The response is a HTTP 204 status code to inform you the querier is available.

For InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated, this endpoint only checks the status of queriers; doesn't check the status of ingesters.

To check the health of ingesters before writing data, send a request to one of the write endpoints.

This endpoint doesn't require authentication.



Get the status of the instance

Reports the InfluxQL bridge querier health and the InfluxDB version of the instance.

The response is a HTTP 204 status code to inform you the querier is available.

For InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated, this endpoint only checks the status of queriers; doesn't check the status of ingesters.

To check the health of ingesters before writing data, send a request to one of the write endpoints.

This endpoint doesn't require authentication.




Query data stored in a database.

  • HTTP clients can query the v1 /query endpoint using InfluxQL and retrieve data in CSV or JSON format.
  • The /api/v2/query endpoint can't query InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated.
  • Flight + gRPC clients can query using SQL or InfluxQL and retrieve data in Arrow format.

Query using the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API

Queries InfluxDB using InfluxQL with InfluxDB v1 request and response formats.

query Parameters

The database to query data from.

Enum: "ns" "u" "µ" "ms" "s" "m" "h"

A unix timestamp precision. Formats timestamps as unix (epoch) timestamps with the specified precision instead of RFC3339 timestamps with nanosecond precision.


The InfluxDB 1.x password to authenticate the request.


The InfluxQL query to execute. To execute multiple queries, delimit queries with a semicolon (;).


The retention policy to query data from. For more information, see InfluxQL DBRP naming convention.


The InfluxDB 1.x username to authenticate the request.

header Parameters
Default: application/json
Enum: "application/json" "application/csv" "text/csv" "application/x-msgpack"

Media type that the client can understand.

Note: With application/csv, query results include unix timestamps instead of RFC3339 timestamps.

Default: identity
Enum: "gzip" "identity"

The content encoding (usually a compression algorithm) that the client can understand.

Value: "application/json"
Example: baggage,[object Object],span_id,1,trace_id,1

OpenTracing span context


Response samples

Content type
No sample


Write time series data to databases using InfluxDB v1 or v2 endpoints.

Write data

Writes data to a database.

Use this endpoint to send data in line protocol format to InfluxDB.

InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated does the following when you send a write request:

  1. Validates the request.

  2. If successful, attempts to ingest data from the request body; otherwise, responds with an error status.

  3. Ingests or rejects data in the batch and returns one of the following HTTP status codes:

    • 204 No Content: All data in the batch is ingested.
    • 400 Bad Request: Some (when partial writes are configured for the cluster) or all of the data has been rejected. Data that has not been rejected is ingested and queryable.

The response body contains error details about rejected points, up to 100 points.

Writes are synchronous--the response status indicates the final status of the write and all ingested data is queryable.

To ensure that InfluxDB handles writes in the order you request them, wait for the response before you send the next request.

Write endpoints

The /write and /api/v2/write endpoints are functionally equivalent for writing data to InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated.

query Parameters

A database name or ID. InfluxDB writes all points in the batch to the specified database.


Ignored. An organization name or ID.

InfluxDB ignores this parameter; authorizes the request using the specified database token and writes data to the specified cluster database.


Ignored. An organization ID.

InfluxDB ignores this parameter; authorizes the request using the specified database token and writes data to the specified cluster database.

string (WritePrecision)
Enum: "ms" "s" "us" "ns"

The precision for unix timestamps in the line protocol batch.

header Parameters
Default: application/json
Value: "application/json"

The content type that the client can understand. Writes only return a response body if they fail--for example, due to a formatting problem or quota limit.

InfluxDB Cloud

  • Returns only application/json for format and limit errors.
  • Returns only text/html for some quota limit errors.
Default: identity
Enum: "gzip" "identity"

The compression applied to the line protocol in the request payload. To send a gzip payload, pass Content-Encoding: gzip header.


The size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to InfluxDB. If the length is greater than the max body configuration option, the server responds with status code 413.

Default: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Enum: "text/plain" "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

The format of the data in the request body. To send a line protocol payload, pass Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8.

Example: baggage,[object Object],span_id,1,trace_id,1

OpenTracing span context

Request Body schema: text/plain

In the request body, provide data in line protocol format.

To send compressed data, do the following:

  1. Use gzip to compress the line protocol data.
  2. In your request, send the compressed data and the Content-Encoding: gzip header.
string <byte>


Request samples

Content type
airSensors,sensor_id=TLM0201 temperature=73.97038159354763,humidity=35.23103248356096,co=0.48445310567793615 1630424257000000000
airSensors,sensor_id=TLM0202 temperature=75.30007505999716,humidity=35.651929918691714,co=0.5141876544505826 1630424257000000000

Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "invalid",
  • "line": 2,
  • "message": "failed to parse line protocol: errors encountered on line(s): error message for first rejected point</n> error message for second rejected point</n> error message for Nth rejected point (up to 100 rejected points)"

Write data using the InfluxDB v1 HTTP API

Writes data to a database.

Use this endpoint for InfluxDB v1 parameter compatibility when sending data in line protocol format to InfluxDB.

InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated does the following when you send a write request:

  1. Validates the request.

  2. If successful, attempts to ingest data from the request body; otherwise, responds with an error status.

  3. Ingests or rejects data in the batch and returns one of the following HTTP status codes:

    • 204 No Content: all data in the batch is ingested
    • 201 Created (If the cluster is configured to allow partial writes): some points in the batch are ingested and queryable, and some points are rejected
    • 400 Bad Request: all data is rejected

The response body contains error details about rejected points, up to 100 points.

Writes are synchronous--the response status indicates the final status of the write and all ingested data is queryable.

To ensure that InfluxDB handles writes in the order you request them, wait for the response before you send the next request.

Write endpoints

The /write and /api/v2/write endpoints are functionally equivalent for writing data to InfluxDB 3 Cloud Dedicated.

query Parameters

database to write to. If none exists, InfluxDB creates a database with a default 3-day retention policy.


The InfluxDB 1.x password to authenticate the request.


Write precision.


Retention policy name.


The InfluxDB 1.x username to authenticate the request.

header Parameters
Default: identity
Enum: "gzip" "identity"

When present, its value indicates to the database that compression is applied to the line protocol body.

Example: baggage,[object Object],span_id,1,trace_id,1

OpenTracing span context

Request Body schema: text/plain

Line protocol body



Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "invalid",
  • "line": 2,
  • "message": "no data written, errors encountered on line(s): error message for first rejected point</n> error message for second rejected point</n> error message for Nth rejected point (up to 100 rejected points)"