
influx config set

The influx config set command updates information in an InfluxDB connection configuration in the configs file (by default, stored at ~/.influxdbv2/configs).


influx config set [flags]

Command aliases

set , update


FlagDescriptionInput typeMaps to ?
-a--activeSet the specified connection to active
-n--config-nameName for the InfluxDB connection configuration to set or updatestring
-h--helpHelp for the set command
--hide-headersHide table headers (default false)INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS
-u--host-urlURL for InfluxDB connection configuration to set or updatestring
--jsonOutput data as JSON (default false)INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON
-o--orgOrganization name for the connection configurationstring
-t--tokenAPI tokenstringINFLUX_TOKEN
-p--username-password(OSS only) Username (and optionally password) to use for authentication.
Include username:password to ensure a session is automatically authenticated. Include username (without password) to prompt for a password before creating the session.string


Update a connection configuration and set it to active
influx config set --active \
  -n config-name \
  -t mySuP3rS3cr3tT0keN \
  -o example-org
Update a connection configuration and do not set it to active
influx config set \
  -n config-name \
  -t mySuP3rS3cr3tT0keN \
  -o example-org

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