
Update a token

Update an API token’s description and status using the InfluxDB user interface (UI), influx CLI, or InfluxDB API.

Update a token in the InfluxDB UI

To update tokens in the InfluxDB UI, navigate to the API Tokens management page. In the navigation menu on the left, select Load Data > API Tokens.

Update a token’s description

  1. On the token management page, click the pencil icon () next to the token’s description.
  2. Update the token description, and then click anywhere else to save.

Enable or disable a token in the InfluxDB UI

  1. On the token management page, find the token that you would like to enable or disable.
  2. Click the token description.
  3. Click the Active toggle.

Enable a token using the influx CLI

Use the influx auth active command to activate a token.

Provide the following flags:

  • --token: API token with permission to update authorizations
  • --id: Authorization ID to enable (available in the output of influx auth list)
influx auth active \

Disable a token using the influx CLI

Use the influx auth inactive command to deactivate a token.

Provide the following flags:

  • --token: API token with permission to update authorizations
  • --id: Authorization ID to disable (available in the output of influx auth list)
influx auth inactive \

Update a token using the InfluxDB API

Use the /api/v2/authorizations InfluxDB API endpoint to update the description and status of a token.


Include the following in your request:

  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Token API_TOKEN (API token with the write: authorizations permission)
    • Content-type: application/json
  • Path parameters:
    • authID: Authorization ID to update
  • Request body: JSON object with authorization properties to update

Disable a token

# Update the description and status of the first authorization listed for the user.

curl --request GET \ \
  --header "Authorization: Token 
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \ | jq .authorizations[0].id \ | xargs -I authid curl --request PATCH \ \ --header "Authorization: Token
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "description": "deactivated_auth", "status": "inactive" }' | jq .

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