
Use Grafana to visualize data

InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is in Public Alpha

InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is in public alpha and available for testing and feedback, but is not meant for production use. Both the product and this documentation are works in progress. We welcome and encourage your input about your experience with the alpha and invite you to join our public channels for updates and to share feedback.

Alpha expectations and recommendations

Use Grafana to query and visualize data stored in InfluxDB 3 Enterprise.

[Grafana] enables you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics, logs, and traces wherever they are stored. [Grafana] provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into insightful graphs and visualizations.

Grafana documentation

Install Grafana or login to Grafana Cloud

If using the open source version of Grafana, follow the Grafana installation instructions to install Grafana for your operating system. If using Grafana Cloud, login to your Grafana Cloud instance.

InfluxDB data source

The InfluxDB data source plugin is included in the Grafana core distribution. Use the plugin to query and visualize data stored in InfluxDB 3 Enterprise with both SQL and InfluxQL.

Grafana 10.3+

The instructions below are for Grafana 10.3+ which introduced the newest version of the InfluxDB core plugin. The updated plugin includes SQL support for InfluxDB 3-based products such as InfluxDB 3 Enterprise.

Create an InfluxDB data source

  1. In your Grafana user interface (UI), navigate to Data Sources.
  2. Click Add new data source.
  3. Search for and select the InfluxDB plugin.
  4. Provide a name for your data source.
  5. Under Query Language, select either SQL or InfluxQL:

When creating an InfluxDB data source that uses SQL to query data:

  1. Under HTTP:

    • URL: Provide your InfluxDB 3 Enterprise URL:


    If you are not using HTTPS, enable the Insecure Connection option under InfluxDB Details.

  2. Under InfluxDB Details:

    • Database: Provide a default database name to query.

    • Token: Provide an arbitrary string.

      While in alpha, InfluxDB 3 Enterprise does not require an authorization token.

    • Insecure Connection: If not using HTTPS, enable this option.

  3. Click Save & test.

    Grafana InfluxDB data source for InfluxDB 3 that uses SQL

When creating an InfluxDB data source that uses InfluxQL to query data:

  1. Under HTTP:

    • URL: Provide your InfluxDB 3 Enterprise URL:

  2. Under InfluxDB Details:

    • Database: Provide a default database name to query.

    • User: Provide an arbitrary string. This credential is ignored when querying InfluxDB 3 Enterprise, but it cannot be empty.

    • Password: Provide an arbitrary string.

      While in alpha, InfluxDB 3 Enterprise does not require an authorization token, but the Password field does require a value.

    • HTTP Method: Choose one of the available HTTP request methods to use when querying data:

      • POST (Recommended)
      • GET
  3. Click Save & test.

    Grafana InfluxDB data source for InfluxDB 3 that uses InfluxQL

Query InfluxDB with Grafana

After you configure and save an InfluxDB datasource, use Grafana to build, run, and inspect queries against InfluxDB 3 Enterprise.

When working with the InfluxDB 3 Enterprise SQL implementation a bucket is equivalent to a database, a measurement is equivalent to a table, and time, fields, and tags are structured as columns. To learn more, see Query Data.

  1. Click Explore.

  2. In the dropdown, select the saved InfluxDB data source to query.

  3. Use the SQL query form to build your query:

    • Table: Select the measurement to query.

    • Column: Select one or more fields and tags to return as columns in query results.

      With SQL, select the time column to include timestamps with the data. Grafana relies on the time column to correctly graph time series data.

    • Optional: Toggle filter to generate WHERE clause statements.

      • WHERE: Configure condition expressions to include in the WHERE clause.
    • Optional: Toggle group to generate GROUP BY clause statements.

      • GROUP BY: Select columns to group by. If you include an aggregation function in the SELECT list, you must group by one or more of the queried columns. SQL returns the aggregation for each group.
    • Recommended: Toggle order to generate ORDER BY clause statements.

      • ORDER BY: Select columns to sort by. You can sort by time and multiple fields or tags. To sort in descending order, select DESC.
  4. Recommended: Change format to Time series.

    • Use the Format dropdown to change the format of the query results. For example, to visualize the query results as a time series, select Time series.
  5. Click Run query to execute the query.

  1. Click Explore.
  2. In the dropdown, select the InfluxDB data source that you want to query.
  3. Use the InfluxQL query form to build your query:
    • FROM: Select the measurement that you want to query.
    • WHERE: To filter the query results, enter a conditional expression.
    • SELECT: Select fields to query and an aggregate function to apply to each. The aggregate function is applied to each time interval defined in the GROUP BY clause.
    • GROUP BY: By default, Grafana groups data by time to downsample results and improve query performance. You can also add other tags to group by.
  4. Click Run query to execute the query.

To learn about query management and inspection in Grafana, see the Grafana Explore documentation.

Build visualizations with Grafana

For a comprehensive walk-through of creating visualizations with Grafana, see the Grafana documentation.

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB 3 Open Source Now in Public Alpha

InfluxDB 3 Open Source is now available for alpha testing, licensed under MIT or Apache 2 licensing.

We are releasing two products as part of the alpha.

InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. It is a recent-data engine for time series and event data. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security.

For more information on how to get started, check out: