
InfluxDB 3 Enterprise configuration options

InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is in Public Alpha

InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is in public alpha and available for testing and feedback, but is not meant for production use. Both the product and this documentation are works in progress. We welcome and encourage your input about your experience with the alpha and invite you to join our public channels for updates and to share feedback.

Alpha expectations and recommendations

InfluxDB 3 Enterprise lets you customize your server configuration by using influxdb3 serve command options or by setting environment variables.

Configure your server

Pass configuration options to the influxdb serve server using either command options or environment variables. Command options take precedence over environment variables.

Example influxdb3 serve command options
influxdb3 serve \
  --object-store file \
  --data-dir ~/.influxdb3 \
  --node-id my-host \
  --log-filter info \
  --max-http-request-size 20971520 \
Example environment variables
export INFLUXDB3_DB_DIR=~/.influxdb3
export LOG_FILTER=info
export AWS_ALLOW_HTTP=true

influxdb3 serve

Server configuration options



Specifies which object storage to use to store Parquet files. This option supports the following values:

  • memory (default)
  • memory-throttled
  • file
  • s3
  • google
  • azure
influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the location InfluxDB 3 Enterprise uses to store files locally.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the node identifier used as a prefix in all object store file paths. This should be unique for any hosts sharing the same object store configuration–for example, the same bucket.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the mode to start the server in.

This option supports the following values:

  • read
  • read_write (default)
  • compactor

Default: read_write

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the email address to associate with your InfluxDB 3 Enterprise license and automatically responds to the interactive email prompt when the server starts.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Limits the number of Parquet files a query can access. If a query attempts to read more than this limit, InfluxDB returns an error.

Default: 432

You can increase this limit to allow more files to be queried, but be aware of the following side-effects:

  • Degraded query performance for queries that read more Parquet files
  • Increased memory usage
  • Your system potentially killing the influxdb3 process due to Out-of-Memory (OOM) errors
  • If using object storage to store data, many GET requests to access the data (as many as 2 requests per file)
influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



When using Amazon S3 as the object store, set this to an access key that has permission to read from and write to the specified S3 bucket.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using Amazon S3 as the object store, set this to the secret access key that goes with the specified access key ID.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using Amazon S3 as the object store, set this to the region that goes with the specified bucket if different from the fallback value.

Default: us-east-1

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using an Amazon S3 compatibility storage service, set this to the endpoint.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using Amazon S3 as an object store, set this to the session token. This is handy when using a federated login or SSO and fetching credentials via the UI.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Allows unencrypted HTTP connections to AWS.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


If enabled, S3 object stores do not fetch credentials and do not sign requests.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

Google Cloud Service


When using Google Cloud Storage as the object store, set this to the path to the JSON file that contains the Google credentials.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

Microsoft Azure


When using Microsoft Azure as the object store, set this to the name you see when navigating to All Services > Storage accounts > [name].

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using Microsoft Azure as the object store, set this to one of the Key values in the Storage account’s Settings > Access keys.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

Object Storage


Sets the name of the object storage bucket to use. Must also set --object-store to a cloud object storage for this option to take effect.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When using a network-based object store, limits the number of connections to this value.

Default: 16

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Forces HTTP/2 connections to network-based object stores.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the maximum frame size (in bytes/octets) for HTTP/2 connections.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the maximum number of times to retry a request.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the maximum length of time from the initial request after which no further retries are be attempted.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the endpoint of an S3-compatible, HTTP/2-enabled object store cache.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Sets the filter directive for logs.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the destination for logs.

Default: stdout

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the message format for logs.

This option supports the following values:

  • full (default)

Default: full

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the size of the query log. Up to this many queries remain in the log before older queries are evicted to make room for new ones.

Default: 1000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Sets the type of tracing exporter.

Default: none

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the Jaeger agent network hostname for tracing.


influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the Jaeger agent network port for tracing.

Default: 6831

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the Jaeger service name for tracing.

Default: iox-conductor

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the header name used for passing trace context.

Default: uber-trace-id

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the header name used for force sampling in tracing.

Default: jaeger-debug-id

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines a set of key=value pairs to annotate tracing spans with.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the maximum number of messages sent to a Jaeger service per second.

Default: 1000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Sets the maximum number of DataFusion runtime threads to use.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the DataFusion tokio runtime type.

This option supports the following values:

  • current-thread
  • multi-thread (default)
  • multi-thread-alt

Default: multi-thread

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Disables the LIFO slot of the DataFusion runtime.

This option supports the following values:

  • true
  • false
influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the number of scheduler ticks after which the scheduler of the DataFusion tokio runtime polls for external events–for example: timers, I/O.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the number of scheduler ticks after which the scheduler of the DataFusion runtime polls the global task queue.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the limit for additional threads spawned by the DataFusion runtime.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Configures the maximum number of events processed per tick by the tokio DataFusion runtime.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets a custom timeout for a thread in the blocking pool of the tokio DataFusion runtime.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the thread priority for tokio DataFusion runtime workers.

Default: 10

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


When multiple parquet files are required in a sorted way (deduplication for example), specifies the maximum fanout.

Default: 1000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Uses a cached parquet loader when reading parquet files from the object store.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Provides custom configuration to DataFusion as a comma-separated list of key:value pairs.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Specifies the maximum size of HTTP requests.

Default: 10485760

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the address on which InfluxDB serves HTTP API requests.


influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the bearer token to be set for requests.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Specifies the size of the RAM cache used to store data, in bytes.

Default: 1073741824

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the size of the memory pool used during query execution, in bytes.

Default: 8589934592

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the size limit of the buffered data in MB. If this limit is exceeded, the server forces a snapshot.

Default: 5000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the threshold for the internal memory buffer. Supports either a percentage (portion of available memory)of or absolute value (total bytes)–for example: 70% or 100000.

Default: 70%

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

Write-Ahead Log (WAL)


Specifies the interval to flush buffered data to a WAL file. Writes that wait for WAL confirmation take up to this interval to complete.

Default: 1s

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the number of WAL files to attempt to remove in a snapshot. This, multiplied by the interval, determines how often snapshots are taken.

Default: 600

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the maximum number of write requests that can be buffered before a flush must be executed and succeed.

Default: 100000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the number of snapshotted WAL files to retain in the object store. Flushing the WAL files does not clear the WAL files immediately; they are deleted when the number of snapshotted WAL files exceeds this number.

Default: 300

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Specifies a comma-separated list of writer identifier prefixes (node-ids) to read WAL files from. [env: =]

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the interval at which each replica specified in the read-from-node-ids option is replicated.

Default: 250ms

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Specifies the prefix in the object store where all compacted data is written. Provide this option only if this server should handle compaction for its own write buffer and any replicas it manages.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines a comma-separated list of writer identifier prefixes from which data is compacted.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Indicates that the server should run compactions. Only a single server should run compactions for a given compactor-id. This option is only applicable if a compactor-id is set.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the soft limit for the number of rows per file that the compactor writes. The compactor may write more rows than this limit.

Default: 1000000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the maximum number of files included in any compaction plan.

Default: 500

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the duration of the first level of compaction (gen2). Later levels of compaction are multiples of this duration. This value should be equal to or greater than the gen1 duration.

Default: 20m

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies a comma-separated list of multiples defining the duration of each level of compaction. The number of elements in the list determines the number of compaction levels. The first element specifies the duration of the first level (gen3); subsequent levels are multiples of the previous level.

Default: 3,4,6,5

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the duration that Parquet files are arranged into. Data timestamps land each row into a file of this duration. Supported durations are 1m, 5m, and 10m. These files are known as “generation 1” files, which the compactor can merge into larger generations.

Default: 10m

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable



Specifies the interval to prefetch into the Parquet cache during compaction.

Default: 3d

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Defines the size of the in-memory Parquet cache in megabytes (MB).

Default: 1000

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the percentage of entries to prune during a prune operation on the in-memory Parquet cache.

Default: 0.1

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Sets the interval to check if the in-memory Parquet cache needs to be pruned.

Default: 1s

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Disables the in-memory Parquet cache. By default, the cache is enabled.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the duration to check if Parquet files pulled in query path require caching, expressed as a human-readable duration (starting from now)–for example: 5h, 3d.

Default: 5h

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the interval to evict expired entries from the Last-N-Value cache, expressed as a human-readable duration–for example: 20s, 1m, 1h.

Default: 10s

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the interval to evict expired entries from the distinct value cache, expressed as a human-readable duration–for example: 20s, 1m, 1h.

Default: 10s

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

Processing engine


Specifies the local directory that contains Python plugins and their test files.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the location of the Python virtual environment that the processing engine uses.

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable


Specifies the Python package manager that the processing engine uses.

Default: 10s

influxdb3 serve optionEnvironment variable

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InfluxDB 3 Open Source Now in Public Alpha

InfluxDB 3 Open Source is now available for alpha testing, licensed under MIT or Apache 2 licensing.

We are releasing two products as part of the alpha.

InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. It is a recent-data engine for time series and event data. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security.

For more information on how to get started, check out: