Miscellaneous SQL functions
The InfluxDB Clustered SQL implementation supports the following miscellaneous functions for performing a variety of operations:
Casts a value to a specific Arrow data type.
arrow_cast(expression, datatype)
- expression: Expression to cast. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic or string operators.
- datatype: Arrow data type to cast to.
Returns the underlying Arrow data type of the expression:
- expression: Expression to evaluate. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic or string operators.
Fills null values in a specified aggregated column by interpolating values
from existing values.
Must be used with date_bin_gapfill
- aggregate_expression: Aggregate operation on a specified expression. The operation can use any aggregate function. The expression can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators supported by the aggregate function.
Related functions
Fills null values in a specified aggregated column by carrying the last observed
value forward.
Must be used with date_bin_gapfill
LOCF is an initialism of “last observation carried forward.”
- aggregate_expression: Aggregate operation on a specified expression. The operation can use any aggregate function. The expression can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators supported by the aggregate function.
Related functions
Returns the version of DataFusion.
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