Configure your InfluxDB cluster
InfluxDB Clustered deployments are managed using Kubernetes and configured using
a YAML configuration file.
Apply configuration settings to your cluster by editing and applying a
Kubernetes custom resource (CRD) called AppInstance
The AppInstance CRD is defined in a YAML file (use the example-customer.yml
provided by InfluxData as a template).
We recommend editing the AppInstance
resource directly as the primary method
for configuring and managing your InfluxDB cluster.
After you have edited your AppInstance
, use the kubit
CLI or kubectl
deployment tool, depending on your requirements.
If you are required to use
Helm, there is an InfluxDB Clustered Helm chart available
that acts as a wrapper for the AppInstance
resource and lets you use Helm to
manage configuration changes in your InfluxDB cluster.
Configure your InfluxDB AppInstance resource directly
Configure your InfluxDB cluster by editing configuration options in the provided AppInstance
Configure your InfluxDB cluster using Helm
Use Helm to configure and deploy your InfluxDB Clustered AppInstance
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Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB Clustered and this documentation. To find support, use the following resources:
Customers with an annual or support contract can contact InfluxData Support.