Administer InfluxDB Clustered
The following articles provide information about managing your InfluxDB Clustered resources:
Manage your InfluxDB Clustered license
Install and manage your InfluxDB Clustered license to authorize the use of the InfluxDB Clustered software.
Manage users in your InfluxDB cluster
Manage users with administrative access to your InfluxDB cluster through your identity provider and your InfluxDB AppInstance
Manage databases
Manage databases in your InfluxDB cluster. A database is a named location where time series data is stored. Each InfluxDB database has a retention period, which defines the maximum age of data stored in the database.
Manage tables
Manage tables in your InfluxDB cluster. A table is a collection of related data stored in table format. In previous versions of InfluxDB, tables were known as “measurements.”
Manage tokens
Manage database tokens in your InfluxDB cluster. Database tokens grant read and write permissions to one or more databases and allow for actions like writing and querying data.
Manage data partitioning
Customize your partitioning strategy to optimize query performance for your specific schema and workload.
Back up and restore your cluster
Use InfluxDB Clustered Catalog snapshots to keep necessary data in object storage and restore to a recovery point in case of emergency.
Query system data
Query system tables in your InfluxDB cluster to see data related to queries, tables, partitions, and compaction in your cluster.
Upgrade InfluxDB Clustered
Use Kubernetes to upgrade your InfluxDB Clustered version.
Scale your InfluxDB cluster
InfluxDB Clustered lets you scale individual components of your cluster both vertically and horizontally to match your specific workload.
Manage environment variables in your InfluxDB Cluster
Use environment variables to define settings for individual components in your InfluxDB cluster.
Bypass your identity provider
InfluxDB clustered generates a valid access token (known as the admin token) that can be used in development and testing environments in lieu of configuring and using an OAuth2 identity provider.
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Customers with an annual or support contract can contact InfluxData Support.