
Configure your InfluxDB cluster using Helm

Manage your InfluxDB Clustered deployments using Kubernetes and apply configuration settings using a YAML configuration file. The InfluxDB Clustered Helm chart provides an alternative method for deploying your InfluxDB cluster using Helm. It acts as a wrapper for the InfluxDB AppInstance resource. When using Helm, apply configuration options in a a values.yaml on your local machine.

InfluxData provides the following items:

  • influxdb-docker-config.json: an authenticated Docker configuration file. The InfluxDB Clustered software is in a secure container registry. This file grants access to the collection of container images required to install InfluxDB Clustered.

Configuration data

When ready to configure your InfluxDB cluster, have the following information available:

  • InfluxDB cluster hostname: the hostname Kubernetes uses to expose InfluxDB API endpoints
  • PostgreSQL-style data source name (DSN): used to access your PostgreSQL-compatible database that stores the InfluxDB Catalog.
  • Object store credentials (AWS S3 or S3-compatible)
    • Endpoint URL
    • Access key
    • Bucket name
    • Region (required for S3, may not be required for other object stores)
  • Local storage information (for ingester pods)
    • Storage class
    • Storage size

InfluxDB is deployed to a Kubernetes namespace which, throughout the following installation procedure, is referred to as the target namespace. For simplicity, we assume this namespace is influxdb, however you may use any name you like.

Set namespaceOverride if using a namespace other than influxdb

If you use a namespace name other than influxdb, update the namespaceOverride field in your values.yaml to use your custom namespace name.

AppInstance resource

The InfluxDB installation, update, and upgrade processes are driven by editing and applying a Kubernetes custom resource (CRD) called AppInstance. The AppInstance CRD is included in the InfluxDB Clustered Helm chart and can be configured by applying custom settings in the values.yaml included in the chart.

The AppInstance resource contains key information, such as:

  • Name of the target namespace
  • Version of the InfluxDB package
  • Reference to the InfluxDB container registry pull secrets
  • Hostname where the InfluxDB API is exposed
  • Parameters to connect to external prerequisites

kubecfg kubit operator

The InfluxDB Clustered Helm chart also includes the kubecfg kubit operator (maintained by InfluxData) which simplifies the installation and management of the InfluxDB Clustered package. It manages the application of the jsonnet templates used to install, manage, and update an InfluxDB cluster.

If you already installed the kubecfg kubit operator separately when setting up prerequisites for your cluster, in your values.yaml, set skipOperator to true.

skipOperator: true

Configure your cluster

  1. Install Helm
  2. Create a values.yaml file
  3. Configure access to the InfluxDB container registry
  4. Modify the configuration file to point to prerequisites

Install Helm

If you haven’t already, install Helm on your local machine.

Create a values.yaml file

Download or copy the base values.yaml for the InfluxDB Clustered Helm chart from GitHub and store it locally. For example–if using cURL:

curl -O

Or you can copy the default values.yaml from GitHub:

View values.yaml on GitHub

Configure access to the InfluxDB container registry

The provided influxdb-docker-config.json grants access to a collection of container images required to run InfluxDB Clustered. Your Kubernetes Cluster needs access to the container registry to pull down and install InfluxDB.

When pulling images, there are two main scenarios:

  • You have a Kubernetes cluster that can pull from the InfluxData container registry.
  • You run in an environment with no network interfaces (“air-gapped”) and you can only access a private container registry.

In both scenarios, you need a valid container registry secret file. Use crane to create a container registry secret file.

  1. Install crane
  2. Use the following command to create a container registry secret file and retrieve the necessary secrets:
mkdir /tmp/influxdbsecret
cp influxdb-docker-config.json /tmp/influxdbsecret/config.json
DOCKER_CONFIG=/tmp/influxdbsecret \
  crane manifest \

Replace PACKAGE_VERSION with your InfluxDB Clustered package version.

If your Docker configuration is valid and you’re able to connect to the container registry, the command succeeds and the output is the JSON manifest for the Docker image, similar to the following:

View JSON manifest

If there’s a problem with the Docker configuration, crane won’t retrieve the manifest and the output is similar to the following error:

Error: fetching manifest<package-version>: GET DENIED: Permission "artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts" denied on resource "projects/influxdb2-artifacts/locations/us/repositories/clustered" (or it may not exist)

Public registry (non-air-gapped)

To pull from the InfluxData registry, you need to create a Kubernetes secret in the target namespace.

kubectl create secret docker-registry gar-docker-secret \
  --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=influxdb-docker-config.json \
  --namespace influxdb

If successful, the output is the following:

secret/gar-docker-secret created

By default, this secret is named gar-docker-secret. If you change the name of this secret, you must also change the value of the field in your values.yaml.

Private registry (air-gapped)

If your Kubernetes cluster can’t use a public network to download container images from our container registry, do the following:

  1. Copy the images from the InfluxDB registry to your own private registry.
  2. Configure your AppInstance resource with a reference to your private registry name.
  3. Provide credentials to your private registry.

The list of images that you need to copy is included in the package metadata. You can obtain it with any standard OCI image inspection tool. For example:

DOCKER_CONFIG=/tmp/influxdbsecret \
crane config \
| jq -r '.metadata["oci.image.list"].images[]' \ > /tmp/images.txt

The output is a list of image names, similar to the following:

Use crane to copy the images to your private registry:

</tmp/images.txt xargs -I% crane cp % 

Replace REGISTRY_HOSTNAME with the hostname of your private registry–for example:

Set the images.registryOverride field in your values.yaml to the location of your private registry–for example:


Modify the configuration file to point to prerequisites

Update your values.yaml file with credentials necessary to connect your cluster to your prerequisites.

Configure ingress

To configure ingress, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

  • ingress.hosts: Cluster hostnames

    Provide the hostnames that Kubernetes should use to expose the InfluxDB API endpoints–for example:

    You can provide multiple hostnames. The ingress layer accepts incoming requests for all listed hostnames. This can be useful if you want to have distinct paths for your internal and external traffic.

    You are responsible for configuring and managing DNS. Options include:

    • Manually managing DNS records
    • Using external-dns to synchronize exposed Kubernetes services and ingresses with DNS providers.
  • ingress.tlsSecretName: TLS certificate secret name

    (Optional): Provide the name of the secret that contains your TLS certificate and key. The examples in this guide use the name ingress-tls.

    The tlsSecretName field is optional. You may want to use it if you already have a TLS certificate for your DNS name.

    Writing to and querying data from InfluxDB does not require TLS. For simplicity, you can wait to enable TLS before moving into production. For more information, see Phase 4 of the InfluxDB Clustered installation process, Secure your cluster.

  tlsSecretName: ingress-tls

Configure the object store

To connect your InfluxDB cluster to your object store, provide the required credentials in your values.yaml. The credentials required depend on your object storage provider.

If using Amazon S3 or an S3-compatible object store, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

  • objectStore
    • bucket: Object storage bucket name
    • s3:
      • endpoint: Object storage endpoint URL
      • allowHttp: Set to true to allow unencrypted HTTP connections
      • accessKey.value: Object storage access key (can use a value literal or valueFrom to retrieve the value from a secret)
      • secretKey.value: Object storage secret key (can use a value literal or valueFrom to retrieve the value from a secret)
      • region: Object storage region
    # Bucket that the Parquet files will be stored in
s3: # URL for S3 Compatible object store endpoint:
# Set to true to allow communication over HTTP (instead of HTTPS) allowHttp: 'true' # S3 Access Key # This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef: accessKey: value:
# S3 Secret Key # This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef: secretKey: value:
# This value is required for AWS S3, it may or may not be required for other providers. region:

Replace the following:

  • S3_BUCKET_NAME: Object storage bucket name
  • S3_URL: Object storage endpoint URL
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY: Object storage access key
  • S3_SECRET_KEY: Object storage secret key
  • S3_REGION: Object storage region

If using Azure Blob Storage as your object store, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

  • objectStore
    • bucket: Azure Blob Storage bucket name
    • azure:
      • accessKey.value: Azure Blob Storage access key (can use a value literal or valueFrom to retrieve the value from a secret)
      • account.value: Azure Blob Storage account ID (can use a value literal or valueFrom to retrieve the value from a secret)
    # Bucket that the Parquet files will be stored in
azure: # Azure Blob Storage Access Key # This can also be provided as a valueFrom: accessKey: value:
# Azure Blob Storage Account # This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef: account: value:

Replace the following:

  • AZURE_BUCKET_NAME: Object storage bucket name
  • AZURE_ACCESS_KEY: Azure Blob Storage access key
  • AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: Azure Blob Storage account ID

If using Google Cloud Storage as your object store, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

  • objectStore
    • bucket: Google Cloud Storage bucket name
    • google:
      • the Kubernetes Secret name that contains your Google IAM service account credentials
      • serviceAccountSecret.key: the key inside of your Google IAM secret that contains your Google IAM account credentials
    # Bucket that the Parquet files will be stored in
google: # This section is not needed if you are using GKE Workload Identity. # It is only required to use explicit service account secrets (JSON files) serviceAccountSecret: # Kubernetes Secret name containing the credentials for a Google IAM # Service Account. name:
# The key within the Secret containing the credentials. key:

Replace the following:

  • GOOGLE_BUCKET_NAME: Google Cloud Storage bucket name
  • GOOGLE_IAM_SECRET: the Kubernetes Secret name that contains your Google IAM service account credentials
  • GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_KEY: the key inside of your Google IAM secret that contains your Google IAM account credentials

Configure the catalog database

The InfluxDB catalog is a PostgreSQL-compatible relational database that stores metadata about your time series data. To connect your InfluxDB cluster to your PostgreSQL-compatible database, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

We recommend storing sensitive credentials, such as your PostgreSQL-compatible DSN, as secrets in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • catalog.dsn
    • SecretName: Secret name
    • SecretKey: Key in the secret that contains the DSN
  # Secret name and key within the secret containing the dsn string to connect
  # to the catalog
    # Kubernetes Secret name containing the dsn for the catalog.
# The key within the Secret containing the dsn. SecretKey:

Replace the following:

  • SECRET_NAME: Name of the secret containing your PostgreSQL-compatible DSN
  • SECRET_KEY: Key in the secret that references your PostgreSQL-compatible DSN

Percent-encode special symbols in PostgreSQL DSNs

Special symbols in PostgreSQL DSNs should be percent-encoded to ensure they are parsed correctly by InfluxDB Clustered. This is important to consider when using DSNs containing auto-generated passwords which may include special symbols to make passwords more secure.

A DSN with special characters that are not percent-encoded result in an error similar to:

Catalog DSN error: A catalog error occurred: unhandled external error: error with configuration: invalid port number

View percent-encoded DSN example

For more information, see the PostgreSQL Connection URI docs.

PostgreSQL instances without TLS or SSL

If your PostgreSQL-compatible instance runs without TLS or SSL, you must include the sslmode=disable parameter in the DSN. For example:


Configure local storage for ingesters

InfluxDB ingesters require local storage to store the Write Ahead Log (WAL) for incoming data. To connect your InfluxDB cluster to local storage, provide values for the following fields in your values.yaml:

  • ingesterStorage
    • storageClassName: Kubernetes storage class. This differs based on the Kubernetes environment and desired storage characteristics.
    • storage: Storage size. We recommend a minimum of 2 gibibytes (2Gi).
  # (Optional) Set the storage class. This will differ based on the K8s
  # environment and desired storage characteristics.
  # If not set, the default storage class will be used.
# Set the storage size (minimum 2Gi recommended) storage:

Replace the following:

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

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InfluxDB v3 enhancements and InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available

New capabilities, including faster query performance and management tooling advance the InfluxDB v3 product line. InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available.

InfluxDB v3 performance and features

The InfluxDB v3 product line has seen significant enhancements in query performance and has made new management tooling available. These enhancements include an operational dashboard to monitor the health of your InfluxDB cluster, single sign-on (SSO) support in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, and new management APIs for tokens and databases.

Learn about the new v3 enhancements

InfluxDB Clustered general availability

InfluxDB Clustered is now generally available and gives you the power of InfluxDB v3 in your self-managed stack.

Talk to us about InfluxDB Clustered