
Partition templates

Use partition templates to define the patterns used to generate partition keys. A partition key uniquely identifies a partition and is used to name the partition Parquet file in the Object store.

A partition template consists of 1-8 template parts—dimensions to partition data by. Three types of template parts exist:

  • tag: An InfluxDB tag to partition by.
  • tag bucket: An InfluxDB tag and number of “buckets” to group tag values into. Data is partitioned by the tag bucket rather than each distinct tag value.
  • * Required time: A Rust strftime date and time string that specifies the time interval to partition data by. The smallest unit of time included in the time part template is the interval used to partition data.

A partition template must include 1 time part and can include up to 7 total tag and tag bucket parts.


Template part size limit

Each template part is limited to 200 bytes in length. Anything longer will be truncated at 200 bytes and appended with #.

Partition key size limit

With the truncation of template parts, the maximum length of a partition key is 1,607 bytes (1.57 KiB).

Reserved keywords

The following reserved keywords cannot be used in partition templates:

  • time

Reserved Characters

If used in template parts, non-ASCII characters and the following reserved characters must be percent encoded:

  • |: Partition key part delimiter
  • !: Null or missing partition key part
  • ^: Empty string partition key part
  • #: Key part truncation marker
  • %: Required for unambiguous reversal of percent encoding

Tag part templates

Tag part templates consist of a tag key to partition by. Generated partition keys include the unique tag value specific to each partition.

A partition template may include a given tag key only once in template parts that operate on tags (tag value and tag bucket)–for example:

If a template partitions on unique values of tag_A, then you can’t use tag_A as a tag bucket part.

Tag bucket part templates

Tag bucket part templates consist of a tag key to partition by and the number of “buckets” to partition tag values into–for example:


Values of the customerID tag are bucketed into 500 distinct “buckets.” Each bucket is identified by the remainder of the tag value hashed into a 32bit integer divided by the specified number of buckets:

hash(tagValue) % N

Generated partition keys include the unique tag bucket identifier specific to each partition.

Supported number of tag buckets: 1-1,000

Tag buckets should be used to partition by high cardinality tags or tags with an unknown number of distinct values.

A partition template may include a given tag key only once in template parts that operate on tags (tag value and tag bucket)–for example:

If a template partitions on unique values of tag_A, then you can’t use tag_A as a tag bucket part.

Time part templates

Time part templates use a limited subset of the Rust strftime date and time formatting syntax to specify time format in partition keys. InfluxDB uses the smallest unit of time included in the time part template as the partition interval.

Date specifiers

%Y2001The full proleptic Gregorian year, zero-padded to 4 digits. chrono supports years from -262144 to 262143. Note: years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, require an initial sign (+/-).
%m07Month number (01–12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%d08Day number (01–31), zero-padded to 2 digits.

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