
InfluxQL aggregate functions

Use aggregate functions to assess, aggregate, and return values in your data. Aggregate functions return one row containing the aggregate values from each InfluxQL group.

Examples use the sample data set provided in the Get started with InfluxDB tutorial.

Missing InfluxQL functions

Some InfluxQL functions are in the process of being rearchitected to work with the InfluxDB 3.0 storage engine. If a function you need is not here, check the InfluxQL feature support page for more information.


Returns the number of non-null field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports all field data types.


Count the number of non-null values in a field

Count the number of non-null values in each field

Count the number of non-null values in fields where the field key matches a regular expression

Count distinct values for a field

Count the number of non-null field values within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the list of unique field values.



  • field_key: Field key to return distinct values from. Supports all field types.

Notable behaviors

  • InfluxQL supports nesting DISTINCT() with COUNT().


List the distinct field values


Returns the arithmetic mean (average) of field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports numeric fields.


Calculate the mean value of a field

Calculate the mean value of each field

Calculate the mean value of fields where the field key matches a regular expression

Calculate the mean value of a field within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the middle value from a sorted list of field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports numeric fields.

Notable behaviors

  • MEDIAN() is nearly equivalent to PERCENTILE(field_key, 50), except MEDIAN() returns the average of the two middle field values if the field contains an even number of values.


Calculate the median value of a field

Calculate the median value of each field

Calculate the median value of fields where the field key matches a regular expression

Calculate the median value of a field within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the most frequent value in a list of field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports all field types.

Notable behaviors

  • MODE() returns the field value with the earliest timestamp if there’s a tie between two or more values for the maximum number of occurrences.


Calculate the mode value of a field

Calculate the mode value of each field

Calculate the mode of field keys that match a regular expression

Calculate the mode a field within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the difference between the minimum and maximum field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports numeric fields.


Calculate the spread of a field

Calculate the spread of each field

Calculate the spread of field keys that match a regular expression

Calculate the spread of a field within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the standard deviation of field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports numeric fields.


Calculate the standard deviation of a field

Calculate the standard deviation of each field

Calculate the standard deviation of fields where the field key matches a regular expression

Calculate the standard deviation of a field within time windows (grouped by time)


Returns the sum of field values.



  • field_expression: Expression to identify one or more fields to operate on. Can be a field key, constant, regular expression, or wildcard (*). Supports numeric fields.


Calculate the sum of values in a field

Calculate the sum of values in each field

Calculate the sum of values for fields where the field key matches a regular expression

Calculate the sum of values in a field within time windows (grouped by time)

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