
Understand and troubleshoot Flight responses

Learn how to handle responses and troubleshoot errors encountered when querying InfluxDB Cloud Serverless with Flight+gRPC and Arrow Flight clients.

InfluxDB Flight responses

InfluxDB Cloud Serverless provides an InfluxDB-specific Arrow Flight remote procedure calls (RPC) and Flight SQL service that uses gRPC, a high performance RPC framework, to transport data in Arrow format. Flight defines a set of RPC methods that servers and clients can use to exchange information. Flight SQL uses Flight RPC and defines additional methods to query database metadata, execute queries, and manipulate prepared statements. To learn more about Flight SQL, see Introducing Apache Arrow Flight SQL: Accelerating Database Access.

To query data or retrieve information about data stored in InfluxDB Cloud Serverless, use a Flight client to send a call to an InfluxDB Flight RPC or Flight SQL service method. For example, if you use the influxdb3-python Python client library and call the InfluxDBClient3.query() method, the client in turn calls the pyarrow.flight.FlightClient.do_get() method and passes a Flight ticket containing your credentials and query to InfluxDB’s Flight DoGet(FlightCallOptions, Ticket) method.

InfluxDB responds with one of the following:

  • A stream in Arrow IPC streaming format
  • An error status code and an optional details field that contains the status and a message that describes the error


InfluxDB provides Flight RPC methods and implements server-side streaming for clients to retrieve and download data. In a gRPC server-side streaming scenario, a client sends an RPC call in a request to a server. Because the server can return a stream of multiple responses to the client, the client request contains an identifier that the client and server use to keep track of the request and associated responses. As the server sends responses, they are associated with the corresponding stream on the client side.

An Arrow Flight service, such as InfluxDB, sends a stream in Arrow IPC streaming format that defines the structure of the stream and each response, or message, in the stream.

Flight client libraries, such as pyarrow.flight and the Go Arrow Flight package, implement an Arrow interface for retrieving the data, schema, and metadata from the stream.

After InfluxDB Cloud Serverless successfully processes a query, it sends a stream that contains the following:

  1. A Schema that applies to all record batches in the stream
  2. RecordBatch messages with query result data
  3. The request status (OK)
  4. Optional: trailing metadata


An InfluxDB Flight response stream contains a Flight schema that describes the data type and InfluxDB data element type (timestamp, tag, or field) for columns in the data set. All data chunks, or record batches, in the same stream have the same schema. Data transformation tools can use the schema when converting Arrow data to other formats and back to Arrow.


Given the following query:

SELECT co, delete, hum, room, temp, time
  FROM home
  WHERE time >= now() - INTERVAL '90 days'
  ORDER BY time

The Python client library outputs the following schema representation:

  co: int64
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::field::integer'
  delete: string
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::tag'
  hum: double
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::field::float'
  room: string
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::tag'
  temp: double
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::field::float'
  time: timestamp[ns] not null
    -- field metadata --
    iox::column::type: 'iox::column_type::timestamp'

Using PyArrow, you can access the schema through the FlightStreamReader.schema attribute. See InfluxDBClient3.query() examples for retrieving the schema.


RecordBatch messages in the InfluxDB Cloud Serverless response stream contain query result data in Arrow format. When the Flight client receives a stream, it reads each record batch from the stream until there are no more messages to read. The client considers the request complete when it has received all the messages.

Flight clients and InfluxDB v3 client libraries provide methods for reading record batches, or “data chunks,” from a stream. The InfluxDB v3 Python client library uses the pyarrow.flight.FlightStreamReader class and provides the following reader methods:

  • all: Read all record batches into a pyarrow.Table.
  • pandas: Read all record batches into a pandas.DataFrame.
  • chunk: Read the next batch and metadata, if available.
  • reader: Convert the FlightStreamReader instance into a RecordBatchReader.

Flight clients implement Flight interfaces, however client library classes, methods, and implementations may differ for each language and library.

InfluxDB status and error codes

In gRPC, every call returns a status object that contains an integer code and a string message. During a request, the gRPC client and server may each return a status–for example:

  • The server fails to process the query; responds with status internal error and gRPC status 13.
  • The request is missing a token; the server responds with status unauthenticated and gRPC status 16.
  • The server responds with a stream, but the client loses the connection due to a network failure and returns status unavailable.

gRPC defines the integer status codes and definitions for servers and clients and Arrow Flight defines a FlightStatusDetail class and the error codes that a Flight RPC service may implement.

While Flight defines the status codes available for servers, a server can choose which status to return for an RPC call. In error responses, the status details field contains an error code that clients can use to determine if the error should be displayed to users (for example, if the client should retry the request).

View InfluxDB, Flight, and gRPC status codes

Troubleshoot errors

Internal Error: Received RST_STREAM


Flight returned internal error, with message: Received RST_STREAM with error code 2. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:"Received RST_STREAM with error code 2"}

Potential reasons:

  • The connection to the server was reset unexpectedly.
  • Network issues between the client and server.
  • Server might have closed the connection due to an internal error.
  • The client exceeded the server’s maximum number of concurrent streams.

Internal Error: stream terminated by RST_STREAM with NO_ERROR


pyarrow._flight.FlightInternalError: Flight returned internal error, with message: stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: NO_ERROR. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {created_time:"2023-07-26T14:12:44.992317+02:00", grpc_status:13, grpc_message:"stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: NO_ERROR"}. Client context: OK

Potential reasons:

  • The server terminated the stream, but there wasn’t any specific error associated with it.
  • Possible network disruption, even if it’s temporary.
  • The server might have reached its maximum capacity or other internal limits.

Invalid Argument Error: bucket <BUCKET_ID> not found


ArrowInvalid: Flight returned invalid argument error, with message: bucket "otel5" not found. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:"bucket \"otel5\" not found", grpc_status:3, created_time:"2023-08-09T16:37:30.093946+01:00"}. Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data message. Detail: Internal

Potential reasons:

  • The specified bucket doesn’t exist.

Invalid Argument: Invalid ticket


pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: Flight returned invalid argument error, with message: Invalid ticket. Error: Invalid ticket. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {created_time:"2023-08-31T17:56:42.909129-05:00", grpc_status:3, grpc_message:"Invalid ticket. Error: Invalid ticket"}. Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data message. Detail: Internal

Potential reasons:

  • The request is missing the bucket name or some other required metadata value.
  • The request contains bad query syntax.

Unauthenticated: Unauthenticated


Flight returned unauthenticated error, with message: unauthenticated. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:"unauthenticated", grpc_status:16, created_time:"2023-08-28T15:38:33.380633-05:00"}. Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data message. Detail: Internal

Potential reason:

  • Token is missing from the request.
  • The specified token doesn’t exist for the specified organization.

Unauthorized: Permission denied


Flight returned unauthenticated error, with message: read:orgs/28d1f2f565460a6c/buckets/756fa4f8c8ba6913 is unauthorized. gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:"read:orgs/28d1f2f565460a6c/buckets/756fa4f8c8ba6913 is unauthorized", grpc_status:16, created_time:"2023-08-28T15:42:04.462655-05:00"}. Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data message. Detail: Internal

Potential reason:

  • The specified token doesn’t have read permission for the specified bucket.

FlightUnavailableError: Could not get default pem root certs


If unable to locate a root certificate for gRPC+TLS, the Flight client returns errors similar to the following:

UNKNOWN:Failed to load file... filename:"/usr/share/grpc/roots.pem",
  children:[UNKNOWN:No such file or directory
Could not get default pem root certs...

pyarrow._flight.FlightUnavailableError: Flight returned unavailable error,
  with message: empty address list: . gRPC client debug context:
  UNKNOWN:empty address list

Potential reason:

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