
Manage InfluxDB Cloud Serverless billing

Learn how to upgrade your plan, access billing details, and review and resolve plan limit overages:

Upgrade to Usage-Based Plan

  1. Click Upgrade Now in the upper right corner of the InfluxDB Cloud user interface (UI).
  2. Set your limits (opt to receive an email when your usage exceeds the amount you enter in the Limit ($1 minimum) field). All service updates, security notifications, and other important information are sent to the email address you provide.
  3. Enter your payment information and billing address, and then click Upgrade. A “Ready To Rock” confirmation appears; click Start building your team. Your plan will be upgraded and InfluxDB Cloud Serverless opens with a default organization and bucket (both created from your email address).

Access billing details

  1. In the top navigation menu, click the drop-down menu with the same of your account.

  2. Click Billing.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. View information about:

Add or update your payment method

  • On the Billing page:
    • To update your card, click the Change Payment button on the Billing page.
    • In the Payment Method section:
      • Enter your cardholder name and number
      • Select your expiration month and year
      • Enter your CVV code and select your card type

Add or update your contact information

  1. On the Billing page:
    • To update, click the Edit Information button.
    • In the Contact Information section, enter your name, company, and address.
  2. Click Save Contact Info.

Send notifications when usage exceeds an amount

  1. On the Billing page, click Notification Settings.
  2. Select the Send email notification toggle, and then enter the email address to notify.
  3. Enter the dollar amount to trigger a notification email. By default, an email is triggered when the amount exceeds $10. (Whole dollar amounts only. For example, $10.50 is not a supported amount.)

View Usage-based Plan information

On the Billing page, view your billing information, including:

  • Account balance
  • Last billing update (updated hourly)
  • Past invoices
  • Payment method
  • Contact information
  • Notification settings

View Free Plan information

On the Billing page, view the total limits available for the Free Plan.

Review and resolve plan limit overages

If you exceed your plan’s adjustable quotas or limits, you’ll receive a notification in the InfluxDB Cloud user interface (UI) Usage page.

If using the Free plan, upgrade to a Usage-based Plan to raise your organization’s rate limits.

Write and query limits (HTTP response code)

When a request exceeds your plan’s write requests (Data In) or query requests (Reads) within a five minute window, the InfluxDB API returns the following response:

HTTP 429 “Too Many Requests”
Retry-After: xxx (seconds to wait before retrying the request)

Billing cycle

Billing occurs on the first day of the month for the previous month. For example, if you start the Usage-based Plan on September 15, you’re billed on October 1 for your usage from September 15-30.

Declined or late payments

Initial declined paymentWe’ll retry charge every 72 hours. During this period, update your payment method to successfully process your payment.
One week laterAccount disabled except data writes. Update your payment method to successfully process your payment and enable your account.
10-14 days laterAccount completely disabled. During this period, you must contact InfluxData Support to process your payment and enable your account.
21 days laterAccount suspended. Contact InfluxData Support to settle your final bill and discuss options for resuming service

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InfluxDB Cloud Serverless