
Retrieve system information for a query

Learn how to retrieve system information for a query in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated.

In addition to the SQL standard information_schema, InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated contains system tables that provide access to InfluxDB-specific information. The information in each system table is scoped to the namespace you’re querying; you can only retrieve system information for that particular instance.

To get information about queries you’ve run on the current instance, use SQL to query the system.queries table, which contains information from the Querier instance currently handling queries. If you enabled trace logging for the query, the trace-id appears in the system.queries.trace_id column for the query.

The system.queries table is an InfluxDB v3 debug feature. To enable the feature and query system.queries, include an "iox-debug" header set to "true" and use SQL to query the table.

The following sample code shows how to use the Python client library to do the following:

  1. Enable tracing for a query.
  2. Retrieve the trace ID record from system.queries.
from influxdb_client_3 import InfluxDBClient3
import secrets
import pandas

def get_query_information():
  print('# Get query information')

  client = InfluxDBClient3(token = f"
host = f"", database = f"
random_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(16) trace_id = random_bytes.hex() trace_value = (f"{trace_id}:1112223334445:0:1").encode('utf-8') sql = "SELECT * FROM home WHERE time >= now() - INTERVAL '30 days'" try: client.query(sql, headers=[(b'influx-trace-id', trace_value)]) client.close() except Exception as e: print("Query error: ", e) client = InfluxDBClient3(token = f"
host = f"", database = f"
import time df = pandas.DataFrame() for i in range(0, 5): time.sleep(1) # Use SQL # To query the system.queries table for your trace ID, pass the following: # - the iox-debug: true request header # - an SQL query for the trace_id column reader = client.query(f'''SELECT compute_duration, query_type, query_text, success, trace_id FROM system.queries WHERE issue_time >= now() - INTERVAL '1 day' AND trace_id = '{trace_id}' ORDER BY issue_time DESC ''', headers=[(b"iox-debug", b"true")], mode="reader") df = reader.read_all().to_pandas() if df.shape[0]: break assert df.shape == (1, 5), f"Expect a row for the query trace ID." print(df) get_query_information()

The output is similar to the following:

compute_duration query_type                        query_text  success  trace_id
          0 days        sql  SELECT compute_duration, quer...     True  67338...

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